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The Industrial Modifier

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At work and don't have game access, but looking at the manual, this little parameter seems to stand out.

Could it be that research into this little item could have significant game impact?

It seems your base MPP accumulation per turn is multiplied by this insignificant digit, right?

Now research levels are a bit confusing and can vary for each major between 10-25%(pg 25, 2nd to last paragraph).

If this is true, is it a random variable modifier or is it constant depending on the major? Page 93, last paragraph states initial starting multipliers and designates the increments at 10% for each major excepting USA, which is 20%.

So what's this with the 25%?

And is the increment of increase per level, per major, adjustable/accessible through the editor?

I couldn't find a script example for controlling this parameter. Is there ever a time when it would decrease during gameplay?

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Thanks HC, so at level 5 I would have my 200 MPPs(base) of German origin multiplied by 1.5 = 300 MPPs.

If USA then = 400 MPPs.

And if I was using those MPPs for unit only purchases and I attained level 5 production technology, then I would be effectively getting 400 MPPs for Germany and 533.3 for USA.


Oh one other thing, that production research level will also effect the cost of my reinforcements and upgrades?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems this is a slam dunk for the US with 20% increments. Plus, the ability to transfer 30% to the UK means they would get 120 pts per turn which 'cross the ocean' much more quickly than troops.

In fact, a combination of US Industry and Brittish Production research combined with maximum MPP transfer could yield a potent army factory even if the Home Island is taken and they get created in Egypt.

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And that is why I created AI scripts for USA and Russia to research only Intel, Production and Industrial and not produce any other units during 1939 and 1940. In fact, I moved Industrial to the top of the list with Intel 2nd and Production 3rd in the 1939-1940 scripts.

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Originally posted by LampCord:

Seems this is a slam dunk for the US with 20% increments. Plus, the ability to transfer 30% to the UK means they would get 120 pts per turn which 'cross the ocean' much more quickly than troops.

In fact, a combination of US Industry and Brittish Production research combined with maximum MPP transfer could yield a potent army factory even if the Home Island is taken and they get created in Egypt.

But the units wouldn't come out of the UK factories quicker than the US ones, so you'd probably be better off still making them in the US, as you have now lost a turn by sending the points to UK. Not to mention feeding the U-boats.

I'd only send that amount if UK had higher tech in something I wanted, otherwise it's mainly just for replacements.

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Doesn't it take 3 turns to cross the ocean for US units? Maybe more to N. Africa.

So you still get there 2 turns quicker. Plus, if uboats are a problem for MPP's they likely are for transports as well. Plus you save the cost of transportation as well. Tranny's aren't free.

If UK production is much higher than US, you get more value for your MPP's in UK.

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Originally posted by LampCord:

Doesn't it take 3 turns to cross the ocean for US units? Maybe more to N. Africa.

So you still get there 2 turns quicker. Plus, if uboats are a problem for MPP's they likely are for transports as well. Plus you save the cost of transportation as well. Tranny's aren't free.

If UK production is much higher than US, you get more value for your MPP's in UK.

I was taking 75 MPP a turn off of the UK with only three level 3 subs.

At that point, I'd rather take my chances in a US transport. At least I'd know where the subs are. On the dang convoy lanes!

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