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Moderators - I'm new here, but it seems like some forums here are out of control and normal forum rules aren't being applied. For your reasons and ours, could you (like most forums I use) apply rules like:

1. political (better still any non SC2) talk outside the "general" and "political" forums gets transferred there and gets a warning.

2. racist or otherwise offensive posts get deleted and get a warning.

3. repeat after a warning gets a ban.

I don't want to have to wade through this childish nonsense to use the forum for what it was intended.

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The problem is that this community is full of so called "experts" on WW2 and related issues, that its difficult for them to see when they are at fault. The outcome ofcourse is endless discussions mostly based on facts found on obscure sites related to WW2 which has nothing to do with SC2. This is afterall just a game loosely based on some historical facts. But i agree, stop these pointless debates and focus on the actual game instead, it is afterall what this forum is all about.


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It's always wonderful when someone with six posts comes along and uses his seventh to define all the problems with his infinite wisdom and put down the people who have been carrying the place for years.

What amazes me is the way people like you fault the ones who actually speak up against those disrupting the threads.

As for the condescending "So called experts part," let's see what you have to contribute to the place before you set up a pulpit for yourself.


The forum is about SC-2 and related topics, which takes in the history of WWII and, as the scenario editor can be used to create any other war, all of military history and it's related subjects.

Please, if you have equally boring suggestions keep them to yourself. If this place were only about the game and nothing but the game it would be a ghost town.


The place has run fine for years and it will run fine for years to come. That one lunatic comes in and stirs things up for a few days is not a big deal. He will be out in a few days after he's made a few more comments.

Meanwhile you've only got twelve posts, will you still be here and contributing after he gets bounced? The reason I ask that is because in four years here I've seen dozens of people who come in like a messiah nailing proclamations to the wall and next day they've gone off somewhere never to return.

Your words would have much greater validity if you set an example by posting and being a good member over a prolonged period of time, not by acting enraged after a dozen posts and telling everyone else how to behave.

Leave running the place to the moderators, they aren't shy about bouncing disruptive people out of here.

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@JerseyJohn. You're arrogant and ignorant if you base the worth of a person's opinion on how many posts they've made.

Not that I need to account to you, but I'll be around while I'm playing BF games (SC2 is #5). I won't be around (or buying BF games) if it's an unpleasant or offensive experience to come to the site when I need info.

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Arrogant and ignorant? What a jackass to say something like that when you have no track record at all in this place.

It's great when somebody comes down from the heavens to show us the way.

Do some real posting, stick around a while and be a constructive influence over a period of time and you'll be taken seriously.

-- Till then you're only presumptuous and, it turns out, also nasty, obnoxious and as bad as a troll yourself.

Try being a member instead of a moderator -- you don't have the credentials mister dozen or so posts know-it-all.

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Jersey John

You are arrogant and ignorant. You are telling me based on relative post numbers whatI may or may not say. I am not setting guidelines for moderators. I am reminding them of their own, eg:



Member # 386

posted 26-08-2003 11:32 PM


We would like to remind everybody that this forum is for discussion about game-related issues only, for forum regulars as well as for new players. As much as we like to see a community around the game, personal messages have no place here, as do any off-topic posts. As a reminder to everybody:

- game related posts, questions and discussions, AARs and, if you want, league standings belong here. Discussion about WWII strategic and/or historical topics are allowed, as long as they relate to the game somehow.

- game challenges (general or to individuals) belong in the Opponent finder forum

- support and tech questions belong in the SC Tech support forum

- everything else goes into the General Forum or doesn't belong here at all; if you need to exchange private messages, use email, ICQ or what not.

- posting pictures is tolerated as long as it's on topic and within limits

- posting profanity will result in an immediate ban

For the time being, the admins will enforce the forum rules strictly. Anybody not conforming to those rules will be banned without warning. Email one of the moderators if you are not sure about posting certain content. This forum is a place for *everybody* to exchange their thoughts and opinions about the game, and this set of simple rules are in place to ensure that the general atmosphere here allows old and new members to do this in a mature, friendly and comfortable surrounding.





Member # 386

posted 23-12-2004 06:03 PM


"Free speech" doesn't mean that *everything* is allowed. People often forget that. There always have to be some rules, and some people that enforce them, in order to keep a forum open for everybody to participate. Moderation and administration are a necessary evil. Everyone at Battlefront would prefer to do something else instead, believe me that, like for example make good games.

Oh, and I am locking this. Not censorship, but locking a discussion because it's not going to lead anywhere except down. Just like a thread will get locked when it gets too personal or abusive.


[ May 28, 2006, 07:48 AM: Message edited by: markpoll ]

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Yes. Many times. But I'm sure you'll be giving some interpretation or them shortly, so fire away.


You're crossing a line with your personal insults. Do it once more and I'm making a formal complaint about you.

