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@Hubert --- So what's next?

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Originally posted by pzgndr:

I pretty much built A3R from scratch over the past 6 months and it's different from the default SC2 campaigns. Turns are 4-week simultaneous, so each player gets about 13 turns per year. Supply is the same, but with USSR resources spread out the Germans face a tougher challenge as they penetrate deeper into Russia while the Soviets fall back on btter supply.

I've added more countries per A3R. For instance, Netherlands-Belgium-Luxembourg are all represented separately, which has been a challenge to get the Axis AI to coordinate itself. When France surrenders, Vichy Algeria, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia are created and variant events may result in pro-Allied coups. USSR may or may not annex Bessarabia, which affects how Barbarossa is triggered. It's pretty complex, but things are working more or less OK now.

SeaMonkey has playtested and provided some valuable feedback. I'll let him and others offer some insights to whet yer appetite a little more. When I do post this thing, it will have some documentation regarding design notes, force pools and CTVs.

Hubert's been aware of this project and is also looking forward to seeing it released. It's intended to compliment SC2 rather than compete. Really, it will show the power of the Editor and the scripting tools available so regular non-programming guys like me can take a classic like A3R and make it happen with SC2. :cool: [/QB]

Sounds great! Looking forward to play this mod. Too bad that you can’t adjust supply rule. It is one of crucial and elemental part from 3R and A3R games. Without it, to my opinion, it is almost impossible to achieve some of great game stuffs - exploited movement, “brutal effects of having units cut off/surrounded“ (quoted Capt Andrew) smile.gif and most important – force players to watch out for front lines and flanks. Maybe Hubert can help?

[ February 28, 2007, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: vveedd ]

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What-ever you decide to do, cannot...but be welcome Hubert !.

I still 'Hope & Grope' for a present-day, readily updatable game representing current tensions, especially those in the Middle East.

Mahmoud Admadinejad look's like he's conducting information gathering mission's to assess Iraqi & U.S. resolve/readiness for the upcoming attack that he seem's to be expecting from Israel & the Carrier Group's [Not 4 Carrier Group's-INCORRECT!,...Change to...6 Carrier Group's of which will be assembled and ready to go by Spring-Time].

Now China & Russia have economic interest's in Iran, and will see the Israeli/U.S. attack on Iran as a belligerant-affront!, as a...'Crossing Over The Line'!. A good number of Russian Spetznatz (Not sure of that spelling) Troop's are being directed to Russian/Iranian built Nuclear Sites to protect them incase American force's attempt to take those facilities by physically assualting them. That won't help much...i wouldn't think...if the Israelies use Buster-Busting-Nuke's to neutralize those facilites first!. Even if these Low-Yield Bunker-Buster's are used, expect the Radioactive contamination from their use...to affect Hundred's of million's of people over much of the planet, especially India which is downwind of Iran!.

I know im asking for much, and if that is so, then, perhap's something representing my request can be realized at some later date.

[ March 01, 2007, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Normal Dude !...you have a fair question there!,...however i do not have the resolve or know-how to make this Mod, or any Mod,...i have never had an interest or capability to do one!. Perhap's one day...but not right now!.

If i could do it, and knew how to do it, i would try to do it!.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

The Great War.

I find the Great War could have gone either way, this is why I find it fascinating.

You should be looking at Guns of August over on the Matrix Forums then - I'm helping test it and it's going to be a ripper - probably THE definitive WW1 game.....not that there's a lot of competition of course... ;)
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Stalin's Organist !...Thank's for the Head's-Up!, im very definetely interested in this "Guns of August" Game Simulation from Matrix-Game's.

Please keep us all informed on it's progress, as well as some of the feature's in the Game!.

Exel!... im with you on getting an announcement of intention's, that's just Human Nature to want to know!. So!...that will need to finally be Hubert's decision as to whether he will open up on his development effort's or not!.

Im hoping that's it's a WW2 Version of the Pacific, but that's just my fantasical hope!.

