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The "I can wait" contrasting thread

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I haven't become suddenly rich.

For that reason, "I can wait".

Yes it would be nice if I found a link, right now, alerting me that the demo was NOW available. It would be nice, if I saw a link announcing the digital download for SC2 was now open.

But, I can wait.

I see all the silly threads/posts, pleading, imploring, begging for news ANY news, of the game and or demo, and I have to chuckle.

Guys, life will go on if you're forced to continue playing whatever it is you are playing right now, for another week or month or heck even a year eh.

And, when they release the game, insert "much needed patch" demands too. Yes I suspect Hubert will no doubt wake up the day after the game goes on sale, to be greeted with "oh my god, this needs to be fixed immediately" protestations.

You ARE ready for that, right HC? I hope so, it will lessen the shock if you have already gotten a reply perfected smile.gif

Anyway. I thought, considering all the "please give it to us now" banter, I would intrude, and post a thread that ran contrary to all that stuff.

Today, because I am not playing SC2, yet, I think I will clean up my hobby room, sort out my many games, maybe watch a movie, perhaps read a book, you know, do just about anything, and not panic because hey, yet another day has begun, and the game is still not here yet.

I can wait.

I'm sure you guys can too smile.gif

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Hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer.

"oh my god, this needs to be fixed immediately"
LOL. Actually, "fixing" should be minimal. I think we've fleshed out most every darn bug we can find and helped improve as much as possible. There will still be some play balance issues and various suggestions to add/improve things to the default campaigns, but that's a given. So far the game is quite playable and it's time to get it out so we can get a broader community concensus for what really needs enhancement.
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I agree!...this needless worry, anxiety...and irrational concern about nothing is just a waste of time and effort!.

There is a rational, natural progression of stages or events that are needed to take place to get us stage through stage before the game is ready for release or for digital DEMO download!.

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Well Rambo, I didn't get involved with playtesting SC1 until v1.3 or so. And I seen to recall being invited to do so, which is more than anyone can say about you and your attitude. But you go ahead and insult ME all you want to so you don't have to waste oxygen insulting Hubert. Bless your heart son. Now take your seat and be quiet for a while, OK? It will be time to deliver SC2 when it's time to deliver.

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Originally posted by pzgndr:

Well Rambo, I didn't get involved with playtesting SC1 until v1.3 or so. And I seen to recall being invited to do so, which is more than anyone can say about you and your attitude. But you go ahead and insult ME all you want to so you don't have to waste oxygen insulting Hubert. Bless your heart son. Now take your seat and be quiet for a while, OK? It will be time to deliver SC2 when it's time to deliver.


I just wish we could read the beta testing posts. I want some table scraps lol...

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Anyway. I thought, considering all the "please give it to us now" banter, I would intrude, and post a thread that ran contrary to all that stuff.
Nice thought, but I know you knew that it the thread woudn't stay that way long.

As for me, I've been playing a bit of Civ IV for escape. Before that I played Campaigns Salerno, France 40, Shiloh & Penninsula from HPS.

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@pzgndr --- Wanting the testers to find the defects is not insulting, it's called wanting a better product. What does you "being invited" have to do with my manners? Remember son, the second game I ever played SC, I mastered the Axis side where they would never lose. You obviously don't know your SC-History, I did help test patches, LOL, HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!! Next, you try to dodge my consumer request "by hiding behind the Hubert card"! What's with that? Where did I bring up the developer? I didn't. Quit trying to score brownie points but running & hiding behind Hubert. I'm talking to you, the Test lead. Far you getting your feelings hurt, don't wear your feelings on your cuff, so then you won't cry. This is the internet, there's no crying in cyberspace! I find it funny & amusing how you claim your military background, yet quiver from a few typed words. So what am I saying? Get back to testing & ship this puppy. CHOP-CHOP. Have I made myself clear?

"If manners prevent us from speaking the truth, we will be without manners" --- Ybor from the movie classic, How Green Was My Valley.

