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AAR Rambo Axis vs Terif Allies

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This will be about the third game of a mini-series with Rambo Axis:

The first two of them were pretty short – Axis gambled in Poland, operating too many units west hoping for good weather. So in number one the combined polish and french forces managed to kill a german airfleet on the ground, damaging a second one to str 2 and nearly killing both german HQs. With all german ground troops severly damaged Axis surrendered after a few turns. In number two the polish forces never lost Warsaw, captured Königsberg and advanced towards Berlin. Russia was finally gearing up for war in 1940 when Axis capitulated.

The third one in contrary developed into an epic battle, this time with a perfect start for Axis:

5 clear weather turns in a row for Axis, usually mud for Allies – so Poland fell in time and France with a very aggressive approach for the first time already in 1939.

Brest and Norway got secured by the Royal Army, Egypt evacuated when german forces arrived in the desert. It was suspiciously quiet in the following months – no try to conquer Brest by Axis. So the british navy built a safety belt around Norway just in case...but finally in August 1940 the cold war got hot again: german bomber saw its first action in a massive airraid against Brest. Simultaneously Spain joined Axis after several successful diplomatic dinners. Until December 1940 Allies also got 4 hits in USA (+39% in total = 84 % readiness, were it stayed till Barbarossa) and convinced Iraq to deliver ressources via convoy.

As used from Rambo as Axis commander, his air and naval forces battled for naval superiority, investing extensive amounts of mpps into this ambition:

During the battle of Brest Royal Navy got forced to fight a 2 front war against the german Kriegsmarine in the north and against the italian med fleet at Gibraltar during the battle of the rock.

British special forces managed to hold the rock nearly half a year against the attackers even with the italian fleet bombing port and fortress out of order – which led to expensive repairs for the italian ships.

Between Brest and Brussel a huge naval battle occured against the german-spanish fleet with air and bomber support from both sides. Despite some repairs between battles, both german battleships got sunk together with 2 cruisers and the spanish marine. Two of the subs (third sub sunk already before this battle..) got shot down to strength 2-4 several times and repaired, same as the third cruiser that survived – this must have been expensive :D . But in Spring 1941 the british navy finally had to retreat after Gibraltar had fallen and the italian fleet entered the Atlantic, heading towards the battle.

Afterwards the entire axis airforce started a battle of Britain, flying bombing missions night and day around London, destroying several corps that got rebuilt immediately after each death...the german bomber once tried to bomb Liverpool port out of order to stop british convois. But the englisch anti-air batteries and interceptors did a good job so most of the bombers got shot down and only a few survivors returned to their home base – so this was the first and last try for a bombing raid of Liverpool, nobody of the bomber pilots was ever again willing to attack the well defended port :D .

Obviously the fight for naval superiority had a purpose and so several axis transports got spotted by british bomber pilots after southern England had been bombed down to ruins, heading towards England from Brussel and southern France:

Half of the remaining Royal Navy returned for a last heroic battle, sinking one of the transports before the repaired german-italian navy made short process of them – Gibraltar task force just arrived in Canada for resupplying after they had to evade the approaching italian navy and was too far away, so they survived to fight another day smile.gif .

At least this mission fulfilled its purpose for a while and Axis amphibs had to retreat for regrouping and the british home guard entrenched again in the mountains instead of the open terrain around London. Almost quiet times began for a short period except for the daily bombing raids against London, which the british population was already used to in the meantime... and parts of the british ressources got redirected again to some more research and consumer goods smile.gif .

Then the situation intensified:

In the crack of dawn of August 24, 1941 the german sub U-47 under KptLt Prien sneaks through the defences of Scapa Flow and sinks one of the two remaining carriers in port. After the crew of the last carrier got alarmed, fighters and land based bombers launch the counterattack, sinking the sub immediately in retaliation.

But this was only the prelude, followed by the largest battle in british history:

When the morning arrives, reconnaissance aircrafts spot an entire axis armada of amphib transports in the water around the whole southern and eastern coastline of the British Isle.

British Home Guard gets called to duty immediately and return to their defence positons around London, awaiting the fire storm of 7 axis airfleets and bomber squadrons, covering operation Sealion from France.

