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AAR Timskorn (Allies) vs. Rambo (Axis)

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Second game against JJR recently. First one he was Allies and we finished in late ’45 with him completely victorious.

He hits Poland but pulls back some units to go into Denmark early. I manage to hold onto Poland for about four turns. Late winter ’39 JJR strikes into Benelux and flings his units with abandon towards France. I set up typical French defense. DCR in Paris with Armies flanking. Unfortunately was not able to finish off a panzer near Paris, bringing it down to 1 strength. Early summer of ’40 France falls.

British decide to launch duel offensives during the summer. O’Connor with an army and armor take over Iraq. BEF and a Corp. strike Norway, taking both cities along the coast and cutting off shipments to Germany.

About the same time JJR had hit Algeria with an Axis army and two Italian corp. I had happened to bring down my Canadian cruiser there right when he DoW’d, so also with an Algerian battleship was able to give fire support for the lone Corp. holding the city. The German army took some hits and the Corp. held on, fighting bravely against the Axis hordes. As of now Algeria still lives in late 1940, the German army there and an Italian corp. fell back to regroup or retreat. We’ll see what he comes back at them with.

Meanwhile the UK fleet in the Med. blasted the Tobruk port to smithereens and then withdrew. Hopefully that’ll stall any Axis transports heading that way for awhile. British Corp. in Malta escaped to Alexandria and was replaced with a bomber group to harass the ports in the area. Brits are looking to lock down the Med. and protect their investment in Iraq.

JJR responded in Norway in Oct. 1940. Two German Corp., a Norwegian Corp. and an HQ are making a move north. Brits send in reinforcements and air support.

Atlantic has been quiet. A German sub was spotted near Canada, but so far no naval combat has occurred and JJR isn’t hitting the convoys. Even his Italian navy has been quiet, having an opportunity to hit my ships at Algeria and Tobruk but no sign of them. Besides for Syria being spooked by the Brits hitting Iraq, doesn’t seem like any diplomacy has been successful yet.

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That's a good question. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he's OP-moved them back. Gettin' late though. It's winter so there's mud and snow, plus he still has to engage my fleet.

Just sent my turn. Not much happening. Some fighting in Norway, Algeria continues to hold but now he has a German Corp., Army and Italian Corp. trying to take it. The rest of his army and his air are somewhere. JJR typically goes rampaging on minors so I imagine he may be going after Spain soon.

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November 1940 --- Nothing but snow & mud. German forces stay warm. The small force continue pinging the Algeria home defense, not enough punch to knock him out, but at least it costs the English some MMPs to continue to reinforce. In Norway, small exchanges, Allies hold everything, except Oslo. Axis troops reinforce in the hills.

Romania & Bulgaria have officially joined. Not much agression. Both Italian & German naval forces yet to be show...Even the LF position is not widely know. A couple of new Forts are completed near Beurdeaux.

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December 1st: Algerians reinforce looking to hold up the Axis there for as long as possible. Malta bomber drops payloads on Tunisia hoping to lower supply levels to the attackers.

UK Corp. and air at Bergen pull out. Only the BEF Army at Trondheim remains, looking to keep those supplies cut for as long as possible and more German troops occupied. Longer they stay in that frigid wasteland up north and blasting sands in the south the other minors remain neutral.

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Very quiet winter of 1940-41. Axis finally convince the Allies to quite reinforcing Algeria, we take the capital. Casablanca was left unoccuipied by the Brits, so we garrision that.

Norway, I have all the cities, except the one that pays. Brits continue to reinforce against my couple of pings per turn. The weather sux, so I have no punch to the attacks.

Meanwhile, the Germans ship a couple of brand new rockets to Sicily, along with Erwin Rommel, & a crack Red Baron type LF Nazi fighter group. Allies have a bomber in Malta. Pretty sure UK built a second bomber from a couple of pops on Brest.

Rather gentle still.

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Spring '41: Algeria has finally fallen. UK plays a game of delay in Norway, but finally ships out the last troops back to the homeland to fight another day.

Germans reveal their super weapons. Two jacked up rockets are preparing to launch against Malta. Should be an interesting fireworks display.

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April 1941 --- 2 German rockets open on on the bomber in Malta, something hit smile.gif Erwin Rommel marvels from Messina at the new weapons. Engineers dig in Normandy. Everything else, quiet. Brits are flirting at Tobruk, nothing serious except a few ships and ground units.

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May 1941 --- Allies left Norway, it's now German property. 2 Rockets fire on Malta. Italian Navy comes out of hiding to take pop shots on Malta too...bomber down to strength 5, and sorry readiness.

German engineers continue to dig right on the coast of the English Channel. Royal Navy pings on LF in a fortress right on the coast. Building on the coast is rare, but hey, why not?

Kreigsmarine slips near the English Channel too. We bump into a carrier by Brussels, he's toast, dead smile.gif

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July 1941: Tobruk falls, British on the move while Axis bogs down on Malta. Russian readiness jumping up and giving substantial MPP drops each turn now.

In France, JJR has two engineers, one German and one Italian. By the end of the game I'm positive all of France and Germany will be covered with forts. There's already something like 9 or 10 and it's only mid-41.

He also has the rocket and an HQ on the shore, probably trying to entice my fleet into a trap. British air pings the HQ to remind them were still here.

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Yes indeed, Tobruk has fallen. Rommel's rockets reduce the bomber in Malta down to 4, no supply, port trashed to 0 also. Engineers are building forts right on the Channel, LF units are being placed in them. Couple sorties flown both on offense & defense against corp in London.