Okay, back to basics...I don't want anybody to cry or commit group internet suicide. Could you please tell us what's going on? Be professional, service the customers, don't attack the people wanting to spend cash on the product. Please don't cry, you guys are suppose to be wargamers. Work hard, do a good job. Quit complaining. Test the game balance, look for landing bonus defects, anti-Air issues, MMP structure, etc. Quit crying, TEST, be in Search of Excellence. Don't mistake hard work as an attack on your inner female.

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Off topic for this site, but on topic for this thread...

If you guys need something really fun to read and also to learn about a period of history that you may not know much about, check out Bernard Cornwell's stuff. He's the guy who does the "Sharpes" series, his most famous compilation.

The books that I read of his recently that were so great were his "Last Kingdom" series and his "Warlord" series. My local library carried them and I devoured them like a starving man at an all you can eat buffet. This might ease the waiting and desire for instant gratification smile.gif

Anyone else into his historical fiction? He has a lot more books covering civil war and revolutionary war too, if that's your cup of tea.

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@Hubert --- Dude, bottom line...call YodaTerif & have him test your product before you ship. I'd give Terif a full month to test this thing. THIS IS THE SMARTEST THING TO DO. I wouldn't trust my development name on anything but the best. Repeat, call Yodl. Better yet, I'd fly the dude over from Germany to Canada and have him take care of your business. I wouldn't trust what I've seen so far from these "testers who just want stuff to pass".


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I am sure Rambo will be useful "after" the game is finished hehe.

But I know the man behind the nickname (pzgndr), and he's been involved with quite a few wargames.

His name carries a lot of weight with me smile.gif

Darn my typing pointy finger on my right hand is shot. Been putting together some shelf enhancements so I can stagger the models on them and make them more visible.

Saw a nice interview over at Wargamer today with Rick Hamilton, it's good reading while we wait.

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Hey all! It's been a long time...I played SC for about a year straight, PBEM style.

I'm definitely looking forward to SC2, but I'm one of those who will be holding off for awhile. Mainly because I have two HUGE time sinks in Civ 4 and WWIIOL, plus I'd like to get the game after a few patches have been slapped on it.

The higher price disappointed me, but if it delivers like I imagine it will I won't mind plunking down the dough when the time comes. Can't wait to start reading people's feedback!

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I can wait.

I'm sure you guys can too [smile]

JAW - It's not a question of not being able to wait, it's simply a reasonable desire to know how long we should expect to wait. I can't remember ever having paid for a product before where the suppliers weren't even able to say when you could expect to receive delivery.

It will be time to deliver SC2 when it's time to deliver.
pzgndr no BS, I think I've agreed with practically every post you've placed on this board - sensible, reasonable and generally informative - but the "it'll be here when it's here" line is getting a little thin...we're not children waiting for Christmas, we're customers waiting for a product we've already paid for.

Could you please tell us what's going on? Be professional, service the customers, don't attack the people wanting to spend cash on the product.
JJR no BS, I think I've been dismayed by practically everything you've posted, but for once you're spot on - if you could only leave the flaming out of your posts we'd be better able to benefit from the good stuff that's buried in most of your responses. Just MO ;)
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we're not children waiting for Christmas, we're customers waiting for a product we've already paid for.

LutraMage, I believe when pre-orders were originally announced the shipping date was expected (also announced) to be 4-6 weeks and that puts us in the late March early April time frame. In fact this same info is specifically contained on the pre-order page found here:


Off hand I don't know of any changes to this that you might be aware of, and I would know because I am naturally in the loop on these kinds of things ;) , so all we can ask for is your renewed patience for when the game will be shipping in the expected time frame.

I can't remember ever having paid for a product before where the suppliers weren't even able to say when you could expect to receive delivery.

I think it is safe to say now that this is a false allegation, agreed?

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OK, first of all, thank you Hubert for having the courtesy to respond - my biggest irritation was the complete lack of any response whatsoever to a simple request for further information make on several threads (by me and others). I am genuinely grateful that you took the time to say something, although I do wonder why the developer had to do this when I would have expected BF's other representatives to take that pressure off him.

