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SS units need added, simple as that.

Far as fighting ability, what's this about Western Allies being weak? We had to fight on another continent. Imagine the Germans trying to invade Pennsylvania. There should be adjustment of "where" the battle is taking place. "Home" cities would have alot more defenses due to the locals & fanatics kickin' in. Buntas didn't do so hot in Libya as in example, yet defending Berlin, different story.

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IMO - having more units to work with in MOD development is a good thing. It does afford greater opportunity in MOD design without having to compromise. The current stock line-up of unit types in WAW is pretty extensive and yes you can modify them in any number of ways.

However, I think a further 2 or 3 "User Defined Units" in each of Land, Air and Naval would do the trick here. The additional units become more relevant when the scale of your game is reduced from Army/Corps to Division/Brigade/Batallion levels.

The following is my current (additional) unit wish list:

Land - Militia, Garrison/Static, Mountain

Air - Naval Attack Groups, Recon, Medium Bomber (thereby having both Heavy and Medium Bomber types)

Naval - Torpedo Boat (Flottilas)

Naval Mine-laying and Mine-sweeping units would be interesting (future design challenge thread entry-this would entail more than just units).

I like the idea of some dedicated User Defined Units.


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I will agree with you on that, MajorRH. Having 3-5 slot for user defined units for modding would be exceptional. If it could be done so they dont show up on the unit build list would be outstanding.

SC2 (and WaW, for the most part) is one of the most balanced games I have played and comes down to each indiviual's choices, so I would like to see the base game remain as is. Give modders the ablity to build the proverbial better mousetrap, no downside in that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the PDE engine in the works it has been updated to allow modders to delist unwanted unit types for a campaign, i.e. so they do not show up as available builds in game and as desired. For completely customizable and user defined units this is something that is on my list but unlikely to be implemented until the next major engine overhaul.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with PPH on all counts, its stuff I have been calling for since SC2 was first released. I plan on adapting my mod to WAW but it can't be done until we have a true division level map for 1939 FALL WEISS. The current map scale is to large to include many things, even artillery and special forces are not realistic.

Once the new map is avaialable with all of the AI scripting I will adapt my mod which includes:

1. Garrison/Militias replacing engineers. These will be used to simulate British Home Guard, Volkstrum, SS Militias, Territorial units etc.

2. A-bomb replacing rockets.

3. More events such as annexations of territory by Germany and Italy, Free France, various other historical events.

4. Addition of more countries such as Croatia, Netherlands and Slovakia.

5. Addition of more cities and forts such as Manchester, Naples, Izmir etc.

6. Historical OOB including expanded navies and armies of ALL nations.

All we need is a bigger map!

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Honch: I have painfully built northern France, Benelux and all of UK at 15 km scale for division level action (for my Sea Lion Mod). It's one big map!

My big nagging question is whether 15 km is the right scale!? It seems right from research and Mod play testing.

All of Europe would be EPIC!

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I really can't wait to see the Sealion MOD but yes, 15km per tile is not what I was looking for for all of Europe. I think that the currewnt FALL WEISS scale reduced by 25-40% would be perfect. I know that there has been an A3R MOD with the perfect map scale (nice work) but there would be too much work to add back the roads, terrain and colors etc.

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Hey Joshua22 and Honch, I hear you on that. in building the Sea Lion MOD, I played with various scales.

In the end, I went with the 15 km per square scale to allow some decent movement/play options in South Eastern England (namely the areas south of London), the Channel and Northern French Coast. On a divisional level, even this scale is unit dense based on historical dispositions.

I have found that if the Germans achieve the beachhead (not easy), and begin to move North, the Map opens up big time. If the US and Commonwealth intervene in force, the second phase becomes a big battle of maneuver. Part of me likes this, however, at this scale I feel I am missing something. There seems to be alot of open area at this scale. Probably the need for additional static defence units and follow-up German units to fill some of the voids. Although artistic license is always fair in a "what if" scenario, I am trying to stick to available historical forces as much as possible.

If I ever finish this, I would like to collaborate and build an appropriate scale map of Europe which can be used for any number of divisional scale mods.

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