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2nd Official AAR, Nax vs. Blashy as allies.

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Since Nax won't be posting or if so very little.

I'll do an AAR of our game where I am Allies.

Turn 2, Poland not taken, Corps on Capital alive at STR 1 and re-inforced to 8. All other units counter attack resulting in more losses than the German invaders.

Poland should fall next turn but a re-inforced Capital will result in a slower move of German units to the Western front.

Meanwhile, the French pull away from the maginot line and surround their tank group in paris so it can properly prepare for the German advances.


Allied fleet goes into the Atlantic looking for enemy subs.

Russian command ponders on what type of military it will build.


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Originally posted by NumLock:

But what does that number next to the type of unit in the "Select Unit" menu mean?

It represents how many of these units you can build.

After you've reached that limit you can still build some but with a "softbuild" penalty. Which increases the cost cumulativly.

Russia has a 10% penatly, so a 100mpp corps will cost 110mpps after the limit is reached, 121 for the second and so on.

This simulates how the Govt of these era's were geared toward. But if you wish to simulate if you had TOTAL control you can go in the editor and put all of these at 20 or 100, it won't cause more units on the map because the lack of MPPs just won't be enough. I prefer to play with the 25 limit to simulate me having total control of where the country is geared militarly.

But for testing we are playing with these limits, Hubert wants us to find out if it is well balanced.

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I'm glad Blashy is posting AARs cuz I really don't have time to.

I'll answer a couple of questions. The build times ARE provided on the unit purchase screen (after the build limits in parentheses) so you can see the delays. But in the example above the production delay option is turned off, so these numbers don't appear. Build limits and production delays are game options at start.

Units selected from the list cannot be renamed when purchased, but can be renamed during the game like you can do now in SC1.

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If it is appropriate and there is time, how does a player review the status of the units he has placed in the build queue?

In the lower right panel where the Nation's flags are located (... and corresponding MPP totals), you can right-click on the flag and that Nation's build queue will appear.

(... by LEFT CLICKING on the flag you will be centered on the Nation's Capital)

Could be you are on-screen and contemplating your immediate and future plans, and so, you don't have to re-enter the production screen in order to see what is due to arrive.

It shows a picture of ALL the units you have purchased... clear to the end of the war, and the date of arrival. By month and year.

Don't mind saying that this was one of the suggestions that I had made, and I am sure glad it was implemented. Saves quite a lot of Xtra clicking. ;)

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I'll keep track of the dates for the next updates of the AAR but for now, turn 4.

Poland surrendered.

3 German corps bust the emptied maginot and a massive amount of troops are brought in from the Polish campaign.

The French have successfully surrounded their capital with armies while tanks hide in the city prepared to ambush to the enemy.

Sub is till running wild in the Atlantic.

NOTE: Sorry for no screenshots, I forgot to take one :( . I'll have two next time.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

And Blashy, can you post a screenshot of the build qeue?

Also in the "set name" entry box, I assume this is where we can change the name to our preference?

Correct, here you can either accept the name you've selected or edit it to your liking... also as Bill mentioned the name can also be edited once placed on the map as in SC1
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Start of Nov 1939.

The sub dives from all attacks but hopefully it is properly surrounded.

No French units are destroyed 3 are damaged and re-inforced.

No counter attacks worth mentioning (only 1).

A STR 5 corps is operated from the south.


The Italian navy is found hiding in ports and around them, Italy still not at war.

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I have a question regarding the Editor and the production queque.

I can see that the production window is diveded into months and gives us the date for the arrival of new troops. But what if we make a scenario where we have a weekly time frame, can we than also change the dates in the production monitor to weeks ?


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First, I want to thank you and congratulate for posting AAR. AAR means that we are close to release date and I (and, I suppose, all others SC players) have waited long time for this day. Now, let’s go to business:

1. Are you playing Fall Weiss scenario with default settings (with no changes in editor)?

2. What letter G means next to French air fleet unit in first screenshot?

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Originally posted by Fireball:

I have a question regarding the Editor and the production queque.

I can see that the production window is diveded into months and gives us the date for the arrival of new troops. But what if we make a scenario where we have a weekly time frame, can we than also change the dates in the production monitor to weeks ?


Yes, you can manipulate the editor to do a different time frame. As for the monitor weeks question, I don't know.
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1. Are you playing Fall Weiss scenario with default settings (with no changes in editor)?

2. What letter G means next to French air fleet unit in first screenshot?

1- Yes Fall Weiss the settings have 2 different from the default.

a- we don't use consumable chits, we turned those off because if we had them on we would not invest in tech or diplomacy, just too expensive with the new very limited MPPs (which I love by the way).

b- We also have production queue disable, I stated why in the other AAR.

2- the G is for "ground" which means the airfleet will not intercept or do escort duty. You can also select I - intercept and E - escort or none at all and they will act as in SC.

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Production queue disabled? I don't understand this.

With the new feature of inactive majors being able to buy and move troops, is the war in Russia MORE difficult or less?

The reason I ask is I was thinking at first that Russia being able to position and build forces would give it a bigger edge since the real USSR was almost totally caught by surprise, and obviously a player would not be. But after considering that the player has a limit of what he can do while still inactive, I was wondering if the Axis player could basicly sit and do very little except build new forces and technology since he can build at full potential, and the U.S.S.R and U.S. are limited, this way when he finally decs. war on Russia he could completley overwhelm them.

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Originally posted by Night:

Production queue disabled? I don't understand this.

With the new feature of inactive majors being able to buy and move troops, is the war in Russia MORE difficult or less?

The reason I ask is I was thinking at first that Russia being able to position and build forces would give it a bigger edge since the real USSR was almost totally caught by surprise, and obviously a player would not be. But after considering that the player has a limit of what he can do while still inactive, I was wondering if the Axis player could basicly sit and do very little except build new forces and technology since he can build at full potential, and the U.S.S.R and U.S. are limited, this way when he finally decs. war on Russia he could completley overwhelm them.

1- Yes we have production queue disable, so when we purchase units it works like SC, you get them right away. This is the only difference between enabling and disabling the production queue.

2- Your assumption is right, the player does get to place units where he wishes but you still have very little and on the first turn of DoW by Axis, none are entrenched, so the element of surprise remains. So far it works out very well and gives the Allied player a chance at different strategies. I've tried a all tank approach with russians, tons of corps, the high tech approach, the units at the border or units far back. More than one strategy will evolve and this will add constant interesting replay value.

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