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AAR Bio vs Iron on Thrawn 39 Campain

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August 31th 1941

All hell breaks loose in Turkey. German Level3 paratroops take the Turkish capital immediately. All other towns are either damaged by shore bombardment (to prevent Russian reinforcements), or invaded. Turkish troops don't yet surrender but it is only a question of time.

Sweden turns axis through diplo action. IR got lucky there with all the counter chits I put in there.

Axis subs still raid Canadian convoy

I wonder what will be the Axis revenues per turn when Africa is at supply 8-10 with all the oil there.


Wow! As I told you Thrawn, there is a problem with the Turkish troops at the Far East. None of them can move! Worst then that, with only 2 paratroopers (Germany has 3 to start with, and bought one apparently) and one airplane, you get the capital Ankara in one turn! Can you imagine that! It took 3 turns for IR to take the Low countries in comparison. Turkish units disposition needs be adapted! Also, how comes Germany starts with 3 paratroops while the Western Allies has only one (very far in the production queue)?

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Originally posted by BioWizard:

August 31th 1941

All hell breaks loose in Turkey. German Level3 paratroops take the Turkish capital immediately. All other towns are either damaged by shore bombardment (to prevent Russian reinforcements), or invaded. Turkish troops don't yet surrender but it is only a question of time.

Sweden turns axis through diplo action. IR got lucky there with all the counter chits I put in there.

Axis subs still raid Canadian convoy

I wonder what will be the Axis revenues per turn when Africa is at supply 8-10 with all the oil there.


Wow! As I told you Thrawn, there is a problem with the Turkish troops at the Far East. None of them can move! Worst then that, with only 2 paratroopers (Germany has 3 to start with, and bought one apparently) and one airplane, you get the capital Ankara in one turn! Can you imagine that! It took 3 turns for IR to take the Low countries in comparison. Turkish units disposition needs be adapted! Also, how comes Germany starts with 3 paratroops while the Western Allies has only one (very far in the production queue)?

How many do the soviet union have?

They should have most of all countries - 10 airborne corps and continued to use them on a large scale through the war.

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July-August 1941 The Summer of War

West: Quiet for the most part, UK sends her air to bomb our troops in French towns but little other action. In late July the USA recived some poor advise from UK and joined her side, she will regret that. With USA in the war Vichy France was 'inticed' into the axis war machine. Sadly the brave people of Ireland were attacked by UK as well.

Atlantic: Sub Raiding by germany had the UK send out most of her fleet. Unknown to Axis high camand UK as several CVs.. not just 3 or 4. So in the insuing battle while we sank most of the CVs... we think our fleet was desimated... only a few reached home port and now sit awaiting repairs. We continue to hit the covoy's when we can but at much reduced effect.

Med: Italy continues to try and bring back the Roman Empire. IW 3 helps but she is so poor few of her troops are maxes in str or tech. Tunis falls after a botched Landing assult then takes several more turns to kill off as USA supported the troops in the capital. Only when air from France and Italy is sent in to the Tunis Boys die off. Raids by Greek and Egyptian partisans are hitting the citys but we are ignoring them. Late in Augest Italy is spending time on the rail system for with Gabralter and Cape of Good Hope in Allies hands they can land troops almost anywhere.

East: The gray host crawls forward slowly. After finding out our rail system doesnt match the USSRs rail, Germany had to change plans. The troops in the south were put on hold... never advanced past the ground they took in the first month (March) of the war. Mean while the troops in the north were given prefered air power and fast (mech2) scout units to encircle citys and USSR troops if they could. By this fast moving but low supply tacits Germany took the two Citys on the Moscow road, encircled Linngrad and took it after two weeks of bombardment. Then Blitz attacked (frontal assult) the third and last city on the road to Moscow. A scout unit was sent around this city but was killed by L4 USSR armor (at no supply).

Black Sea: The Romainian fleet with German air trys to send out a corps by sea. She runs into the USSR fleet and a running battle begins, most of the ships are at low str. Several ships are heavly damaged, with each side losing one CA. The corps returns to port at str 2 and lands for safty.

Diplo: Most minor are now in the war. A few are waiting to see what happens

Turkey: 5% axis

Sweden:60+% axis

Spain: 59% axis

Yougoslovia: 88% allied

Morroco: 77% allied

Algeria: 58% allied

Iran: 20% allied

others too low or weak to matter


1) I was wrong on the +1AD, should be changed. More latter on this

2) Linnengrad was cut off but remaind at 10 str.. I think some of the sea/land tile are to blame (facing)

3) Siberian troops transfered in Augest. I had not taken (or was close) to any of the center citys. And had just taken Smolioic (sp), seams way too early for these troops to come in as its not winter or Moscow threatened.

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August 31st 1941

Axis long term plans are exposed.

Med: Turkey is DOWed... oil from the new Roman Empire will FLOW! Using massed air and para units the two central citys (one the capital) are bombed by German, Itlian and Iraq Air fleets. German para units take the capital while Italy lands a para unit in the MT city. The costal citys are bombarded by BBs and CNs of the Itlian navy so that USSR cant send troops in. Bulgerian troops backed by the German Africa Korps attack units in Eroupean Turkey. The Turks burn thier own citys, must be getting advise from the USSR... all taken citys are str 0.