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Retributar, of course and I'm not trying to really hold any important information back... honest truth is SC2 has kept me busier, for a lot longer than I was originally hoping, so while work has started it is in very early stages and not quite ready for prime time announcments just yet as things could still change.

Still narrowing it all down sort of thing smile.gif

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Bah, civil war, napoleonics, give me a change.

Hubert, you ever play Sword of Rome?

That's got my vote and I'd love to see it, or something like it even larger (whole Med?) made on a computer. Totally devious, four player action, tons of strategy, and unique depending on what country you are. Battles are a riot. You can have a huge army and still get kicked in the head.

Seanachai, dalem, Papa Kahn and I get together every so often and have a game. Usually start at 5pm, finish at 4 am, with lots of cursing the whole time.

I give it top rating for "Screw Your Neighbor". The guy who's best at laying in the weeds unnoticed and inciting the others to violence usually pulls it out. ;)

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I like the Sword of Rome concept.

Major players could be Rome, Greece, Carthage, Egypt, Persia with each side acting independently or in alliance with other nations

Key is changing alliances!

Without any air spotting, FOW would be almost 100% except for Intel gathered information.

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That's what I would hope. A good four to eight player game. Round robin pbem ideally as getting a group together for any length of time is tough. Think you'd hit a good marketing spot on the wargaming side.

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We can always hope for things we'd like Hubert to do, but really, suggesting things is rather fruitless. I'm sure Hubert has no problems coming up with ideas of his own, or if he did he probably wouldn't start a new project before new ideas presented themselves.

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Anyone ever play Imperial Conquest 2? Great abandon-ware that is set in Roman times, you can play as 16 different major and minor powers, but only like 5 have a decent chance of winning as the rest are such small nations that they are usually overrun but still fun to try. They include Rome, Carthage, Persia, Greece, and smaller less orginized nations like Gaul and nubia.

It had a cool system for battle much like For Liberty where you would enter a differnt mode when armies engaged themselves. You would have to use real tactics for example Heavy Infantry was great against almost all other units but was counter by Heavy Calvary. Light Infantry could not stand toe-to-toe with Heavy Infantry but could use Pillum (spears) to counter Calvary and excellent against archers etc. Made for almost a chess like match that was based on posistioning and timing, very cool IMO.

On the strategic level you raised your armies, including mercs if you could afford them and find some, and used a simple diplomatic model. You could have 3 trading partners max and the longer you remained partners the more gold your trading would add to your income. It was very realistic because if your nation only had a few smaller towns and cities you could only raise so many troops. (your Mobilization % would rise and max at 100) After words you could not raise any more men unless some of yours died/disbanded or you conquered more cities and thus population. This is why it is so hard for the smaller nations of the game to win because Nations like Seleucid could afford (both in gold and population) to raise many massive armies while smaller nations would usually be confined to 1 or 2 smaller armies. If you conquered a certain percentage of the enemies cities (based on population) they would eventually surrender and the rest of the nation would just switch to your side, so you didn't have to painstakingly take over every single small village in the far corners of the map to defeat someone, but it wasn't exactly easy at the same time.

All in all I found it to be a well-balanced game that was both challenging and fun. We should use some of its ideas as a model perhaps. The link I provided has a free full download of it. Imperial Conquest 2

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Originally posted by Night:

All in all I found it to be a well-balanced game that was both challenging and fun. We should use some of its ideas as a model perhaps. The link I provided has a free full download of it. Imperial Conquest 2

Found another jewel at that site! Fragile Allegiance. Spend months on that game!


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My vote definitely goes to WW1 too - a global conflict with plenty to keep both Europeans and Americans interested. And you could use the much the same map as for SC2 ;)

Above all, considering it was the crucial conflict of the 20th century, which set the course for everything which followed, it has been woefully neglected by the gaming world.

Just imagine Paths of Glory with an SC engine!!

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