During the next month british Home Guard built extensive bunker and tunnel systems to survive the tens of thousands of axis bomb, bombers flying over their heads throw at them, supported by battleship gunfire 24 hours a day along the whole coast...obliterating everything in the open. As secret documents - published after the war – showed, axis High Command now believed british defence would have been eliminated and resistance be minimal.

So September 21, 1941 the first german soldiers set foot on the Brisish Isle:

The ground campaign of Sealion started with a massive landing of 3 german armies, a tank group and 4 corps units in southern England that conquered the city of London, Paratroopers landed further north.

After overrunning the southern part of England so easily in a single strike without much ressistance and having total air and sea domination, axis forces prepared for a short campaign – promised by their leaders they would be home before Christmas...

But now the british Home Guard left their bunkers to seek close combat: a corps unit still hold London port, british tanks rush by from Scottland to join a british army fighting against the invaders – the first counterstrike kills a german army and the paratroopers. In the following months, axis had to learn that even with total air and naval superiority it is not that easy to defeat Britain. In the following guerilla warfare 2 german armies and half a dozen corps get killed. Countless british miliz units get slaughtered and refited during the battle.

Since the german Wehrmacht thought to be home soon, they didn´t send proper winter clothings for the soldiers and many died in the cold. At Christmas 1941 german soldiers were still many miles away from Manchester, freezing in their trenches. On the other side of the no man´s land between the enemy trenches, british tanks and 2 armies entrenched deeper and deeper, flanked by 5 corps. Several air and bomber squadrons in Scotland supported the defenders of Middle England whenever they got the necessary supply and oil to be able to fly into combat – every plane with countless holes in its body, but still flying...the heroic british fighter pilots got many opportunities to prove they don´t fear death and showed their bravery in countless battles against a far superior enemy smile.gif .

Somewhere else....:

With the landings in England, USA joined immediately and Russia only a few turns later. Stalin took the opportunity to declare war against Finland and Iran to enhance its territory while Axis conquered Portugal and Syria. Since nearly all Axis forces were bound in England, Russia decided for a forward defence, occupying and holding all front cities. Only against Riga Axis was able to launch a limited attack, so it had to be abandoned after a short fight.

All sides at Infantry Weapons 2 – Germany, UK, USA and Russia - all 4 major nations stayed at IW 2 till the end of war, Italy IW 1, so from combat tech it was very even. Similar with AT, everyone stayed at level 0-1.

While the english soldiers were dying for their home country during the autumn of 1941, America was not dormant:

In a huge national effort, they created a strong relief force consisting of several armies, corps and HQ, preparing to embark towards England. Only a fleet to protect them on their way to Britain was missing...so every ship able to fight got a call to appear at November 1, in the port of New York to join the task force in the last fight for freedom.

In Canada the british exile fleet - still fully intact and undamaged - once under the name Gibraltar task force received the call during lunch – causing a loud „hurray“ and busy activities when they were preparing their ships for the long journey back to their home island to relieve their brothers in the fight against the invaders. In the morning of November 1, 1941 the mighty fleet set sail...preparing for the last huge naval battle of this era...

A few weeks later they meet with the remainder of the british home fleet, a slightly damaged cruiser and a carrier group that already followed 2 axis wolf packs for some time that were hunting convoys to England. The carrier could spot them, but didn´t dare to attack and reveal its position with several italian battleships in the vicinity... So it had to be content observating them. A deadly blow got prepared with the united US and british fleet against the subs and the italian fleet bombarding the british coase around Manchester and in Scotland, so also the british bomber that could have reached the subs remained silent, not to uncover the operation...

But weather made a thwart to the allied fleet: Storms and rain arouse. Not unusual for winter time, but very bad at this moment – so the allied fleet remained hidden west of Ireland, waiting for the weather to clear up...

