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North African Campaign

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How do you win this as Axis?

I have taken and occupy every city on the map and there are no more Allied units to be found. So why does the game continue?

I thought I won once I took Alexandria and Cairo but the game goes on.

Is there an invasion coming?

I'm not sure whether to play on and prepare for a Brittish / American landing or call it a win and move on.

Its November 1942 if that matters.

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As originally posted by LampCord:

How do you win this as Axis?

I have taken and occupy every city on the map and there are no more Allied units to be found. So why does the game continue?

You have won a "decisive victory."

There is an error in the "Victory Scripting."

My fault, sorry.

For both Allies and Axis, the following line in the "decisive victory script" should be changed:

Instead of... #DATE= 1943/03/01

Should be... #DATE= 1941/03/01

All other victory scripts remain the same.

You can assume you have won the "decisive victory" or you can change the script, or wait for the first patch to correct this error. smile.gif

As originally posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz:

I think it`s a small bug. I saved the game and reloaded it later... and there was a bug as well.... snow in Africa and convoys from Lithunia... funny. Crushed everything in my path, but no win...

I've played well over 20 games in testing and have never seen... snow in Afrika nor any convoys from Lithunia.

If you have the last turn saved, send to Hubert so he can take a look.

I have no ability to code anything other than event and AI scripts. ;)

For both of you, or anyone else playing the 1941-42 North Afrika scenario, I'll re-print an earlier post:


First Patch will help the AI,

In general,

And in specific for this and other


When you are Axis,

Play... beginner, with +1 for opponent experience.


At game start** "un-check"

Boxes 2-6, IE, leaving the first one,

Which is assignment of a naval bomber

To Crete.

**[... game start -> advanced -> scripts -> unit]

That way Axis won't get ANY random units,

Whereas the Allies will likely get

One, or possibly 2,

Given the random chances for arrival.


Go into Editor and correct an error.

Click on "combat target values"

Then Malta,

Then change bomber strike-range to "10."

Do these things and I bet you'll have

Tough time taking El Alamein.

If you are still winning too easily,

Bump up the difficulty one more level.

Insofar as playing as Allies,

Same as above.

Any and all comments and suggestions

Are appreciated. smile.gif


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Thanks Dave!

OK, I'll chalk this one up as a win.

No problemo, LampCord.

ANY comments or suggestions

WRT to OOB's or WHY there are

Particular features, or options

Included in the scenario,

So to improve the game balance

Or "historical imperative"

Would be most welcome. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

I've played well over 20 games in testing and have never seen... snow in Afrika nor any convoys from Lithunia.


I think he means the Lithuanian flag has been used for Malta.
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ANY comments or suggestions

The one thing I noticed about the AI was a tendancy to leave air and HQ's in vulnerable positions. I was often able to simply bypass the resistance, attack air and HQ units with ground units which inflicted major, expensive damage and forced them to retreat. I could then go after the main units which were now cut off from supply, leadership and air support.

Either keeping vulnerable air and HQ assets closer to the main troops or keeping a few corps back to protect them would help a lot. IMHO.

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Originally posted by LampCord:

The one thing I noticed about the AI was a tendancy to leave air and HQ's in vulnerable positions.

Yes, that is indeed an AI problem in every scenario : he treats HQ and AF as front line units :-(

It's being fixed for a patch, I'm told.

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