If you really had anything to offer you wouldn't feel compelled to start everything off with that arrogant and ignorant crap -- which is exactly how I feel about you at this point.

As for post counts. I've been contributing here for four years. Yes, my contributions to this site outweigh yours by a gigantic margin and only an idiot would think otherwise so stop trying to act like I'm the town bully, I'm not and you have no track record, so stop trying to act like you've got a right to dictate here. Nobody does, but you least of all.

I've always been one of the most sympathetic to new members, but now when they come in like the voice of the law and start slinging insults around and telling the rest of us how we're supposed to behave.

As I said, make some real posts first, then, perhaps, when you've been around for a while, the rest of us might take you seriously.

And remember what I said about the personal remarks. They'll get you bounced out of here much faster than anything else.

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:


Yes. Many times. But I'm sure you'll be giving some interpretation or them shortly, so fire away.


I think we both know whom that was directed at. And I'll do no such thing, but instead suggest that those who register at this site read them before posting.
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Read my own posts? You've got a real vicious streak to make a suggestion like that!

This whole line of reasoning we've gotten stuck in is counterproductive. Time to move on to bigger and better things. And it's time to break the proverbial arrow and bury all this.

Rules are fine but, ultimately, they're only guidelines. Posts need the freedom to ooze around and, at times, bend them a little.

Best to leave all of this to the people who actually run the place.

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You are not "oozing around" or "bending a little" guidelines with comments to myself and other new members like:

"It's always wonderful when someone with six posts comes along and uses his seventh to define all the problems with his infinite wisdom"

"Please, if you have equally boring suggestions keep them to yourself."

"Meanwhile you've only got twelve posts .....Your words would have much greater validity..."

"What a jackass"

"you're only presumptuous and, it turns out, also nasty, obnoxious and as bad as a troll yourself"

"you don't have the credentials mister dozen or so posts know-it-all"

And you're calling it personal abuse to point out that those comments are arrogant and ignorant. If you want to move on, fine, but if you don't want these sort of counterproductive discussions, don't start them. This began when you made personal insults to THREE new members (in the one post) who had made reasonable comments.

[ May 28, 2006, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: markpoll ]

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No doubt adding fuel to the fire but this is too funny. A poster comes and registers a valid complaint and gets dressed down by personal insults because of the low number of posts!? Like that makes his views invalid? Someone should know better and hardly encourages the growth of a community.

This forum and SC previously has to its detriment been 'bullied' by a bunch of hoodlums. The whole past goings on is there to see. No matter the hoodlums 'belief' they have carried the game, they have been and are only a very small minority. Their views and actions do more harm than good in driving away potential contributors IMO. The reason why I and a couple others I know, owners of SC and SC2, rarely if ever post here.

About time it is brought up, though I doubt matters will change much in the end. Most of us have regular lives/jobs/family and neither the time nor inclination to persist. As Markpoll says why continue when the experience is offensive and unpleasant.

Another drop in the bucket I wager.


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Okay, so you can't take yes for an answer.


You've taken my quotes out of context without reference to what they were responding to so what you've posted is pointless.

As for your actions. They were wrong. Period.

I've been here a lot longer than yourself and have been very active for four years and, in all of that time, NEVER told the moderators what their guidlines ought to be. So, when you come out of nowhere and start doing it, of course I regard it as wrong.

Bury the hatchet, don't bury the hatchet, who cares? Since you're so fond of pointing out arrogance, your own reaction is pretty damn arrogant.

Go your own way, stay, go, post, lurk, it doesnt matter to anyone but yourself. You've already rubbed me the wrong way, not so much with what you've said earlier but with this garbage you've just come out with.

It takes a very small person to act that way.

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If any of what you're saying is directed at me I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not and have never been a bully, forum or otherwise.

The post count came in only as an example of how ridiculous it is for someone to register and start giving the law before he's even made any reasonable number of posts.

My real gripe is the laying down the law part -- nobody, regardless of what they've done in the past, has a right to do that. And no, I've never done it, so I have no qualms about making that statement.

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The OP was not giving the law. He was simply ASKING for Industry Standard forum rules be applied.

No doubt some of the posts here recently have cost Battlefront customers.

As you can see I have been here a long time with few posts. I support Battlefront with my $$$.

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No. Anyone who wouldn't buy a wargame because of what's been posted recently wouldn't have bought the wargame anyway.

There comes a point where it gets absurd. They're buying the game, not the discussion forum.

-- Industry standard and all the rest. Why don't you guys try posting for a while about either the game or the history associated with it. All this register and turn into a forum lawyer is more than a little ridiculous.

As for the voices of reason, they're turning out to be every bit as disruptive as the troll who sparked all this in the first place.

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Even forum admins have a day of vacation once in a while. Since I don't fancy the thought of having to read through the various threads to find out who said what, I pick the second best option: padlock-o-rama!


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