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One Playtester's Perspective

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Bill and I and Blashy

(... there are a few others, but they choose not to come forth and say so, fine, that's their business)

Are very fortunate.

We are able to see how this most amazing!

Game has developed,

And where it is going.

Speaking only for myself,

And as I've said before,

I would NOT do it

For ANYONE else alive, period,


Due to my IMMENSE respect for Mr Cater.

A more stand-up, straight shooter

You will never find,

Hiking any road side of Santa Fe.

OK, recently - enough members

Have complained about

My... "bad poetry"

To cause me pause.

Fair enough.


I've determined, the thing to do,

There won't be anymore of those.


No quaint 60's stories neither.

I've got other things need attention,

In what small time remains, ah, mea culpa,

Which the Almighty has alotted for me,

Back at Alpha.

Yet... I don't recall a single instance

Where I have "flamed" somebody else

For writing bad sentences,

Or bad paragraphs,

Or bad reasoning,

Or bad sequences of ideas.

[... keep in mind, as I now take time to do myself, those "by-laws," or the "entry agreement," whatever it's called, which the Moderators usually enforce, about... no flaming, or personal attacks, and no harrassments]

Contrary wise, I have occasionally complimented

Certain writings that I thought

Were quite accomplished.

Not a problem, I've been around the block,

Seen the usual number of terrible things,

I don't mind. smile.gif

Just remember,

Bill has said, and I am in complete accord,

This is volunteer work,

And we've both been gladly at it,

For SC 1 and 2, about 3 years now.

VERY fortunate to be asked. :cool:

By Hubert, and Hubert alone.

And we might presume that he KNOWS

IF our intellect, or creative input,

Or knowledge of the genre,

Of WW-2 history and myth and romance,

Is... satisfactory.

It's all that matters to me.

[... I understand the impatience, the frustration about the delay; however, Hubert puts in 12-14-16 hour days trying to get you the game you have asked for. Playtesters spend a lot of time testing and suggesting, very often, ideas that YOU guys have brought up. If you want to confront or attack, oh, as a kind of "transferred stand in" - LOL, well, use your own judgement on that]

OK, what I will do, is this:

From this point on,

I will ONLY answer questions

Concerning the new game.

I'll mostly hang out in the Beta Forum

And check in here every once in a while

And IF I can be of some assistance,

I'll provide simple, declarative answers.

How's that? smile.gif

That's about it.

Except... one last thing:

I keep saying it, but I REALLY mean it:

Life is short, have FUN! smile.gif

[... with SC-2, and given the clamoring audience,

shouldn't be... ANY problem! :cool: ]

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First, I understand fully and appreciate your comments. The forums do get "out of line" and it is frustrating to see how bad the no flaming, or personal attacks, and no harrassments is violated.

Second, I do encourage you to check in here often. I'm sure the Beta Forum is great, but for those of us who can't get into it, it means no good information. Don't punish the whole forum, because of the folks who don't want to act responsibly.

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Thanx Yogi,

Appreciate your comment. smile.gif

I do NOT mean to imply that I won't

Answer, to the best of my ability,

And, given the NDA,

ANY questions about the new game.

Just, that, and that... ONLY.


Meant to add:

My apologies for my own ill-considered, and unhelpful remarks just recently, especially to Lars, John C, and santabear.

It won't happen like that, again. ;)

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You shouldn't feel sad, because someone has critizised your creative style of writing. :(

I must confess that it is sometimes not easy to understand everything, at least for a foreigner, but ... why should we expect to understand everything? ;)

I want to say 'Thank You' to you and the other playtesters for putting so much time and effort in this game.

Your posts are always polite, informative and entertaining in the best sense.

Please keep it up. smile.gif

As a wise man once said:

Life is short, have FUN! smile.gif

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Well DD,

I for one will miss your philosophical poetic displays, but I understand, especially when walking in the shoes of others that may lack the command of the English language that your posts display.

I hope we can count on a semblance of your posting style from time to time in the future, perhaps after SC2 release, as a totally complete exile is surely without merit.

Thanks for the memories.......

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

My apologies for my own ill-considered, and unhelpful remarks just recently, especially to Lars, John C, and santabear.

Was there one? Damn, I missed it. :D

Dude, write the way you like to write. If others don't like it, well, eff them. It's still a free country last I checked.

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Hi Desert Dave,

I didn't take anything you said amiss, and I hope one bear's attempt at a haiku didn't offend you.

