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AAR Timskorn (Allies) vs. Rambo (Axis)

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May '42: All quiet on the eastern front except for Leningrad which has fallen. Rockets in France persist against London but mostly just a bunch of howling noise flying overhead.

Germans knock out Vichy defenders but don't take the city. Cruisers skirmish against Italian Navy near boot of Italy. Mussolini must be getting nervous, "Ehh...spare some change, Adolf?"

US bombers work on Denmark's port seeking another way to shut down the convoys. Algeria and German Corp. there continue getting hammered by the USN's big guns, softening it up for easy pickings.

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June 42: Russian partisans reveal Axis positions around Leningrad. Looks like they may be gearing up to take Finland back. Vichy falls, Brits do lose a cruiser in Med. but Tunisia will fall next turn and Algeria is next. USN's strong presence in the Med. will keep the Italian Navy honest.

US Fighter arrives in England, giving air cover to the Londoners. In their first sortie against the Luftwaffe they manage to ding them up a bit. Spring has arrived and with it, the promise of lots of tasty action.

Franco continues to see the logic in the Allies' reasoning to side with them.

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July 1943 ---

-Yes indeed, air assault on Helsinki begins. Both Italian & LF air units fly over the capital. Naval ships bombard, just a matter of time, probably next turn they die out.

-Surprise DOW on Spain. They are going to join Allies eventually on Diplomatic relations, might as well go for it will I have Von Rundsteadts troops available. Double paratroops also thrown into the invasion.

-Rockets decorate crews this turn.

-Rest of Russia, quite, cat & mouse going on.

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Russians decide to test the waters in the east now that a good chunk of Axis units are hitting Spain. His pesky German engineer unit almost bites the dust.

Tunisia liberated by the British. USN moves in to support the Spanish. US troops finally reach Algiers and engage the Germans. A US Corp. lands in Valencia to help defend against the Axis hordes flooding into Spain.

British RN gets brave and sails north of Denmark, sinking a U-boat. US Navy is brought over from the Pacific and is a much needed addition to ensure naval dominance.

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Rockets deliver there first kill to AH, a long blasting of American fighter. We send LF out first to cause intercept, thus locking in on the position...all 4 rockets score hits on the fighter, last one for the kill smile.gif

Northern Spainish city taken, not much they can do to stop my experience power units attacking in the summer. Probably take me 2 turns to take Madrid.

In Russia, he used a fighter to spot or something, it landed two spots away from the mines which I had covered with Army & Corp. Russian fighter destroyed. We kill a ground unit scout corp, an army, and heavily damage another North of Moscow.

Helsinki defender killed, we will free the Finns next turn.

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August 42: The Summer of Love keeps rolling in Russia. NE of Moscow a Germany Army unit is destroyed and the Red horde surrounds and cuts off a lone Corp. unit to obliterate next turn. SE of Moscow, Reds take their losses and can only hit an open panzer unit with our fighter.

British are regrouping after the long drive in Africa. Algeria will fall next turn and US troops are being sent to help the Spaniards. Franco acquiesces to foreign troops occuppying their capital.

In Norway, British troops make a mediocre landing near Bergen to begin operations there. The Kriegsmarine is off bombarding ports in Russia so the RN is currently free to roam, and they completely obliterate Oslo's port, crippling any attempts at sea-based reinforcement of the country.

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North Africa is now completely liberated from Axis occupiers! Spain is the hotzone right now. Allies continue shipping what reinforcements they can to the embattled capital. The Pacific USN arrives on the scene and levels the northern Spanish city to zero, hopefully reducing supply lines a little.

In Norway a lone German Corp. attempts to keep the newly landed British in check but to no avail. Montgomery arrives on the city to give much needed supplies. Back in England the news isn't so good. Germany's V1 and V2 rockets have decimated London and eliminated the Corp. stationed there.

Russia is quiet. The lone cut-off German Corp. was blasted into oblivion, never to return.

Overall, the Allies feel strong in their current position. Axis gains have been tempered by Allied gains. North Africa is 100% Allied, a lot of his forces are battling in Spain, the Russians are enjoying their down time and a third front has opened in Norway.

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Another turn, another Russian city taken. 2 Italian air, 2 LF, Romanian fighter soften things up as we press onward.

The victorious Von Runsteadt of Afrika & the UK campaigns, now directs rocket traffic from Madrid poured onto The Rock. Americans are lucky to be alive their, Army reduced to strength-1.

