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First post-patch impressions

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For what it's worth, I don't see alot of chances for my beloved Axis war path.

Basically, I still do the same as before.

- Turn 1 : I still sell my rocket research,, move my planes to Denmark and operate 3 armies out of Poland to the Benelux border. A small difference is that now I also operate a HQ.

- On turn 2, I take Denmark and the Benelux.

- Turn 3 or 4, I take Poland. I move the HQ, one tank and one army to the Konisngsberg port.

- April 1940 : France, Norway and Island (yes, I take Island) surrenders.

- June 1940 : Vichy France and Tunisia surrender.

- July 1940 : Sweden surrenders.

- August 1940 : Fighting in Spain.

I have Advanced Infantry level 3 by now, heavy tank 1 and Intelligence 2. USSR is at 50%, USA at 80% or so.

My plan is to take Spain and Portugal with my France-HQ and group and at the same time take Hungary, Roumania and Yougoslavia with my Norway HQ and group.

In other words : so far I don't see alot of chances with pre-patch except that I got more units then before : the VERY LOW research limit for Germany gives me money to buy ALOT of troops !

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Mind if I ask what level you play at? Very interesting approach. I think I might pass on England and Spain keeping the US and Russia lower. Then put lots of diplo chits into Spain and move onto N Africa and Russia.

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LOL..........nice approach.........would love to know the level your at.

I just did the regular strat........took Poland turn 2, waited for spring '40 and took Denmark, Belgium and Norway.

Waited for Summer '40 and took Franch in 3 turns.......I was on a roll!!!

Took Yugo early '41 with Italians and the Greece with them.

Built up my forces and tech pretty good for Barbarossa in '41

Things started out well, took the first 4 towns and the a combo of bad weather and reinforcements made it tough going.............I have gotten out side of Moscow...........but DENIED!!!

Its Summer '45 and I'm being pushed back my the Russians...........and pushed hard!! I'm back near Odessa in the South and Lenigrad (mine) in the North..........I'll still have to retreat as the Russians have gotten strong!!

Settings, Expert and Computer and +2

Try that on for size!!

What a tough go!!

Things I have noticed with the new patch.........

I invaded Norway.........England landed the BEF.........yup, the BEF that they evacuated from France.

U.S. invaded N.A. and had Bradley with them.

Russia buy's alot of broken troops back.....nightmare!!

Conclusion..........What a different game!!!

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LOL...........thats right Lars...........there I was minding my own business..............then get the flash.........RUSSIAN WINTER STIKES.........bah................no problem, I'm 2 hexes from Moscow and I'm encircling it...............next turn RUSSIA TRANSFERS SIBERIAN TROOPS...........YIKES!!..........and thats where I got denied!!!! LOL!!

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I see that I forgot to mention : both difficulty settings are on max. I never play with lower settings then that, you pick up bad habits if you do.

The trick is to invade France already in 1939. the French are ALOT easier then : their tank and two of their armies are at 5, no extra corpses there, Paris defended by the HQ. Plus the morale boost of first Denmark and Benelux and then two turns later from Poland are nice.

An intresting plus of taking Spain is that Hongary and Roumenia don't join you. That is not nesecesaarily a bad thing, that way you got to defend ALOT less front against the initial Russian attack wave :)

The rest of the game went something like this

- late 1940 : surrender of Spain, Portugal and Algiers => moved the units to attack Egypt).

- early 1941 : surrender of Sweden = moved the units to central Europe.

But then I made the BIG BIG BIG mistake : apperently DOW on Youguslavia makes the USSR IMMEDIATLY attack me, with my eastern border totally open. I tried to defend by recalling the troops back from Youguslavia and Egypt, but that's no use.

It was ugly, lol.

And since I never save my games, I got to restart from scratch :-(

This time, I'll do Sealion right after France. I know everyone advices against it, but I don't see how the USA can ever do D-Day without the UK, so...

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Originally posted by TaoJah:

But then I made the BIG BIG BIG mistake : apperently DOW on Youguslavia makes the USSR IMMEDIATLY attack me, with my eastern border totally open. I tried to defend by recalling the troops back from Youguslavia and Egypt, but that's no use.

It was ugly, lol.

LMAO..............I fell into the same trap.............DOW Yugo when Russia is close to readiness puts them over the top.

So ready or not here they come!!

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I tired your way last night and was shocked that I could take France so quickly. I passed on England and Norway went right for Vichy France then that made the Med easy. Also I pumped a lot of chits into Spain and got lucky there, they came over in early 40 making the Med even eaiser.

In early 41 I had a large German force take Syria and Iraq flipped, and Iran fell easy. At the same time I took Yugo and of course Russia readyness jumped a lot.

Where I was really lucky is I was setting up an invasion of Russia through Iraq and priming my forces for a drive in the North when the Russians decided they had enough and decleared war on me. I easlly dispatced their Northern attack with great losses to the Russian, the Romainians and Hungarians held in the south and my German troops took the two cities and a oil well in the Cacuses.

From there it was easy, even though my Cacucases force were unable to advance due to supply problems, I even brought along an HQ I am still having problems with the supply rules.

What amazes me is how many units the Russians keep putting into the fight even when they are down to just a couple of cities. You can't let up at all thinking you have it won as they can quickly over whelm you, plus supply becomes a HUGE problem in NE Russia.

Anyway I didn't mean to get long winded but thanks for posting your views, it gave me something new to try, I never thought I could take France so quickly, I did notice that if you get real unlucky and get mud early it can mess with you taking France early in a big way.

