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Strategic Command Developer Diary (Blog) Now Active!!!

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I've just posted the first AAR in a series of developer diary entries that will follow as we get closer to release.

The first entry is an AAR in progress of an Allied game played by Dan Fenton versus the Axis AI. Dan gets you right into the action and even highlights some of the new features, including AI enhancments, that will be available under Strategic Command 2 Weapons and Warfare. Screenshots are also included.

The Strategic Command developer entries can be found here and if you subscribe you will be automatically notified whenever there are new developments posted:




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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

I've just posted the first AAR...:




Excellent. ...some of the stuff I really like:

"...several types of units have two offensive strikes per turn.  Tanks are one of them."

"the Destroyer.  It is inexpensive, fast to build, excellent against subs, can shore bombard and is okay in surface naval combat."

"...Cruisers and Battleships have little offensive capabilities against Subs.  Subs do well against everything except Destroyers.  It is normally a waste of good resources to go Sub hunting with Cruisers and Battleships."

"If a Sub is not next to a Destroyer...[and] the sub makes a successful Dive, the Sub escapes all future combat that turn."

Plus roads and railways, plus a better AI. I am really looking forward to it.

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The new AI has been kicking my ass. I wasn't the bestest player to start with, but the improvement is noticeable. It does things like sweeping flanks to cut off units (that was a nasty surprise in Russia).

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Same thing here ND :(

I actually lost as allies, or are about to lose in 2/5 games vs the AI on the lowest level.

I'm not that good a player though,

compared to some others.

In fleet battles I'm even worse off.

I got lured into taking out a sub once,

and 2 cruisers, 2 subs and a battleship jumped my fleet.

Combined with some air units I got massacered.

We've got a wicked game coming up this summer.

Really nice to play the AI at work ;)

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AI improvements are quite noticeable with this version, between the enhancements of the generic AI and the addition of more scripting. It also helps that we have a nice new AI testing feature and script editor which speeds up scripting adjustments. It ain't perfect yet, but it's getting close!!

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Can Dan show us screenshots with new units? Can't see destroyer or artillery unit. Or icon for cruiser now is for destroyer? Also, can you explain in more details double offensive strikes feature and railroad usage?

Map looks bigger but only in sea parts. As I can see France is same size with new port or I am wrong?

And a few question’s more:

1. Does WaW will have swap move?

2. Does WaW will have some additional security options to prevent reload cheat in PBEM games?

3. Is amphibious invasion concept stay the same?

[ July 20, 2007, 06:25 AM: Message edited by: vveedd ]

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Destroyer has its own icon, I'm sure you'll see all new units in his ongoing AAR.

Double strike is simple, a unit has 2 strikes instead of 1. So you move a tank, strike once and can choose to strike again at the same target or another if it is within range of course.

railroads, if you're unit is ON a railroad tile, you can operate that unit if it has proper supply, same supply rules as SC2 except now you need to be on a rail tile or a city.

You also need a rail connection to operate to a city. If someone bombs Paris under 4 of supply then you can not operate to Brest, Caen and Bordeaux, unless you have Vichy France, if so you'll be able to operate to Bordeaux providing Vichy France and Bordeaux have 5 or greater supply.

Map is bigger in North and South and the Atlantic is also bigger East-West.

Amphibious invasions have a change that does not make it so easy to amphib so many troops.

I'm not going to go into more details since I for one am on NDA and I think you should have the chance to discover some new elements on your own smile.gif .

[ July 20, 2007, 07:03 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Double strike is simple, a unit has 2 strikes instead of 1. So you move a tank, strike once and can choose to strike again at the same target or another if it is within range of course.

Can you strike, move, strike?

You also need a rail connection to operate to a city. If someone bombs Paris under 4 of supply then you can not operate to Brest, Caen and Bordeaux, unless you have Vichy France, if so you'll be able to operate to Bordeaux providing Vichy France and Bordeaux have 5 or greater supply.
Oh, that's going to be very interesting. ;)
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Originally posted by Blashy:

Destroyer has its own icon, I'm sure you'll see all new units in his ongoing AAR.

Double strike is simple, a unit has 2 strikes instead of 1. So you move a tank, strike once and can choose to strike again at the same target or another if it is within range of course.

Excellent. Does unit have to gain some special situation to do that? I mean like in Panzer General 2 - only if tank unit overruns enemy unit then it get additional move and attack points?

railroads, if you're unit is ON a railroad tile, you can operate that unit if it has proper supply, same supply rules as SC2 except now you need to be on a rail tile or a city.

You also need a rail connection to operate to a city. If someone bombs Paris under 4 of supply then you can not operate to Brest, Caen and Bordeaux, unless you have Vichy France, if so you'll be able to operate to Bordeaux providing Vichy France and Bordeaux have 5 or greater supply.

Very good. Finally strategic bombers will have significant role.

Amphibious invasions have a change that does not make it so easy to amphib so many troops.
My suggestion is that you have rule which will allow only corps and HQ unit to load on amphibious transports. This will make sea invasions much harder and it will be historically correct.

Swap move? SC2 badly need it.

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Originally posted by vveedd:

Excellent. Does unit have to gain some special situation to do that? I mean like in Panzer General 2 - only if tank unit overruns enemy unit then it get additional move and attack points?

There are 3 unit types I believe with "Double-Strike", though not all in the same shape or form ;)

I'll leave the details up to Hubert.

Also the A.I. is aware when it's better not to use that second strike in case the second strike would give undesirable results.

At first I thought it was a bug, but it's actually some crafty programming smile.gif

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I think n0kn0k is referring to the new Artillery unit smile.gif This one has an automatic defensive fire strike whenever an enemy unit is attacking a friendly ground unit in range as well as it's normal strike on the following turn.

In general though, artillery has added some spice to defensive situations, for example picture creating a nest of defensive fire positions in and around Stalingrad, i.e. behind the defenders that are already behind the rivers etc., but it can also be useful in laying seige in situations like when you just need that little extra boost to take out spots like Leningrad and so on.

Additionally Artillery is a good demoralizer as it has an effect on attacker/defender morale which of course affects combat ability.

On a side note, with SC2 WaW you can now adjust each unit's demoralization effect via the Editor so this also allows for greater customization... not to mention all the other Editor additions as well smile.gif

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