Unfortunately exactly at this crucial moment, an axis sub left its position heading southwest and run into the allied fleet...and so the disaster went its way...during the next 2 turns storm prevented both allied carriers to launch their torpedo bombers and also the cruisers didn´t do much damage to the subs. Some axis cruisers took part in the battle too, but surface vessels also do no real damage during storms. So it had to happen what happened next: The combined italian-spanish-german fleet appeared on the battlefield and how can it be else: with clear weather. And so the last major naval battle started west of Ireland in December 1940:

9 heavy allied battleships, cruisers and carriers - with their transport fleet 14 vessels - against 9 axis combat ships. The battle lasted 7 months...some ships resupplied in Scotland respectively Brest, but were sent into battle immediately again without repairs...so in the end all ships at low or no supply, heavily damaged and doing nearly no damage any more...both sides lost equally 3 ships and Allies additionally 2 corps transports. So both sides finally run out of shells and had to withdraw from battle.

Though the naval battle ended in a draw, on the land front it looked quite different:

The battle at sea opened the sealanes for US reinforcements that arrived now Spring 1941 in Edinbourgh. The first american army got thrown immediately into action, killing a german army before getting killed themselves while a second one commanded by Eisenhower and supported by US air operated to Scotland got in position to defend Edinbourgh city. In the meantime the british defence forces had been pushed back during the winter till Manchester-Edinbourgh – both sides killing 1-2 units each turn, but Axis slowly advancing, so Allies run out of space for placing their units. Finally in June 1942 with the first clear summer turns and 3 tiles conquered around Manchester, Axis can eliminate the last scotish elite tanks in the british capital. UK surrenders June 28, 1942.

But the fight for the british Isles is not over yet smile.gif :

US forces still defend the northern part, holding Edinburgh and 2 ports. Axis has 13 ground units and 7 air units in England. Axis again thinks this will be an easy task now and removes the largest part of these forces to other fronts – the necessary releave for the US forces, so they stay and continue to fight instead of fleeing like obviously expected from Axis...and so they are able to defend Scotland until the end of the war, killing some further axis units including an army.

To where the war was won...:

While Axis was busy with England and the naval battles - using its entire income to finance this extremely expensive campaign - Russia had a free hand...In Middle east there was the only tough axis resistance with a full german task force and an italian one consisting of 3 italian + 2 german armies, german tank and several corps. Which conquered Iraq, but were not fast enough, so Russia was able to hold the mountains at the border until Siberians arrived...and they beat them back till Suez. Syria and Amman liberated. The iraqi capital got left behind unliberated as a memorial for future generations (and to not cut the russian supply...) while russian tanks and armies reached Suez.

In the north Finland got conquered without resistance. A few german units advanced south of Leningrad, conquering Minsk and Smolensk – but this was the end of their expansion. With Finland conquered and the upper hand in the Mid East, Russia started an offensive around Kiev and in southern Russia towards Romania-Poland and built amphibious transports with the armies of the finish task force for a Landing at Königsberg-Riga to cut the german units at Minsk-Smolensk off in a pincer momement. East of Kiev some german units got cut off and killed, but the rest of the axis forces operated back to Germany in time to escape the slaugther for the moment. So the amphib invasion in northern Germany got cancelled and Russia declared war to Denmark instead, conquering its capital. Kiel port protected by Axis. Sweden was the next step and got conquered in the following turn.

Meantime USA sent several air and bomber units to Norway to provide aircover for the allied fleet now gathering around Denmark and bombarding axis ground units trying to retake Copenhagen. The axis fleet supported by the german bomber makes a last small attempt around Kiel – 3 of the 6 remaining ships sunk. So at sea with the combined russian-US fleet it is now 6 allied ships against 3 axis ones.

In August/September 1942 Königsberg, Warsaw and Romania are under siege, Axis tries to establish a defence line in Germany with the units arrived from England and the rebuilt ones from the production queue.

The end of the war then comes fast:

A russian task force cut off Romania and Bulgaria – At September 13, 1942 both of them surrender to Russia. Germany launches a last desperate counterattack – but with the morale bonus by all those liberated and conquered countries in the last turns in Middle east and Skandinavia additionally to seeing the end coming, combat spirit of the axis forces is now extremely low and they can barely scratch a russian unit...many deserters and prisoners of war...but Allies were already superior 3:1 in numbers and income. Bradley and 3 US armies with several corps - starting in Norway - ready to land in northern Germany behind the lines to establish a US bridgehead and open the run for Berlin: Who is first in the german capital: Russia or USA... ;)

And so Rambos Axis surrenders September 20, 1942 after a very good and interesting long game. Action all over the world and great battles at land, sea and in the air smile.gif .