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British continue drive west and capture El Agheila with the 7th Armored, which now has Iraq and El Agheila under its honors belt. Germans bring to bear two LF and a rocket against the London area and the British air and a cruiser pull back.

Russian front remains quiet. In the Atlantic German subs prowl the Iraq convoy lines, tearing into some of the shipments headed to England. German subs have been dormant until now.

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September 1941: Russia front still eerily quiet. They’re enjoying the extra preparation time though. Brits continue westward drive along the African coast. Rambo op-moves an Italian Corp. to Tunisia just in time to get smacked around by British forces. Malta bomber has been ripped apart, down to 1 strength but the beleaguered bomber crews manage to escape to Africa just in time thanks to speedy British troops clearing an airfield within range.

Germans still have two air entrenched along French coast, just sitting there overlooking the channel. I have no seen the bulk of the German army in over a year. I have no idea how many he has, what their tech level is or where they are at. It’s been fairly dull the past year for Rambo’s style, so I imagine some crazy shenanigans are in the near future.

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October 1941: "USSR Prepares for War". Bomber that left Malta has refueled, re-equipped and has landed back on the sieged fortress. The Italian Navy is stationed nearby, an HQ, a German Corp. and two 'roid rockets. Not sure why JJR didn't land someone there when he had the chance.

Brits pound the snot out of the Italians in Tunisia. Without reinforcements they'll be waving white flags soon. Russians are jacked up and good to go. Will be interesting to see what JJR has up his sleeve. Bad weather is on the horizon. Unless he's maxed out his mobilization, which I wouldn't doubt, it'll be a slow trek across the Steppes.

Axis subs quiet again. German BB spotted headed towards Leningrad.

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October 1941 ---

-German forces enter Russia, capturing 3 cities with the help of paratroops.

-One Russia cruiser near Lennigrad sunk, other heavily damaged.

-DOW on Yugo

-2 Rockets on Sicily shoot at Bomber returing at strength-10, we do no damage. Italian Navy keeps the port flattened.

-Libya will fall next turn. Germans do have Tunisa & Algeria.

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Yep, my bad, meant to say Libya. Which has fallen this turn.

Russians DoW's Finland, blitzing in with 3 level 3 tanks, a corp, air and HQ. German forces have indeed captured the early cities, two through paradrops. Not so much a surprise, and just a testament to JJR's skill, his units are upgraded to level 2 motor which should help him out this winter. Without it he'd of been really stalled.

Malta bomber withstands all Axis assaults and remains at 10 strength. Sorties out and bombs Tunisia's port to sound out the warning of imminent British arrival. I told JJR I'd be back for the Algerians because of their brave defense the year prior. Can't let 'em down now.

Quiet in the Atlantic and England.

Yugo under attack by a mob of undisciplined minor soldiers who can barely put their own boots on, let alone destroy an army. Three Corp. bunker down and prepare to hold out against these barbarians.

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November 1941 -

-One LF & two Rockets cause 3 damage to bomber in Malta. Italians keep the port at 0.

-Germans working West of Dneiper, pounding Odessya. More ground forces brought into MotherRussia.

-LF attacks Manchester, RAF unit calls it home, we take 1 damage.

-Production continues, scientists are pissing me off.

-Russia cruiser destroyed in Lennigrad.

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Russians continue nasty drive through Finland. Jacked up armor is tearing up everything in their path. Odessya holds and reinforces. Russian cruisers nearby offer fire support. Russians have two Corp. holding the mines over the Dneipr. Germans bring BB, CA and subs to take out the trapped Russian navy near Leningrad.

Malta Bomber, undaunted, continues sorties against Tunis port. British prepare for land assault.

German troops are well teched. L2 in infantry, AT and motor. Tanks look weak though, still level 1. Will be target practice for Russian armor.

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Counterstroke in Western Libya. Axis forces have been waiting in the hills of Eastern Tunisa & Algeria. British Army reduced to strength-1, British Armour pinged by Navy. Sicilian effort reduceds bomber to 3 once again. Costly fight for the Brits, little or no damage for the Buntas.

In Russia, the mines are Axis. I send the majority of my ground units in attack position by Sevesatpol.

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More fighting in Africa. Think I've hit the jackpot. Von Rundstedt's 3rd Army with corp level support continues to attack the stubborn British...causing more damage w/o taking much of anything. British warships come to Eastern Libya area & reduce my Italian sub to strength 3. The sub is able to survive, we counter with all Italian surface ships & sink a carrier smile.gif The bomber in Malta has left, tired of being trashed every turn. RAF is brave enough to enter the fortress now...we continue to use rockets on it, not sure of damage, since my Navy is fighting to the East.

In Russia, we bog a little bit East of Dneiper, mud.

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April 19th, 1942:

Sevastapol holds on. With cruiser support, they strike out and hammer an Axis Army. Siberians have arrived and are ready for some fighting. Finland will fall next turn.

O'Connor and company sound the full retreat, board the trains and head back. Combined Axis forces are too much to handle, but all those German units should be taking away from the Russian front. Jacked up bomber now appears near Malta. He really wants that little island.

Two British BB's enter the fray in the Med, sinking an Italian BB but both taking some damage. Damaged cruiser pulls back to fight another day.

Axis subs continue hitting Iraqi convoys, otherwise pretty quiet around England and the Atlantic. US are at about 70%

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Sevastopol cracked down, Axis have that position. Increased troop movement by Axis around the mines.

Royal Navy gets attacked, battleships sunk in Med. German ground forces push East in Libya to the next town, the next battle.

Saying rockets shell Malta, is like saying,"Can Kuni make shoes stink?" smile.gif

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