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hehe my spies have been at work as well. I have learned where the u-boats are anchored and some North African positions.

Dec 1940. All is quiet. Hungary and Romania join, and intel indicates German forces on the Yugoslavian border.

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April 1940

Those dastardly Iraqis! They'll pay!

Sea lanes are secure and actively patrolled by the Royal Navy destroyers.

U.S. gets an "Intelligence Breakthrough" and gets some nice tech hits.

UK Intel reveals some Italian battleship positions, if I had had forces nearby I could have gotten an easy kill.

Siege of Tobruk continues, I expect them to fall next turn.

Two german tank armies mass on the Romanian border. This does not bode well for Odessa.

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When you use roads you have no movement penalties.

A standard corps has 3 AP and motorized L1 corps has 4 AP , so one can move 3 tiles the other 4 tiles.

No matter the weather, if you use roads you're unaffected. Except for planes in rain, sandstorms or snow falling.

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I can mention now that I had several Intel hits that showed German units preparing to attack Turkey - so I knew it was coming about 2 turns before it happens. Turkey moves forces to the front, and Russia gracefully begins to supply them with more modern equipment.

Britian closes in on Tripoli.

USSRs tech luck has been ABYSMAL.

Blashy has a million freakin lvl 3 tanks!

Germany puts in diplomacy and sways Sweden into sending Convoys again.

USA, Iraq, Syria and Iran are pissed off at Turkey DOW.

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As I understand it the bombing of roads doesn't really do anything, units would still move along them at 1 AP per tile.

Here's where I'm going. Road interdiction was a very widespread event for preventing the movement of reinforcements into the combat area.

Remember the Panzer Lehr's trek to the Normandy battlefield in the face of Allied fighterbombers.

Now I don't believe foot infantry would suffer the effects, so they would remain at 1AP along a road damaged or not, negating the weather and terrain.

Here's the kicker, if motorized units only paid 1/2 AP per undamaged road tile you would introduce a new strategy for both defender and attacker.

The defender could station motorized reinforcements further from potential combat zones in a sort of reserve pool to service many areas and not use operating MPPs. We'll call this an operational reserve.

Obviously the attacker could try and damage the road net with air units, damaged roads would recover automatically each turn.

Now SC has two types of reserve deployments, operational(road/closer to the front) and strategic(rail/further from the front).

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

As I understand it the bombing of roads doesn't really do anything, units would still move along them at 1 AP per tile.

Here's where I'm going. Road interdiction was a very widespread event for preventing the movement of reinforcements into the combat area.

Going to have to disagree with you. Railroad interdiction, bridges yes. The road tile would represent more than 1 rd in the area and cratering it would slow down movement very little (fill the holes in)
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We considered the idea of being able to bomb roads and/or rails. But the scale of the game would make this a little to unrealistic.

There was probably more than one road/rail going from Paris to Brest.

Bombing the rail "points" makes more sense and it also gives the defender a chance to have some defense with AA guns on the cities or an AA unit.

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Russians fall back. However, in the Baltic Sea a Russian sub group causes considerable damage to German cruisers.

The British take Syria and surround Tripoli. Finland joins the war. USA is on the brink of declaring war.

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Ankara falls, the city east of it is bombed twice and so is Syria.

Smolensk is taken.

I'm approaching the first two mines.

Leningrad looks to be a battle.

3 Russian units killed.

I engage some of the UK fleet in the MED but I expect heavy losses, killed a BB and took one down to 2 STR. I have to thank Intelligence Tech for that as I spotted one of their BBs around Tobruk.

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Turkey bravely holds out for another turn. British air forces operating out of Syria bomb Ankara and inflict some losses on German bombers.

The attack in the Med catches me completely by surprise. I lose one battleship and another is down to 2 health. In return I sink a German battleship.

USA declares war and Norway decides to suspend iron ore shipments to Germany.

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Production was always worth it.

Industrial tech was always worth it for USA and sometimes Russia depending on your game strategy.

Now IT is also attractive to Germany because it cost 75mpps for them.

Infrastructure is very interesting for UK, Germany and Russia. A virtual must for USA.


The two first mines are evacuated by Russia so I take them without firing a shot.

I killed one anti tank unit.

Leningrad is besieged but not surrounded as a couple of Russian troops are behind fortification preventing me from cutting it off.

Both Turkish cities are bombed to 0 and so is Syria.

My Axis fleet in the MED makes a run for safety.

Allies bombed Ankara.

A break at the end of my turn as Turkey decides to surrender even if it still had a significant force, I'm guessing my 3 L3 Tanks might have something to do with it.

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