We have a problem in this here forum:

We're here to discuss SC2, but it's hard to discuss what we don't know.

So some discussions (e.g. hex/tile) seem like beating deceased equines, while others (e.g. the campaign editor, the AI) are star-gazingly philosophical and idealistic.

Until the game is released, we don't really have much to discuss here--which is probably why the discussions ramble at times.

In any case, any information you can share is appreciated.


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Desert Dave;

I never "complained" about your poetry if you accuse me of that. But why are you gonna sacrifice your freedom of speech(within certain limits) for the sake of others?

Don't you know that what you are losing out on is our democracy?

Don't you know that you let intolerance and criticism win in favor of creativity and freedom?

Don't you know that by doing this you increase the pressure on others to behave strict and predictable and make life LESS FUN in our community?

Don't you know old man, that what you are giving up on....is life itself....and where is the fun in that? ;)

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Thanks everyone, it's

Not any extended exile, just

Gonna steer different awhile

And clear my head.

Like... only recently,

I was makin' tracks

No, NOT Route 66 this time, but

Hi-Way 61, re-re-visited,

Instead, and I happened

To glance over

And notice Not-Rover

The stuffed cat

Aunt Clarabella 'd E-mailed

Me for Christmas

(... took me an hour to get

all that ribbon & wrap ripped off!)

(... she is dotty & daft! I am

in my 50's! What need

for a... stuffed Cat? Hmmm,

maybe that's where I got...?)

Anyway and - somehow?

Using them stiff stuffed fore-legs

I HAVE to believe, it 'd rolled

The window half way down!

(... how'd it get unloose

from the seat harness

I had - cinched as a noose?)

And stuck its head

Part way - out the window!

I tell you this, true!

Not-Rover's 99% rayon whiskers

Just... a'twitching in

'At whistling wind!

Growling right along with noises

Like... back-beat riffs

Of them Beach Boys!

About some ol' hot-rod had a "409" engine

In it or such-like as that, ah,

How wired-up weird the world

Can really be, no? And so,

What else to do?

I tromped on the gas and nudged the red-line

On that shake-rattle tach,

And - O Froobjalay!

I just... rolled O

I just hummed right along!

(... OOOPS, couldn't help it, it's hard

to contain the refrains

mind-bending in yer head, yeah

this little "ditty story" sorta

slipped on out, sorry :confused: )


I'll be around.

I like wargames too much.

And ALL them... "out-of-the-Hat" Cats

What plays 'em. :cool:

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I have a question. How many more units are we looking at moving per turn than we did in SC1? This game looks like one of those huge monster games like WitP after looking at the screen shots. So, I'm wanting to know how many more units per side vs SC1 and about how long each turn takes early/middle/late game?

Thank you

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It has ess units then SC1 and along with the bigger map MORE possible maneuvers.

In our network game me and Nax had a timer set at 10 minutes and it was enough to do our turns and we are still learning the game. So a 10-15 minutes per turn for any experience player will be enough.

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LOL, gotta agree with the Birdman...Icons like CC would rather play two games, and make a couple misclicks rather than one game of slowfest.

I said a hip hop,

Hippie to the hippie,

The hip, hip a hop, and you don't stop, a rock it

To the bang bang boogie, say, up jump the boogie,

To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat.

Now, what you hear is not a test - I'm rappin' to the beat,

And me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet.

See, I am Wonder Rambo, and I'd like to say hello,

To the black, to the white, the red and the brown,

The purple and yellow. But first, I gotta

Bang bang, the boogie to the boogie,

Say up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie,

Let's rock, you don't stop,

Rock the rhythm that'll make your body rock.

Well so far you've heard my voice but I brought two friends along,

And the next on the mic is my man Kuni,

C'mon, Kuni, sing that song!

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The Painted Desert Dave can wait till summer. He aned I have played this SC game of just imagine long enough. Wait till summer? When I'm sure the German rains have ended, the blooms have gone, everyone killed by the Russian morning frost. Is a cactus blooming there in Rommell's every roadside stand where the big deal is cowboy Patton's pistol gear swon in war?

The Painted Desert Dave can wait till summer.


[ February 12, 2006, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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I don't understand anything the OP is saying. Is he even saying anything ?




It is the sound of... one hand clapping.

Which, I aver, you've clearly earned

Thus far,

In a dozen posts, ah,

Yin jin,

Yanga langa ding dong!

All sins & mysteries solved!

In only a dozen!... profound remarks.

Tao ... LOL,


Fer sure.. and - how! ;)

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