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SC 2 WW2 Complete WORLD MAP available

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My first comment. You need a city close to those Russian troops on the Japanese border in Siberia.

Second: Arrows that go from side to side of the map in one turn. Meaning when you are at the West edge of the map you use arrows to pop up at the East edge of the map the next turn and vice versa.

The scale is amazing, great job.

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The Side to side turn was a mayor problem in RUssia, but should be solved: USSR Troops can take "Transsib-Railway" ( takes 0 turns ). therefore there is a sea in Siberia part, so troops must take "transport" same in CHINA, where Britisch Troops can take Loop, as well as ALL other mayor Nations in the Indian Sea ( USA-GB-D-I-Jap-RUS)

I have added a city 3 Steps form Zoukov HQ in Siberia, so the guys have some support, i think Japanese anyway will have difficulties to advance until Karsnoyarsk due to supply. Tanks for counsel! for these updates see newest map.

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i have almost finished my complete WORLD MAP for SC2, mostly ready for playing
I'm curious. Mostly ready for playing... what?

Desert Dave and I also finished a world map long ago and worked on a possible global war campaign for SC2 based on WiF OOBs and other data. There are a couple of fundamental challenges involved, among others:

- larger map scale requires larger scale units which become even more abstract than they are currently

- DOW rules prevent historical political situations, such as: Axis Japan being at war with Allied China but no one else, Allied Russia being at war with Axis Germany but not Axis Japan, etc.

SC2-WaW adds lots of new features, but not what's needed to resolve these issues. There may be some work-arounds possible, but bottom line is this game engine is still not robust enough to handle all the complications of a multiplayer WWII global game. It is still basically a two-player strategic/operational theater game. To extrapolate too far beyond the basic design is a challenge.

The map does look nice. smile.gif

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newest UPDATE on my WoRLD MAP WW2 is uploaded TODAY on link thereup. Update 11.8.07 !!!!!

Almost all Bugs with grafic have been fixed.

to pzgndr:

well it was difficult to have the Wars on both sides done well, but the easiest was was to create a West british Commonwealth an a East Britisch Commonwealth. So th West Commonwealth is charging War with Germany in normal order, instead Australia and other Side India as well as New Zeeland as part of East COmmonwealth stay neutral for a time.

So the only problem was to have the New Zeeland Corps and Australian Ary in Egypt activated. Well i did it so that West-Commonwealth becomes Army and Corps put in INDIA ready to sail Named Respectively NZeeland Corps and Australian 1 Army.

Well anyway see the newes Map and you will also observe that UNITS are down seized in Movability to keep original.

many other News, but see yourself.

Anyway i will be happy about any new comment or ideas / bugfixes.

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Looks like your Palm trees are showing up with a white background. In order to resolve this make sure that all white pixels in the terrain file are set to RGB 255,255,255 or pure white otherwise it shows up as you have it in your screenshot.

Keep up the good work!


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I would also suggest to delete that MapData folder every once in a while when working from the Editor (safe to do so) as there seems to be a bug that generates very large MapData.txt files. Yours is at 38 MB and will of course slow down file transfers.

Note, the MapData folder has been removed for WaW as it was never really used.

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Hello .

Thanks for your updatet info.

Sorry i had the new map wrongly updated.

Now ( 13.8. 13h European time) is allready updated the fixed map.

I also cleaned the MapData file, must say i thought there are some vital informations in it so i didn t even touch. now is cleaned. hope it works.

So form now on: have fun! plz advise of corrections that may help, unit names to change or unit creations to have a better equalisation.

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Outstanding job on the map !!

I haven't tried to play it yet, but have a question.

I notice there are two USA's -- the second one starting at 10% pro axis and consisting of a couple of enclaves in SE Texas with its capital at Houston. (Also there are two cities named Houston). What is that all about?

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2 Cities named Houston?? oops that is an error. have you maybe position? in other case i look for , no problem.

the Two USA: well The "Houston USA" is a minor USA that has the port of San Diego and several Oil Wells in Golf of Mexico, and this USA is in FAVOR of Axis. this represents the important Trade (Oil selling) of the United States towards Japan that was stopped only 7 (!) Month before Pearl Harbour. THis also represents that USA was getting "hot" only by entering the War end 41 and the immense impact of a Fully active USA.

Therefore the Mayor-Allies-USA at the beginning has very low MPP but gets the Oil Wells with Annexation(can also do it dimplomaticaly :Diplomatic USA to USA-Minor: can represent the Congress difficulties between Isolationists and War-Chiefs)

But anyway Allies USA is Anexing Minor USA on March 41 with following Text: "US-Crongress decides complete Oil and Steel Embargo to Japan"

Then Minor USA is eaten by USA that getts the full MPP of the Oilwells.

By the way the Embargo was one of the reason that Japan Attacked USA, they absolutely needed OIL and USA had closed diplomatic possibilities/sellings.

In the Game Japan doesn t get much MPP by defeating Countries as do Germany ( Benelux/France/Algeria/Tunisia/Greece etc etc...) so Japan gets on the beginning MPP support in form of Oil from Nl-India and USA Minor.

As Allies Mayor can by no way send Convoys to the ennemy (skript not possible) the USA Minor solution was the easiest. When by error a Axis Player thiks he can Attak USA on early 40, then the Allies PLayer can in the very next turn "invade" Houston-USA ( no tropps there ) and gets FIRST: BIG MPP SHOT as well as MORALE Bonus by fall of "Houston", this can represent for example the Huge Motivation of US-people in the early war beginning after Pearl Harbour.

But anyway, if somebody has a better idea to represent this complicated political situation in the 39-40 then send me any idea.

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