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RAMBO WINS!!! [AAR] Stalin's Organist (Allies) vs Rambo (Axis)

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Okay guys, here you go. Two bitter rivals in the Political & General Forum now meet in the SC-2 Forum, on the battlefield. We don't need any pre-game hype for this one.

I've sent turn# 1, as Axis, rather average movement into Poland.

No special rules yet declared, I'll leave that up to my opponent. He's from down under or something? What time is it in New Zealand?

[ June 25, 2006, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Guest Mike

It's currently 5pm Thursday the 4th of May - we're at GMT +12hrs - ie we're in pretty much everyone's future :D

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Turn #2 ---

Axis do not capture Warsaw, went in a little weak, was sending a few units walking & by train to the West. I did take Denmark by amphi-transports with the Army & Corp which start in N.E. Germany. One of the units operanded West, was an Army into the M-Line. French fighter did fly a mission into the M-Line, but did not intercept my return air attack against French units in the FBH, lets keep the entrenchments down. Either way, I'm gambling for good weather, weak Poland, ready for the LC.

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Guest Mike

So Poland still lives??!! smile.gif

I'm not expecting France to last too long either mind you, so perhaps the dice gods will even up JJR's luck there to my detriment?

8 hours until I get home & do the move.......

and Hell how can you get banned for something unintelligible?! ;)tongue.gif

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

Man!!! What an XXX game we have here ... Stalin's Onanist vs Jena Jameson Rambo !!! Milk or blow, this is the question :D

(hope I won't get banned for this ... )

Are we talking about masturbation?
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Guest Mike

Not only does Poland still ives, but it still lives AGAIN - and is sending troops marching on Berlin!

JJR has declared war on Benelux, but then bvbeen unable to defeat it in one turn & lost a bit in counter attacks.

So both Benelux AND Poland are still in play!

I think he might have spread himself a bit thin...but I expect he'll get over it!

Hell you are right - me being unable to comprehend doesn't make it unintelligible.

Being unintelligible is what makes it unintelligible! smile.gif

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Hmmm...I could start a poll about that phrase but I don't want you to feel humiliated, I respect you :D

Ref Poland - it happened to me in my last 4 or 5 TCP games, got Warsaw in turn 2 but poles kept fighting for 2-4 turns...obviously the opponent suicided all the remaining units and the plunder was low but it is not that important. Just keep enuff forces in poland and it is ok. If you don't plan an early LC attack (I attack LC in april or even may 40) you'll never get thin. For ppl that operate stuff in west for a possbile hit on LC during turn 2, it may be a problem though.

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Guest Mike

Hell it's not so much that Poland keeps fighting, as John hasn't taken Warsaw yet!!

However he will next turn - he killed the unit in it and none of the adjacent units have enough movement to reoccupy it :(

But a Polish Corps attacked Berlin this turn - it didn't do anything of course, but I'm sure it's embarassing for someone!! :D

The Benelux is still alive too - indeed the Belgians were reinforced with French equipment up to full strength, while the Neterlands army attacked a German HQ just to be annoying!

Instead he concentrated on wiping out the French armoured corps - which he duly accomplished, but I can't help but think that was a bit misguided - it was down to 4 points so wasn't going to do much more anyway!

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Guest Mike

Paris and Brussels still hold, but unfortunately so does Baghdad - indeed the allies have made no impression on the Iraqi's at all!! :(

Roumania has joined the Axis, and the Luftwaffe has redeployed 1 airfleet to Tobruk presaging an offensive in Africa while the allied ground forces are in Iraq - it's not looking good! :(

Also the RN has been all but wiped out in the Med with the carrier the sole remaining ship and hiding in Suez!

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Guest Mike

Jon's gone for a big offensive in Syria - moving in 2 Italian armies, a corps, a German corps and a Luftflotte in the last couple of turns - the allies have finally destroyed the garrison of Baghdad, but it may be far too late!! :(

However the invasion seems to have triggered a response in the Antipodes, 'cos the Australian and New Zealand Corps have arrived, as has the Desert Airforce........so it's not quite the walk in the park Jon may have been anticipating.

Plus it is 19 May, Benelux has only just fallen and Paris still hangs out ....although I'm sure it's not for long - it is essentially surrounded and will fall next turn baring some astounding dice luck.

He must have spent a fair few MPP's on transport and amphibious transport, plus working on getting Romania into the game.

Some of his units in France are definitely showing signs of wear and tear and I expect he'll have to spend a fair bit getting them back into shape for a possible Sealion or to take out some more minors.

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@SO -> don't worry about gerry overspending on boats and reinforcing -> they are the one with the cash flowing in, not you. As it looks now, germans do not need a sealion to win this game. Only average rolls and tech will do, especially if you did not previously agree to ban an Axis' Turkey invasion smile.gif

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

@SO -> don't worry about gerry overspending on boats and reinforcing -> they are the one with the cash flowing in, not you. As it looks now, germans do not need a sealion to win this game. Only average rolls and tech will do, especially if you did not previously agree to ban an Axis' Turkey invasion smile.gif

Ah but if you can make them spend lots of cash reinforcing, they could end up short for Barbarossa.
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But you still have to invest in Tech and if the Russians end up with the upper hand or if you have Italy spend all MPPs in their navy. They can make for an easy prey, especially if you do well in blocking Spain as Allies.

You can have the Axis short by Barbarossa, it can be done.

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Guest Mike
Originally posted by hellraiser:

@SO -> don't worry about gerry overspending on boats and reinforcing -> they are the one with the cash flowing in, not you. As it looks now, germans do not need a sealion to win this game. Only average rolls and tech will do, especially if you did not previously agree to ban an Axis' Turkey invasion smile.gif

Ah...but we have agreed to that - JJR suggested it along with a few other "house rules" like not invading Rome the same turn as a DOW IIRC - but of course Italy is now in the war anyway so I don't have to worry about that one! smile.gif

And every MPP spent in sending a LOT of troops to the Mid-east is a nail in the coffin vs Russia. This is long term game remember - "lots of corps" for "the opening phase" is not going to be enough.

I can assure you the Russians busy researching all their weapon tech like mad! :D

The costs of transporting all those troops are considerable - almost the entire Italian army was in Syria - in some ways it's a bit of a shame that they've been booted out, 'cos it was looking like Syria might have become the biggest POW camp in the world with all his troops stuck there! :(

I actually have rough parity in the Mid east in terms of numbers unless he shifts even MORE in - and I have a bigger airforce and better supply there, and the 7th armoured hasn't arrived yet.

Overall I'm really comfortable with the situation - although I probably have no right to be since I think Jon has made better decisions than me in a wider strategic sense - althogh I think some of his tactics haven't worked so well! smile.gif

Jon I was wondering what might happen when France fell with respect to Syria - especially since someone posted a few days ago that they lost a British Corps that was in Beirut when it happened. :eek: :eek:

Did they all die? Or get repositioned????

Anyway - I'm at work all day and then out to language and dance lessons straight afterwards so I won't get to do the next turn for at least 12 1/2 hours from now :(

[ May 08, 2006, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organist ]

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