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checking the progress of SC2

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Originally posted by Audie292:

Can we be sure it comes out August-October, if it was supposed to be Q4 2004? It is sad to see a great idea like this come to nothing:(

Rest assured, SC2 will not come to nothing... however, a megaload of new screenshots would certainly quell the fears of the doubters... ;)
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It is sad to see a great idea like this come to nothing:(
Nothing? What's with the negative waves??

The game continues to progress. There are still a few significant features that need to be implemented in the code and then we should be into full beta testing. When? Soon. And then there is AI development, scenario development, play balancing, bug hunting, documentation, etc., etc., etc. That will take however long it takes to get it right.

I will not speculate on a release date. I would if I could but I can't so I won't. That's for Hubert and Battlefront to say. ;)

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Originally posted by pzgndr:

And then there is AI development, scenario development, play balancing, bug hunting, documentation, etc., etc., etc. That will take however long it takes to get it right.

I'm willing to help. ;)
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Yeah, the problem is just that some people (myself included) _need_ to be given a new expected date.

Eg: Fall 2005.

You know, it doesn't have to be specific, it can even be shifted later, but as far as I can tell we haven't heard any formal date since the 'ole Q4 2004.

So everyone's just been wondering? How long? 3 months? 6 months? Who knows?

But it's annoying! I'd like to have a rough estimate.

Not to sound too bratty, but I love SC1, one of the best games I've played, so I have a lot of emtional investment to SC II!

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I wasted my money once (World at War) I'm not falling for it again.

If only they had a game similar to SC ...

Originally posted by Retributar:

It's good that more time is needed!. I want Hubert's BEST-EFFORTS!, not anything else... .

It may take 6-months or more to complete SC2...so-what!!!.

If you need an interm-fix...go here...this site has enough games to keep you busy until Huberts game is available!.


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The game is good, IF you like that type of setup.

I really do not enjoy games with so little movement for troops. It's like Axis & Allies.

Give me a game like that huge map for movement, now tactics of all sorts come into play.

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Originally posted by Audie292:

Can we be sure it comes out August-October, if it was supposed to be Q4 2004? It is sad to see a great idea like this come to nothing:(

Certainly not nothing. It's simply taking longer than expected.

You have to keep in mind that Hubert is still essentially a one-man show, and besides (great) help in the artwork and testing departments as well as manual writing, still has to write every line of code himself. So things take time, and with game development specifically, it's extremely difficult sometimes to predict how long things will take, because you simply won't know until you start coding.

This is one of the reasons why you see so many buggy half-finished games out there. At some point, the publisher starts pushing the devs to release it and stick to some kind of artificial schedule. As usual, the biggest loss is on the player, as more than once what could have been a great game has been turned into a rushed piece of budget bin material.

Anyway, the lack of updates is actually a sign of how feverishly Hubert is working on the game. You cannot do both at the same time, and even if we (Battlefront) are trying to help, in the end it still ends up costing Hubert's time here and there. Time which, I think most here will agree, should be better spent on the game.

Most other publishers spend 90% of their time on marketing (and updates like some here are requesting are nothing else, because with or without updates the game won't come out any quicker), Battlefront set out to be different and actually is determined to focus on the game first. Which is why we're not going to rush Hubert, or distract him from the essential stuff in order to post pretty pictures or more or less meaningless release dates.

We have always hesitated to announce release dates in the past because they are more or less meaningless anyway, but always a source of controversy (and hence distraction). This is one of the reasons why we often announce games late at Battlefront, too.

Having said that, it is indeed time to update our page now that a date is out there (and outdated). At the moment, for what it's worth, we're shooting for a release at the end of this year (that's Q4).


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This seems obvious but may be worth saying anyway:

It's not the delay in finishing the game, it's the lack of communication about what's happening that seems to be the most frustrating.

Although Hubert is a one-man show in terms of writing the game, Battlefront could do a better job of keeping its fans informed (like Moon's post above).

Yes, it IS about time to update the "news" and cetera that's posted on the official Battlefront website about this game. The lack of attention to those details can translate into a perception about a lack of committment to the final product.

The last "recent news" posted here


is from November, 2004. That is a very generous definition of "recent," I think.

Thank you, Moon, for a post about the progress of the game.

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santabear, the problem is that such communication takes time and effort. And, like I tried to point out above, it never goes without Hubert's involvement. We cannot pull screenshots or other tidbits of info out of thin air.

And sometimes there simply is little or nothing to report, too. Coding is a fairly tedious and unspectacular task, and with a small development team, there is little to no parallel development; hence there are "downtimes" in the news department when nothing interesting (or at least nothing that could be reported to the public) is being worked on.

We could of course hire people to feed you guys with meaningless hype. But then we'd have to pressure Hubert to turn the game into one of those faceless RTS games and sign a deal with Ubisoft in order to pay for the added expense. Doesn't sound like a win-win to me smile.gif

But really, we all know that the lack of updates isn't really an issue. What bothers you guys most is the wait and until you have the finished game in your paws, nothing is going to sooth the pain. tongue.gif Rest assured that we're therefore putting 110% of the effort in finishing the game rather than creating updates of dubious value. We're not withholding info on purpose smile.gif


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ACK! Don't turn it into a RTS!!! ;)

The only person who can do proper updates is HC and HC does everything else.

So, do we want the game to be delayed an extra month because he took time to a developer thread? Not me.

All I would like is at least 3 weekly screenshots.

And most of all, and this is a special request to HC... a screenshot of the FULL map PLEASE! A big one too :D

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And what's with the screenshots anyway. no disrespect but it isn't the GFX that will make this baby.

I'd be happy with a simple post here giving a brief outlay on where SC2 is in the development stages. What's still to be done, neat stuff he's coding, whatever. Nothing too fancy.

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