Land units: UK 23, USA 4, Russia 6, Germany 37, Italy 3

Naval units: UK 13, USA 5, Germany 10, Italy 4

No air losses.

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So much for all them mistaken calculations

I have been reading for months now,

About how you just cannot defend

Merry Olde England against, even,

A hell-for-leather,

X-tremely risk-taking

Idaho kinda Foe.

Well told tale, myth'd Terif,

And just as CS Lewis himself,

Enjoyed reading all about it. :cool:

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I too am surprised at how interesting your game was Terif !, nice write!.

I would like to see a MOD made-up with the action's of both-side's encoded into the Script's,...so that they can be activated when the appropriate situation has met the required criteria.

All in all, your's is perhap's the 'MOST-INTERESTING' game read i have done so far!, "Congratulations"!.

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This day of playing SC-2 against Terif was very emotional, I've never been more frustrated in my life. In this marathon game which took roughly 11 hours of non-stop play to finish, I could not get a knock out punch on the Allies.

Things went really, really well early on. I gambled for good weather; and got it. German forces goosestepped in Paris in late 1939! Terif had to be disappointed that the God of Heaven & Earth had given the Axis good weather.

Diplo strategy was simple, I pumped cash into Spain, got a few small hits (8-9%)...later to get a mega-hit! Spain converted with all their troops, ships, and cities, AH was quite pleased.

Egypt went well, I sent only ground units, trying to save some operand costs. Once I recognized Yoda was just slow playing the Middle East, there was no need to send the LF.

Meanwhile, my fresh bomber squadron was created, it was time to say hello to the British. Earlier in the game, I had warned Terif that AH had put a bounty on all British sailors. As well explained by my opponent, I went nuts for England. I was doing well, decided to get the UK, which would be my downfall.

I sent the LF to cleanout Brest, and force the RN to sail away. I put every available air unit on the beaches of Northern France: 3-LF, Bomber, Italian, Romanian, & Spanish. We bombed, straffed, bombed, straffed, bombed...it was non-stop attacks. The Kriegsmarine attacked, agressively & later were helped by Spanish & Italian fleet which broke out "The Rock". I was taking my share of damage too. AA-gun batteries, RAF in Scotland, were more than willing to engage my brave pilots.

I decided to go for London, the troops were loaded, we took the Capital with ease. I WAS VERY CONFIDENT AT THE TIME. Weather was good, all forms of military were gaining ground...land, air, & sea. AH personally sent Erwin Rommel to pick up surrender papers from Winston. Problem was, I didn't expect such a valiant & determined fight in the hills. The weather turn, I was bogged down. My planes were damaged & grounded. My economy was be gased from all the amphib-assualts, repairs, etc.

Bottom line: I took Manchester eventually, but at too high of a cost.

The damn Russians punched me in Central Russia, I had to run for the hills of Romania with a very limited army. I placed the majority of my available units around Warsaw...but the Masterace was outclassed by T-34 tanks. The Red Army rotated their hell on wheels perfectly, I could not harm him.

I took too much damage the UK, outnumbered 2 to 1, it was game over for Nazi Germany. Satelitte countries were cut off and captured resources flowed to the Allies; lost Finland, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Romania, Bulgaria.

Terif withstood the lose of UK, the punishment, but took advantage of the long term resources & power of the Allies.

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This is a perfect example of what I am always talking about. Rambo finally gets the luck, the weather, the diplomacy, everything going his way and what happens?

There's Terif, unassuming, preserving his resources for the opportunity, unrelenting perseverence. Not the least enamored with the thought of instantaneous gratification.

Rambo, brash, daring, gambling, his own worst enemy......"going for it".

Well gentlemen, its like the game of life, like playing the stock market over the long haul. You endeavor to persevere, know your limitations, take a calculated risk here or there, but never throw or show all your cards, and know that a little mistake can be overcome, just like the diplomacy and the weather. Its the repetition of the big mistakes(Rambo's first two games) that get you in trouble.

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