I can't remember ever having paid for a product before where the suppliers weren't even able to say when you could expect to receive delivery.

I think it is safe to say now that this is a false allegation, agreed?

Fair enough, perhaps the statement was just a little too extreme. What I intended to say was that I can't remember ever having paid for a product before where the suppliers weren't even able to say when you could expect to receive delivery within a very short window of time. 4-6 weeks is very vague and, as we approach the end of that period it seems reasonable that BF would now have better information. Having made no comment at all and (you have to admit HC) with a history of inaccuracy over even vague deadlines in the past, it does leave people frustrated.

I really want this game, I've been happy (well, mostly :D ) to wait beyond the original deadlines and I would wait another year for it, I would just have preferred to know when the waiting was anticipated to be over.

To coin a phrase "I guess I will know when I know"! ;)

[ March 24, 2006, 05:31 AM: Message edited by: LutraMage ]

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Originally posted by LutraMage:

OK, first of all, thank you Hubert for having the courtesy to respond - my biggest irritation was the complete lack of any response whatsoever to a simple request for further information make on several threads (by me and others).

I can't officially speak for Battlefront but my guess here is that most (if not all of these questions) have been answered already and/or the info is contained within the original release announcements and/or order pages.

Take a step back here and put yourself in Battlefront's shoes for a moment... as Publisher you make the original annoucements and as far as I can tell each of your specific questions regarding release etc., can readily be answered from the information they have already provided. After that Moon, Matt, myself, various Beta testers have also provided additional answers (regarding release) that from what I can tell could also have been answered by carefully reading the original annoucement/order page information. Battlefront has also provided the forums, search tools etc., and while everyone does their best to answer most questions (granted not everyone is going to like each answer), there does come a time, especially when there are still a million and one things left to do, when you can only answer the same question so many times.

I am genuinely grateful that you took the time to say something, although I do wonder why the developer had to do this when I would have expected BF's other representatives to take that pressure off him.
Well as noted above I do believe Battlefront has done their job and a good job at that regarding the annoucement and answering the relative questions. Let's be honest, pre-orders were announced with a 4-6 week delivery date and that has not changed. So in the end there is not much we can do if someone has ordered and then decides they don't like the lack of a specific date... no matter how many times you ask the question ;) Pre-orders give you the option to order early and guarantee you delivery of the first available shipments... not everyone chooses to pre-order and that in the end all Battlefront has done is give you the option... options are good right?

Now, why do I sometimes pop in and answer questions? Well I too care about this game and prefer a certain tone within the forums and will try and answer a few questions or calm things down when appropriate and/or when I have the time.

So... if you really want to take the pressure off of me, and this goes for everyone ;) , take a step back once in a while and consider the monumental tasks needed to be accomplished to get this game done, take the time to read the release information provided, and use the search tools within the forums as it is a great way to know for sure if you question has already been answered smile.gif If after that you still have a question that needs to be answered please feel free to ask away and everyone involved will do their best to answer your questions.

I can't remember ever having paid for a product before where the suppliers weren't even able to say when you could expect to receive delivery.

4-6 weeks is actually pretty standard when pre-orders are announced and this actually gives you the game as soon as it is ready and much sooner than if we were to set a specific date. Think about it, if we were to set a specific date it generally means that we are providing ample cushion to guarantee the game is ready and in this case we could easily say, for example, it will be shipping June 1st guaranteed. Now do you want to wait until June 1st or would you rather have it as soon as it is ready. All 4-6 weeks is saying is that we expected it to be wrapped up about 4 weeks after pre-orders were announced with a 2 week cushion... so considering we have yet to even reach 4 weeks be patient but rest assured it is around the corner, ok?
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Dear Hubert, I passes on you a letter of Jacques Chirac, Which is sent to you :

Mister Hubert Cater,

Note that if STRATEGIC COMMAND 2 is not awailable at 1 June 2006, France will declare war in the USA.


J. Chirac, President of France,

Super-little-big power


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