Way too much Legend this game.

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November ’42: Indeed, England has fallen. Spain and Portugal are in German hands. With the Brits fighting everywhere else England was left for the dogs. Those rockets are extremely deadly right now and can torch nearly anything, especially if they are in the open at all. I should have left my Brits in England to stall the advance there instead of landing in Norway, but that’s all hindsight now. Thankfully Sweden and Norway’s convoys are still shut down as the Germans have now gained a solid MPP base.

The good news is the Allied forces remain intact. The Brits and the US continue a strong presence in the Med. and can launch attacks from any point. British bombers, the RN and USN are slowly crippling Italian production in the Med. by leveling nearby ports. The Russians are giving up some ground but a definitive fight in the east has yet to occur. The US and Brits still have a bite but they’ll need to be smarter on when and where to use it, while the Russians now hold the key to putting some kind of real pressure (and losses) on Axis forces.

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Ports don't give MPP's? I thought that's what the number represented on them, but I guess that merely represents supply level? Learn something new every day.

December '42: Russian Winter. Zhukov launches major offensive in the north, surrounds Moscow and is in striking distance of all the undefended Axis and Italian air behind the lines of the German offensive. Russians in the south hold their positions.

US forces decide to do what they can around "The Rock". With naval and air support they take out a German Army and replace the battered US Army with another.

Key moment now in Russia. And...it ain't over 'til it's over.

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A very impressive counter-attack in Russia. We operand the Bunta Army in Moscow, bunch of Russians coming from the North.

All Germans are move back to protective areas...Forts, behind rivers, etc. Valuable Air units are operanded back to protective spots too, I'm sure that's what he really wants. I should only lose Moscow this winter with no critical units in harm's way.

British still trying to get a city in Norway. It costs them a ship, as German cruisers have refueled.

Americans at the Rock lose an Army & a Battleship. Rockets torn that Battleship apart.

Italians sink a Battleship North of Sicily.

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January '43: In the dead cold of winter, Zhukov and his generals spring their full offensive. Over 23 units are launched in a vast sweeping attack from Moscow down to Rostov. Initial shock Corp units reach Italian and German HQ's behind the line. The brunt of the Axis forces have nearly been surrounded between Voronezh and Kharkov. Their tanks frozen, their supply being cut, their weapons jammed and the little Bunta's crying for their mommy...the Axis forces cry out for a miracle to save them from the vicious red hordes overrunning their every position.

Elswhere, the US and British finally begin to pay a price for their overextended offensives. In Spain we have air dominance and kill off a German Army, still holding "the rock". The RN is cut off from supply by Norway and the freezing cold has kept them from taking Bergen. In the Med. another tit for tat exchange. Italiano's lose a cruiser and the RN loses a BB. USN still controls the Med.

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-Ireland converted.

-Allied Norway adventure is slowing due to supply.

-Spain, we had 2 Rocket units peppering whatever we want around the Rock. This turn, it was a Cruiser with +3/+2 tech, reduced to strength-1, almost a kill.

-In Russia, we try to hold the position & weather this winter storm of Russians, he's bringing everything. I do have forts, rivers, and strong units. A screen shot would be nice, eh?

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The Russian offensive continues, swallowing up and eliminating units one by one. We will take our losses as well, but we have brought all Axis eyes on the east. Once the weather clears German air will take to the skies again, but the generals hope for a few more weeks of storms.

Same story in the Med. and Spain. Allied air is strong off the coast of Gibralter and rockets continue to rain down from Madrid.

I took a pic. I'll post it after JJR sends another turn or two.

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-Norway, we continue to attrition the Royal Navy down, they have no supply now smile.gif The Brits nearly grabbed that Western City though, the defenders need to hold!

-Spain, the Rock is taken. This is good.

-East, the Germans say, what the hell (heaven), lets slug it out. We just join the slaughter house. 2 rockets soften up with huge hits, everybody else just attacks! It's bloody.

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April '44: Bergen finally taken, giving the Brits a base in the area. Allied air is impotent around the rock, and German rockets are just deadly. In the Med., a British Corp. lands and takes an Italian port.

Russia is bloody, and the attack bogs down. We finish off a handful more units and fall back to defensive lines. Voronezh is taken back and the defensive line restored. The Russians know a long summer is ahead of raining rockets and unchecked Axis air.

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