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no, no, I'm not asking when it's coming out!!

But has it been addressed here whether they'll have a playable demo for SC2, as they did for SC1?

To put in my $0.02, I certainly hope so. I'm one of those consumers that will *not* buy a game without trying it first. Sure, to this day I play SC1 for at least a few minutes every week, and I'm *eager* for SC2... but I'm not sure I'd buy it without a demo...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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Come on Jon, your telling me after the experience that SC1 blessed you with, you'd seriously consider not purchasing SC2......Blasphemy!!!

I say burn Jon at the stake!......Oh.. alright I'll chill...ok Jon if it means a further delay for the coding of the Demo, are you absolutely sure of this position?

Heck I'll buy you the game myself, I mean think of how cheap SC1 was...you should have paid twice as much.

Is there anyone here that thinks they didn't get a good gaming value with SC1?

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I absolutely agree 100% (not that cheesy 110%) that SC1 was the absolute best value I've ever seen in a game.


And, 'no', I must admit - When the excitement of the game is _finally_ released (grin).... I'm not sure I wouldn't pony up the cash regardless of demo or no.

However, I do think a demo is a necessity. I can say with certainty I have not bought a PC game that I did NOT get a demo for first. So, as a repeat buyer I may make the jump blind; but for someone who'd not bought SC1, I truly believe demos must increase sales conversions.

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SC1 demo came out months before the game did and served as a large scale beta test :cool: that Hubert Cater monitered, took some suggestions, and ultimately improved what was already a fun sim of WW2 strategic war in Europe.

If I remeber correctly, TCIP and oponent replay from email games were aditions that were discussed in the demo stage and were added by him in succesive patches soon after the game was released. There were occasional geographic tweaks that were suggested by the community that changed the map. I'm guessing that there were other things too. :confused:

Unfortunately some low life (hacker Hags :eek: , since banned) revealed he had hacked the demo to play through the whole campaign, and how great level 5 jets were :rolleyes: . Well, you didn't have to have supernatural powers to feel HC's anger, even through my monitor, and the pixels within Battlefront's responce glowed red :mad: . Many in the community, too, spoke with disgust about his hex edititor hacking ;) .

Do I have a point? Well, I guess it's just that I'd like to start playing the demo,.. because I'm a giver smile.gif . Yes, I promise to devote good amounts of time to playtesting. For free even. I may even,... Wait a minute. We don't need a beta demo because HC is putting the final touches on the game and it will be released soon. yeah, that's it.

I have optimistic hope that SC2 will be the game I have been wanting, setting the new bar for WW2 tb strategy games, for both grogg and pretzel munching beer swillers. This may be what HC, game designer, is banking on. Who can blame him with scaliwags lurking in cyberspace.

But, if this game's not coming out till December or something, a demo sooner would be an early gift for my stocking and get the big man some constructive feedback.

I'm there for you HC! :D

[ April 29, 2005, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]

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You are absolutely right, but forget the demo part. After DD and Bill and Co. have verified that the game mechanics work, it is time to release to the community.....the conditioned community, that's us.

We will play the game...in essence a beta test to balance the scenarios and we will pay the retail price. Nowhere can a developer get better feedback than from his/her/they're forum fan base, its just the facts.

To me, this is a foregone conclusion, as SC2 is a much more complicated entity than the original, especially with this editor, it will need much tweaking to get the balance of "Rock-Paper-Scissors" effect.

I know....I know...the age old argument of the reputation of the developer-publisher risking a tarnished image over an unfinished product......tsk tsk ..perish the thought....tell us it is the demo, tell us precious little lies...who cares!! The facts are the facts, the fans are far better testers than a gathering of angels...we will reveal the unrevealable, we will scrutinize the play variables, the gambits, the idoisyncracies.....we are simply......the omnipotent critics.....because we care.....almost as much as you, Hubert...almost.

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A demo is most certainly a must. If only from a marketing perspective. I'm one of those people who bought SC1 after being hooked on the demo with the absolute need to get more. I learned of SC1 from a gaming mag that gave a positive review, but other than that I didn't know much (read: anything) about the game. Without the demo I would have been a lot more hesitant about buying the full version - in fact, I doubt that without the demo I never would have made the decision to buy SC.

I don't think I'm the only one who made the purchase decision after playing the demo, and since SC2 aims to attract a lot of new consumers and not just the old SC1 fans, not having a demo would be foolish.

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GGWaW is aimed at hardcore strategists, and Gary Grigsby is a well-known brand among them. A demo isn't a must for such a game. The people who will buy it most likely know Grigsby's previous games. SC2 on the other hand aims to get plenty of new gamers as its customers, and the game is aimed to please the strategy nerve of even non-hardcore strategists. Strategic Command also hasn't developed into a trusted and reliable brand (yet) other than among the core fans. It is unknown to even most strategy gamers, and as such needs all the marketing help it can get. I'm not saying that without a demo SC2 would flop miserably, but having a demo would certainly help out in getting buyers.

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"I'm not saying that without a demo SC2 would flop miserably, but having a demo would certainly help out in getting buyers."

No argument here, many times I have suggested to unknowing gamers the SC demo at battlefront and many times rewarded with the follow up purchase. I was hoping that SC had gained some notoriety by now and also thoughtful of the many fans that are impatiently awaiting release, the demo could follow later while we balance the scenarios and game mechanics.

But what the heck....I've been wrong before...and sure to be in the future also.

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"GGWaW is aimed at hardcore strategists, and Gary Grigsby is a well-known brand among them."

Exel, are you sure you were keeping up with the pre-release marketing and demo threads over at matrix?

The whole idea of the "brick and mortar" release was to appeal to gamers that were not knowledgeable of his previous endeavors as well as the non-wargaming crowd.

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