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[Rambo IV] There is a God! How pumped am I? LEGENDARY

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I think Johnny Cash summed it up best:

"Go tell that long tongue liar

Go and tell that midnight rider

Tell the rambler,

The gambler,

The back biter

Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down"

Blashy, alcohol can still be addictive if used responsibly by a person prone to addiction. My best friend used to try and drink responsibly, but it wouldn't take long before I saw him chugging whisky out of the bottle like it was water. He stopped cold turkey one day when he finally got a DUI.

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@Blashy --- Who are you to determine what is a good soft drug & what is a bad hard drug? Dude, do not put the branch under your nose. The Devil's Juice causes nothing but problems.

I've done a little bit of preaching in Soup Kitchens & Jail Ministry. About 90% or more of the prisioners were "lied to by the Devil" that alcohol & drugs won't harm their life. Go ask the numerous drunkards if they wish they never took their first drink.

I recycled my share of brew in life, and probably have a beer or two now & then...nobody is perfect. On the otherhand, one must be careful messing with the Devil Juice.

No Hope in Dope,


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I'm not whining, just simple logic. The more weapons goes around the bigger risk of it getting into the wrong hands. I mean kids shooting each other after getting their parents guns or buying from someone are practically unheard of here in Sweden.

Of course not, I have been to Sweden the total population is less then the small town I live in which is Los Angeles California.

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I think what we are trying to say is that humans are violent by nature.Look at all the wars fought past present and no doubt into the future.What matters the most is how us humans choose to control our violence or one day we wont be around to worry about.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@targul --- Exactly! Sweden has a whopping 9 million people. Dude, that isn't even the size of Chicago. What's LA, 25+?

So divide number of gunincidents in US with the ones in Sweden according to population and you still wont get even close.

It's not really comparative but you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that more guns floating around result in more accidents and such. Combine that with poverty and higher crime rate and you got a problem. Like the USA apperently got.

Heck I don't see why people have a hard time accepting this facts. I'm not trying to put USA down(its in many ways a superb country), but if you prioritize like you do now it's gonna have side-effects.

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@Kuni --- You want the real truth about the higher crime statistics? Well, the answer isn't political correct. Go visit Southside Chicago at night. Dude, that place ain't safe for cops in the daylight, let alone civilians. Has nothing to do with poverty either. Being poor isn't a sin, murder & stealing is.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Kuni --- You want the real truth about the higher crime statistics? Well, the answer isn't political correct. Go visit Southside Chicago at night. Dude, that place ain't safe for cops in the daylight, let alone civilians. Has nothing to do with poverty either. Being poor isn't a sin, murder & stealing is.

So according to you afro-americans are just more evil by nature?
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I think the major problem in the states is the capitalist system is to much for profit and it creates so much greed that alot of peoples main focus is money mo matter what the cost.Guns knives etc are just used to enforce their greed.

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The problem is the way the Socialists look at things. The Commies believe those that are poor, are unhappy. The Commies believe that being poor means you're a criminal. God doesn't judge based on the size of your wallet. Money has nothing to do with the Kingdom of God. So, if you're going to blame crime on poverty, you're wrong. If you're going to say happiness comes from money, then you're wrong again. Money is just paper, something you need if you don't die tomorrow.

"For the poor you will always have with you, but I just for a little while" --- The Savior, who sent the Holy Spirit after Pentacost.

Get off the social economical burdens of the world. If you're poor in money in the USA, that's your choice. If you're poor in spirit, that's also your choice.

Did fame, fortune, & success do Michael Jackson any good? He started out a poor black boy, and ended up a rich white woman.

Did fame, fortune, & success do Elizabeth Taylor any good? She couldn't keep a marriage longer than 6 months.

Negroes in the USA no longer have any excuses for poverty. See Tiger Woods.

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JJR, I wouldn't be so quick to say blacks no longer have any excuses for poverty. If you understand the inner cities and their origins, which can literally be traced all the way back to the failed reconstruction of the South (and general US racism up until the past 30 years), it is not something they can simply lift themselves out of all of a sudden. The effects of the civil war, reconstruction and the civil rights movement is something that will literally take another 20+ years to properly rectify, if ever.

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Well, that's God's doing. I don't curse the poor. Those who curse the poor, curse the Maker. Not somewhere I'm going to go.

My grandfather came to the USA with absolutely nothing. Money doesn't buy happiness. I lived in my automobile for a month! That's right, I had nothing...it didn't make me depressed.

Actually, being poor, got me a better understand this world, thus more of a pull towards God. What would it profit a man to gain the whole world & lose his own soul? It's easier to put a camel thru the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.

Yo, bottom line. Cash is OVERRATED. The television keeps telling you that you need to "buy more things". Quit spending your cash!

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Of all the industrialized countries USA has the highest murder rate, jailed persons, guns per capita and the most overall crime.

So much for guns for all reducing crime.

Industralized not America we sent all that stuff to Japan and China to make. We are no longer industry we are a service country.

Now from what I saw in the Netherlands the only industry they had was legalized prostitution. Interesting but not my taste. Now America has Legalized prostitution also but for some reason we confine it to Nevada.

Again I am not sure why it is illegal. Not sure who is harmed if proper percautions and medical care is taken.

I do believe that making sex illegal should be illegal.

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Originally posted by targul:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Blashy:

Of all the industrialized countries USA has the highest murder rate, jailed persons, guns per capita and the most overall crime.

So much for guns for all reducing crime.

Industralized not America we sent all that stuff to Japan and China to make. We are no longer industry we are a service country.

Now from what I saw in the Netherlands the only industry they had was legalized prostitution. Interesting but not my taste. Now America has Legalized prostitution also but for some reason we confine it to Nevada.

Again I am not sure why it is illegal. Not sure who is harmed if proper percautions and medical care is taken.

I do believe that making sex illegal should be illegal. </font>

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