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2nd Official AAR, Nax vs. Blashy as allies.

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error on defense of France. Unless the Maginot is a Girly Line, you made a wider gap. Also unless the Wermacht outnumbers the French why pull back turn one?

Should've kept those frontline hexes entrenched and waited for the German Advance into the Ardenne, 1 turn before then pull back to the Capitol if you want to try an early French Retreat Strategy. Just thinking this as it seems the Wermacht greatly outnumbers the French and it's a weak strategy to give them more hexes to kill your units...

Anyways have fun, and continue publishing AARs and images.

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Originally posted by Liam:


error on defense of France. Unless the Maginot is a Girly Line, you made a wider gap. Also unless the Wermacht outnumbers the French why pull back turn one?

Should've kept those frontline hexes entrenched and waited for the German Advance into the Ardenne, 1 turn before then pull back to the Capitol if you want to try an early French Retreat Strategy. Just thinking this as it seems the Wermacht greatly outnumbers the French and it's a weak strategy to give them more hexes to kill your units...

Anyways have fun, and continue publishing AARs and images.

You wait and you'll have your maginot surrounded the same turn DoW on Benelux.

Better to have your tank untouched and entrenched at level 6 heavy tanks. That kicks ass. As well as your armies entrenched level 2 with full supply.

If you send in too many UK troops for support (like more than one), expect a sealion.

As in WW2, the UK/France forces were no match for the Germans.

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It should but I think since weather has been new to playtesting we are trying to find the right balance. We've gone from what has been argued as extreme weather to what is probably now weather effects that are too light (as shown in the recent AAR) so I figure something in the middle should do the trick.

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I don't know how much fluctuation you'd want to put in there, but historically the winter of 1939-40 in Western Europe was the worst in decades. If it hadn't been so severe, Germany might have launched it's offensive earlier. I don't know if that would have been better or worse or for their chances, but Hitler kept ordering it and then calling it off (I believe a dozen or more times). The consequences of a Russian winter being more or less severe than normal would, of course, have an even greater effect on events.

Will there be a variable factor in weather patterns? Something that would also effect amphibious actions? Just an idea.

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Blashy:

As in WW2, the UK/France forces were no match for the Germans.

It seems strange that you cant hold maginotline...especially since in this AAR the attack through benelux is made in the autumn. Shouldnt weather forbid too much movement? </font>
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strange, so very strange for us, so use to the fact that the front is small, and the units you can mass are beyond belief. You would stack 3 lines of Allied units with not real significant cost by around March of '40 then what can the Wermacht do, pray the Luftwaffe gets 3 hits and that's with experience?

I suppose they're are less units and the armor is representing a much stronger fighting force which if so, makes this game a different one, plus if the otherside of the Maginot is worthless breaking through the South Ardenne makes for an interesting idea. Benelux is a weakling aye?

Oh, for all us WW2 fans, remeber the decision to invade France wasn't an instanteous one, many in the German High Command were researching different routes in... It was Manny who did the best there ;) Reserves, bust through, pour in reserve was that right?

The Brits never sent any Spits to France either. I sort of like this idea... Took a long long time for the RAF to fuel up to handle the Luftwaffe, would've been a tough fight, but would've killed the RAF I think in France.

Poor French, many of their units never got unloaded from the trains, many of their forces were dispersed in the wrong place like the Maginot Line... Could've if concentrated and working together, done something. I wonder the Readiness of the Blitzkrieg Shock, what that effects though be?

That is a primary factor here. That instant whack, and the fact that the French can't get decent Leaders so close to representing reality. No Charlie Degaulle no smart leader who put together a tangible defense. I would like to think that some of your units ignore your commands, as historical... Due to your ineffecient High Command? Order them hope and they only travel 2 hexes instead of 3 ROFL

anyways keep plugging away we're watching and interested

<1940 Winter was Hell, worst in many years, no way the French would've got hit then, do the research, and the Germans still didn't have a plan they really thought to be set in stone>

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But the RAF kicked ass in the Battle of Britain with some radar aid & some brave as fighter pilots & people. The UK stood upto the Germans w/ a little help from that Body of Water called the English Channel. UK doesn't need a large army when you're an Island.

Back to this weather...it better not become the "new luck factor" for the game.

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Guys, you have got to think outside the mechanics that were SC1, SC2 is very different, especially the operational combat tactics.

I'll just mention.....attack then move.

Now for the real campaign. There is no way we can simulate the surprise success that the Blitzkrieg doctrine achieved, because we are the beneficiaries of hindsight.

You must remember that in the Polish campaign of 1939 the details of the actions were not widely dissimenated. The Germans had the clues and many of them were sure they had it close to right, but still lacked the confidence to prosecute their conclusions. Was the Polish collapse a fluke? It must have haunted many of their thoughts.

Some, like Rommel, Guderian, Manstein, etc had suspicions and were recklessly ready to pursue the full benefits of Blitzkrieg, but I'm sure they even had their doubts.

Knowing what we know of the historical unfolding of the French campaign, the glaring truth is that the French and UK expeditionary force did not have a chance, for many reasons. Could they have done better, probably. But France was lost and the game should play that way, which explains Blashy's appropriate actions, not the only possibility, but understandable.

[ November 07, 2005, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]

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Germans were frickin' fanatics & the French had no heart, how's that for a strategy? You take any battle or fight, comes down to a point where you gotta have heart. The French were Nazis themselves deep down inside (see Vichey France).

Remember, the Nazis had lots of friends: Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Swiss, Low Countries, Denmark, Sweden, France...The only real opponent that German did well against was Russia. German was stopped cold by the Brits & get headcracked by the United States. Who did the Germans really beat?

When it comes to Poland, give me a break, they were sleeping farmers.

The Germans got headcracked by British Air & Naval forces smile.gif

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The weather.....Ah yes...will it be a random selection or will we be able to select historical?

Severe conditions should be possible and the selection of the player to go in those conditions should have its consequences.

For the French timeline for surrender, the weather should probably be the greatest contributer that dictates an early or late capitulation.

But as I said before...capitulation...none the less.

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Jon, all it does is influence your decision, its not the sole determining factor.

It is important, the effects are debatable. Some say that if Barbarossa had kicked off a little earlier.....well?

And what is this with all the negativity??? I don't want someone with bad vibes in the trenches with me when our time comes. Shape up Soldier...or ship out!

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Jon...this is brewskie talk.....remember...to remember this is a beta......Hello....Earth to Rambo...you out there...get your head out of that tin can.

A lot of good you'll be, won't be able to hit the side of a big red barn. Luckily....yes you'll get lucky cause I'm a marksman and I'll save your ass.

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