West: Quiet, only sub raiding my both sides. Minor air raids on the French coastal citys

East: Krusk is taken... a punishing frontal assult on this central city leaves one USSR L4 armor destroyed and several German units damaged. With this attack the German Northern and Southern wings are joined for the Fall offencive. The German posistion in Russian looks like a V with the point at Krusk and falling back to Lenningrad and Odessia.

Diplo: Huge hit on Sweden (38%)... she has seen the light with the attack on Turkey and is now joining the axis powers. With her in German now has these goverments under her advise:







While thier units are weak (no tech), the air power is nice. The HQs can provied supply. The ground units work well as garrison boys so the men of German can go fight the Allied powers.

Note: The assult on Turkey took a LONG time to put together. Poor use of units and movement by me were the reason. After my Amphib assult unit was turned around in the Black Sea I went the all air route to take that intiror city (7 air fleets). Bio is right, the OOB for the turkish units needs to be redone. Also I'm not sure a sub would be the right units for thier navy, BB perhaps?

Para Units: (edited) Germany starts with 1, gets one in Jan 40. I purchased the rest (two), plus the Itlian one. This cost me alot of time and MPPs, but clearly this is the armored fist of the axis powers in this war. The early game 'plan' for the allies was diplo, axis para. With no fight for Egypt the middle east is Axis; for now.

[ March 05, 2007, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

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Sept 7th 1941

The GHC is very pleased, the axis powers are looking unbeatable (on land) and the diplomatic corps is pulling down victroys as well. Soon german will be spoken by all in Eroupe!! Home by christmass is what Hiler is promosing the troops.

Alantic: Quiet

West: Raiding on our troops in Normandy is becoming a pain but nothing serious right now

Med: Turkey surrenders after 'serious' combat around Istanbul. One HQ, Army and corps are destroyed, the city of Istanbul is renamed... Constanople and given over to Bulgeria. Itlian units destroy another corps with ground and air raids near Syeria. Units are pushed deap into the MTs with the goal of reaching the Black Sea coast and its fields.

East: A minor multi unit (but the first) battle is fought for two weeks east of Odessia (axis controlled) around the mines of Ukraine. USSR lose's two corps and one army to GR one Army and a few damaged units. Several units push up to Krusk and await orders as HQs rush forward to this new supply base.

Scandinavia: Sweden joins her aryen brothers to the south. She adds a minor navy and two full army groups of units.

[ March 05, 2007, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

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I think this game is over. Talked with Bio and it sounded like he felt the allies were in a no win situation. The mod does need some balancing (several posts have ideas in them).

Extra ideas (I have not played both sides)

1) too many free units for Germany (allies?)

2) cut MMPs for tech by half

3) cut IW to 0 for everyone at start

4) redo OOB for Turkey

5) drop sub spoting to 1

6) cut CV spoting by 1/3

7) remove several of the UK CVs

8) cut all Air Fleet pts by 2

9) cut Para range to 6

10) Remove SA HA from 2 to 1 for air fleets

11) perhaps too much oil in Middle East?

12) remove minor air fleets for many nations

13) Bust a few MT sections up with open hex 'pass's' or Valleys they would be considered

14) Russia supply is a problem

Map has a few problem, but those will come out with play

a) Denmark strights

B) Lenningrad stays at str 10

c) Buleguim coast

d) Albainia starts at str 10

e) Athiens port


Overall a fun mod. The map is great as is the turn secuence. In many ways I can see this mod being much better then the std 39 game if your willing to play PBEM.. to big for TPC normally. Needs some balancing and map modificatins only.

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Someone commenting on this mod said it favored the allies. I think it was because the guy playing the axis against him did not played it as good as he could. The biggest game flaws in favor of axis is that Turkey can be taken so easily, that Sweden joins Germany when Turkey surrenders, that Iraq (even if UK has a diplo hit on them) will join freely Germany when Syria is taken (so easy with a strength 8 corps) and that all those middle East oil field jump to 80 or 100% efficiency.

By only one summer of fighting, Axis was having more then 800 mpps per turn, which is as much as the Allies, who are supposed to be outproducing them. Also, it already had more units, were fully mobile (operatable from Norway, to Odessa, to France or Tunis) at supply 10 everywhere.

Generally the idea of giving a lot of low strength units is a good idea, especially to Italy. But, to very strategic and important countries as Turkey, Spain and Sweden, I would advise better positioning of units and higher strength to some units. i.e. There's no way that Germany could have made capitulate Turkey in one week per example.

Can the maximum number of medals a unit can get be adjusted? It would help the aircraft superiority problem we encounter in this mod.

A lot of potential with this mod. Could be superior to Fall Weiss but still needs a lot of play testing and adjustments.

Anyway, another glorious victory of Iron Ranger over me! smile.gif Congratulations...

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Its very simple you cant lose as the Axis in the current state of this mod, plain and simple. I have already stated this elsewhere. I have played this current campaign TCP twice as both sides now. Me and my opponnent both came up with interesting straategies as the allies but sadly nothing will work against the superior forces and MPPs of the Axis. Even if you take the middle east with the Russians which is very easy. I suggest giving the Allies more troops on the production queue. Perhaps an English engineer, its too easy to take out the UK as it is. Also reduce the SA and HA of Air Fleets or up the defense of armies and corps. And as Blashy mentioned elsewhere it would be a good idead to increase the strategic attack of bombers.

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