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I am playing Axis against a really good player and am not doing too well. It's April of 1941 and so still early times, but I think I need some advice.

Right, so I took France, but he made me bleed throught he nose there - I lost a tank unit and like 3 infantry. He also got into the baltic and trashed my navy pretty good (sigh). I've been pressuring Spain to enter the war, and I've gotten them to 82%, but so far they are being pretty coy about joining the fun. All the usual minor countries in the baltics have joined me and I am trying to figure out what to do for the spring offensive.

I figure with no navy, Sealion is not a great option. I could invade the Soviets, but it takes forever to knock them out and this leaves me vulnerable to a Dday invasion. I could also get defensive in the East and scarf up as much of Africa and the mideast as I can, but this guy is good and I worry that is not a great idea against him. Ideas??

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Take Egypt with a small task force, and start minor collecting like hell as fast as possible after that. Go shy into Russia at the same time (he is supposed to retreat with all your morale boost).

p.s. It is almost impossible for someone inexperienced to win as axis against a worthy allies opponent (i.e. the Baltic entry). Good luck anyway!

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If the opponent is 'very' good like you said, most likely you already lost smile.gif

If yo uwant to continue...

1. Get Spain - if you did not invest Italian diplo chits in Spain, do it now. If you get too unlucky, conquer them. Spain has to be yours.

2. Egypt - with the war with Russia imminent it can be very distracting. But you can still do it, at the expense of the effort in Russia. Egypt should have been yours a lot of turns ago.

3. Russia - nasty thing. I reckon your Axis is pretty weak so you won't be able to do much until, perhaps, summer 42. Get some border towns and watch out for counterratacks.

General ideea is to enlarge your mpp basis, so as to be able to buy the required units. When USA will be in, the Allies will most likely outproduce you on a large scale (2:1 is an optimimst scenario) and if you won't be able to keep the initiative by attacking with overwhelming force in places of your choosing, you will lose.

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Some Keys for your Gaming:

Read Panzerliga strategy by Terif http://www.panzerliga.de/en/docs/lehrgang/lehrg_sc2_eng.php

to win as Axis it's a requirement you understand the basic dos and don'ts of the axis.

Seems like you left Egypt too late, take it in 1940 the weather is good, and in Europe you can't do jack then because of Mud and Ice... Should've already been done. Next time you invade France, lead up with your corps. they're cheap to rebuy, at half cost so do not worry if you lose a couple. Avoid the Coast, Kill and withdrawl from the frontline. Try to Operate a little less and try to think ahead 10 turns where I want my Units. The TimeFrame is this: Weather is ultimately important

1940 Summer, France must die, Egypt must die by Fall. Sweden-Norway-Denmark: Die. Buy Infantry Weapons, MAXED to 3

Diplo hit Spain to death with Italy and Germany... Hide your fleet in ports and ignore the British Fleets

Buy at least 10 xtra corps, couple xtra armies and tanks for Barby, and you'll need 2 HQs xtra for that... If you do this fairly successfully you win if you also mantain momentum and balance and good tech

DO NOT leave Egypt past 1940, after you're done with it, move to the MiddleEast conquor Syria and Iraq and prepare for the Russians to come into Iraq via Iran, cut them off...

Barbarossa is easy, Kill all the frontlines, head for Leningrad-Moscow or Stalingrad region... Plunder it's resources and kill it's units.. Get Experience, use your air to break up strong points like Entrenched cities in Leningrad... Against Capitols and against corp buildups behind rivers!

Do not invest in useless techs, bombers, etc.. as a Neuer player, RECON for your Units or they'll die to enemy contacts smile.gif

Play more importantly 25 games in a row and learn and watch, the moves your oponents use you shall adopt and you'll will get good, by Default smile.gif GL Soldier

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Bull! kcs, you have not lost. Delay Barbarossa, let USSR join, do not DoW them. Build up your land techs,#1, IW, HT, AT. Buy German and Italian engineers, use them in conjunction and fortify the west.

Build two good strong army groups with Manstein and Rommel,or Kesselring. Get them experience in Russia

Invest in PT, IT and infrastructure. Garnish some MPPs for operations by 43. Get Spain, take Gibraltar. If you can get the Italians some IW and motor help, take them to NA with the help of the Luftwaffe(HQ support), feint Sealion as a diversion.

Now be ready to mass and concentrate your best army groups at a moments notice(Manny/Rommel, have enough MPPs, Supply>5).

Screen other areas with forts and corps.

If you save Berlin and Rome at game conclusion, You win!

[ November 03, 2006, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]

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