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But then I made the BIG BIG BIG mistake : apperently DOW on Youguslavia makes the USSR IMMEDIATLY attack me, with my eastern border totally open. I tried to defend by recalling the troops back from Youguslavia and Egypt, but that's no use.
DoW on Yugoslavia has a huge boost on how the U.S.S.R. feels about Germany and their goose-stepping ways, but its not an automatic "It's War!" with Germany.Seeing your path of destruction through the entire western civilization, I would DoW you too as them Ruskies.
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Hitting Belgium and France in 39 is too weather dependable. If you like to gamble, go for it. I would rather wait till spring 40 - all stuff upgraded and diplo chits invested to force the allies to counter - it is a collossal cash drain for the UK to counter diplomatic efforts in Spain (75/chit) - this way you make sure they don't have the cash available to do something funny in Africa smile.gif

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

Hitting Belgium and France in 39 is too weather dependable. If you like to gamble, go for it. I would rather wait till spring 40 - all stuff upgraded and diplo chits invested to force the allies to counter - it is a collossal cash drain for the UK to counter diplomatic efforts in Spain (75/chit) - this way you make sure they don't have the cash available to do something funny in Africa smile.gif

I have found a better way to make sure that they don't do anything funny in Africa : Sealion & capture of Caïro, hehe.

While I was doing Africa, my cheap corpse-line held nicely against the russians, helped with some fortifications from a nice Italian engineer korps !

Once my troops have tranported from Africa I expect to have ALOT of fun in Russia with them !

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Originally posted by Rolend:

TaoJah once you take N Africa why not Syria, Iraq and Iran as well and invade Russia with some of your troops through Iran to take away the Russian oil fields?

Because by the time I take Egypt, the Russians are active and I need those troops to reinforce my front full of corpses. They can hold on some time, but not forever...

And besides : invading Russia from the south will be very hard, supply-wise, no ? How do you keep your units in supply over all those mountains ?

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Yes supply is a problem but I only do it to take the oil fields and deny that resouce to the Russians, then I hang on tell my southern push reaches Stalingrad then those forces can help there.

As for Russia being to active at that point it is because you invaded everything that moved, or didn't move for that mater smile.gif Leaving England, Norway and Spain out of the mix should allow you not to have to worry about Russia coming in tell mid 41, by then you should be setup to push on the Cacususes and able to easly fend off a Russian attack. In fact if you are ready for the Russians it makes it much easier as you will destroy them very easly when they do declare war and make a futile attack.


By the way this won't work well against a human player, you can count on what the AI will do you never know about a human smile.gif

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I think that against a human, I'd do my Sealion variant : Only take Poland, Benelux, Denmark & France and then Sealion with every German troop I got. Plus the Italians attacking in N Africa, just to keep those troops busy.

You can do a Sealion with almost your entire fleet intact, which makes D-Day next to impossible for the Allied : they need to take a city in the first few turns after landing but that's impossible without bombing it first and if I got the UK mainland, they don't have a place to bomb it from...

IMHO the only thing a player can do after a Sealion is to buy a country like Spain or Norway and invade from there.

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

Surface ships can knock a city down to 0 so it can't be reinforced just like bombers do.

That's true.

But I'd love to see the US ships attacking the cities in 1943 if they don't have any port and I got both the Germans and the Italian Navy defending the Atlantic at that point...

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Guest Mike

Presumably you'd take at least some losses from the Axis navies in subduing the Brits, but if you didn't then it'd be a bit of a massacre....but then perhaps they'd wait until 44??!! ;)

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

Presumably you'd take at least some losses from the Axis navies in subduing the Brits, but if you didn't then it'd be a bit of a massacre....but then perhaps they'd wait until 44??!! ;)

No, I didn't take any naval losses at all.

I never fought the British Navy.

I just took the mainalnd and then Caïro and they all surrendered !

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@Tao Jah -> Sealion is the only thing left still bothering me after the patch smile.gif

It is still too easy for axis to do it.

I usually buy several corps before France gets conquered - London area has 4-5 corps surrounding it. If I abandon completely the mid east, HQ, tank, army, corps, AF plus the assets in England would most likely save the day.

I keep Brest as long as I can and use the RN to inflict damage on german troops trying to get the city to delay them a port for Sealion preparation. Against me, Sealion is not a walkover, but I am very well aware that I cannot hold the isle forever or at least have to empty the whole mid east so I can stand a chance.

Problem is, USSR and USA will join for sure but they will be too weak and need time to get troops to attack the Axis.

I just tested this thing called 'mega axis air strategy' smile.gif

After France, Axis buy AFs (to have a total of 6 or 7), invest in LR, IW,AT, don't buy tanks, flood the eastern border with cheap corps and some armies and do the Sealion in early 41, once the AFs come from the prod. queue. You need only 1 landing for SL to suceed smile.gif

Mass air strikes directed at Manchester and London. Paratrooper snatches Manchester and some cheap ass corps lands in London after the defenders were wiped out by LF smile.gif

[ June 09, 2006, 04:48 AM: Message edited by: hellraiser ]

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Yep Sealion is still too easy to do and there is a good thread about that. The one good reason for doing Sealion against the AI is then you don't have to face an invasion of England in 44 or 45 with the island pakced with American and English air and ground units. By taking England in 40 or 41 then all you have to do is focus on Moscow and game over, you never even have to worry about the Americans. Of course this is dealing with the AI, against a human player you never know what you will get smile.gif

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