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OK got it. Now explain how the former GLR (now Naval Warfare) research is applicable to TAC?

Would that be increases into NA, UA, and CA CTVs?

How many levels of NW?

I got the AT research that is now useful for TAC upgrades(TA CTV). Love it! Any SA impacts?

I'm assuming we now have 3 air units, Fighters, TAC, and Bombers, correct?

Nice touch on enabling escorts.

What are the interactions of various research categories to the specific CTVs for these units?

Come on guys...spill the beans, us 2nd tier Betas are ready and willing, but we need orientation.


[ August 31, 2007, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Increases NA, CA, Sub attacks. 2 levels of NW.

Tactical Bombers can now upgrade AT, LR and NW.

AT for TAC affects SA, TA, Air, Bomber.

Correct on 3 air units.

I am a bit unsure about your use of accronyms. AT stands for Anti Tank? Why does AT affects Soft Attack (SA)?

I understand AT (Anti Tank) should imporove TA (Tank Attack). TACs (Tactical Bombers) in WWII were fitted with 50mm AA guns and they were deadly against AFV's.

But when attacking soft targets, TAC's relied on regular bombs and regular machineguns. It seems improved airframes that allow the fighhter to carry more guns, to control the plane better on a dive, to survive flak, etc. was much more relevant to Soft Attack.

...same thing for Air to Air combat. It seems to me a AA (Advanced Air) would be most pertinent to a TAC's performance in aerial combat.

I think a TAC unit should benefit from 4 techs: AA, AT, NW, LR. Now, come to think about it, Hubert never gives 4 techs to any unit. Is there a reason for that?

And still, if forced to limit my self to 3 techs, I would revaluate what NW really stand for. What makes a WWII TAC a good Naval Attack Plane. It sounds that he ability to deliver either a big torpedo or a big bomb down the chimney was key to it. So load capacity and dive control were key. This seem to be the same elements that would make the Tactical Bomber.

So I would propose renaming NW as ATBA: Advanced Tactical Bomber Airframes and have this Research area imporve Naval Attack, Soft Attack and Air to Air Attack values. I would allow AT to improve Tank Attack and of course keep LR.

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You will see it all clearly when you purchase the game.

You only have 3 slots to upgrade, adding more would require extensive coding and we simply do not need it.

Hubert uses the AT tech as anti tank for anti tank units and boosting AT defense for soft units. But he also uses it to improve Tactical Bombers effectiveness for soft, hard and air targets.

Simply consider it has another name for Tactical bombers. He would have had to create a totally different category just for TB and the AT slot fits in perfectly.

Naval Warfare is used also by ships, so this is why it has a generic name. It can mean anything, better radar, better bombs, better torpedoes, better steel, better aa guns, etc...

And the reason AT and NW are as they are is too distinguish between a Naval Bomber and a Tactical Bomber. The old way (when first testing) and the one you propose makes a Tactical bomber become a super bomber since with one upgrade it is as good at sea or land while in WW2 each had a specific role and were built and/or armed accordingly.

Finally, if we gave AA to TB no one would bother purchasing standard fighters. The kings of air to air combat were fighters and so they get AA tech.

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Let's put it this way:

Deep in Russia,

You surely wouldn't "build up"

Your TAC to be a "naval bomber,"

Would you?


Pay the extra cost every time

You reinforce the "ground support unit."

If you are playing as Axis,


For Italy you'd likely "build up"

A TAC to be a "naval bomber,'

And... not necessarily upgrade

It to also be a GSU, true?

Why pay the added cost each reinforcement

If ALL you really need to do,

At that juncture of the Med

Naval Wars,

Is use your "naval bomber" to

Attack the Royal Navy.


NOW, it's all about... choices.

Major and minor,

Macro and micro,

Involving every single facet of the game.

So many, in fact, that you simply CANNOT

Do everything,

Or purchase everything!

That you might want.

No way.

So the game has evolved to the point

Where the # of possible

Strategies AND Tactics

Is approaching... the unlimited.

EVERY game you play WILL present

New and different pleasures and problems.

What more could you ask for? :cool:

[ September 02, 2007, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Originally posted by Blashy:


Naval Warfare is used also by ships, so this is why it has a generic name. It can mean anything, better radar, better bombs, better torpedoes, better steel, better aa guns, etc...

OK, everything you said makes sense to me, except for this part. I understand the compromises you had to make. Still it seems too counterintuitive that the same research used to make a better battleship would result in a better naval airplane.

Besides, it means that the U.S. and England get to improve their Air to Sea capability with the same research the use to improve their battleships. So Allied planes become better sub hunters with the same research that Allied Battleships...

I guess, if you do not want to create a new research area right now, it is a necessary compromise. Still, long run, I think these should be separate areas of reserach.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

AA tech is the same as before.

So, AA tech still defending only cities and ports? Units in town are still not under AA defending fire against tactical bomber or fighter air attack? Actually, can fighter attack land unit now when we have tactical bombers?
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Vveedd, AA tech also increases the CTV for Anti-Air units and these auto fire and defensively protect land units within their radius. Fighters can still attack land units but of course not nearly as effectively as before now that we have introduced Tac bombers, i.e. also a CTV change for Fighters as well.

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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

Vveedd, AA tech also increases the CTV for Anti-Air units and these auto fire and defensively protect land units within their radius. Fighters can still attack land units but of course not nearly as effectively as before now that we have introduced Tac bombers, i.e. also a CTV change for Fighters as well.

I would have thought AT increases the CTV for Anti-Air Units, instead of AA? Is there a typo somewhere? or maybo both AT and AA increase CTV for Anti-Air Units? Can you elaborate?
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Way to go ev smile.gif , get them to define Advanced Aircraft tech ctvs and Anti Air ctv applications.

We need a acronym definition, differentiate :confused: between AA and AA (techs) and then there is ctv AA(air-attack value).

Also interaction with NW's. tongue.gif

back to hibernation. :cool:

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