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Axis warpath to major Victory (one after patch one and one after patch two)

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(the board admin closed the other thread because he thinks that a description of a game after patch one is the same as a description of a game after patch two, even when they are two totally different war-paths). So I included the secon d warpath here...




Hi !

For information, here is the description of my lastest game as Axis after the patch. All difficulty setting maxed, soft building limits.

The first 500 MP I made went into research of Advanced Infantry, the next 225 into Intelligence. Everytime I discovered one step, I bought the chit again.

- I split my Poland forces in two and took the Benelux plus Denmark on turn two, Poland on turn four.

- Norway on turn 5 with one army, HQ and a corpse.

- The rest of my units went to the Benelux, France surrendered in the spring of 1940.

- I kept on buying cheap German corpses every time I could.

- I bought an Italian Engineer that went to the Russian border to build fortifications.

- The Italians garrisoned France against the partisans.

- I landed 3 Italian troops in Norway against the partisans and attacked Sweden with my three German units in Norway.

- All the rest of my German troops invaded the UK, I took the mainland in the fall of 1940. I totally ignored the UK navy, so that my Germans navy came out unharmed.

- [edited] I took Ireland and garrisoned it with the Italians.

- I kept three German corspes in the UK, all the other troops in the UK went to the Italian beaches and landed in North Africa.

- Sweden surrendered.

- Bulgaria and Roemania joined.

- The USSR went to war, with my frontline there consisting of only level 3 German corpses plus the HQ and army from Sweden.

- I held the line against the Russians for a year with just my corpses in the fortifications.

- Caïro FINALLY fell in the spring of 1942.

- The Italians garrisoned Egypt against the partisans.

- Took Syria with my African tanks (but Iraq didn't join me, blah).

- Took Greece with my African armies and garrisoned it with the Italians.

- Two armies from Greece and took Tunesia.

- Those two armies then took Vichy France.

- The other two armies from Greece, the two tanks from Syria, the paratrooper and the HQ from Egypt went to the Russian front.

- I landed the paratroopers near Stalingrad, just to trigger Finland. The paratroopers were killed and the Finnish troops didn't help at all, so it was a pretty wasted move.

- Once the tanks and armies were at the front, I started pushing into Rusia south-east from Warshaw.

- The two armies from Vichy France joined the Russian front.

- I took both Odessa and Kiev about the same time, then Smolensk, then Moscow.

- The Russian northern front collapsed and I took Riga and Minsk with my corpses from that frontline.

- After I took Moscow, I took Kharkov and Rostoff, then Sevastopol in the spring of 1944 => major Axis victory.

- Somewhere along the line, the US tried a pathetic excuse for a D-Day : it sent three waves of amfibious boots, without any defending ships. Needless to say, my 8 full-strength German ships and six full strength Italian ships killed all but two before they could land. This is why I kept the German navy out the invasion of the UK, I thought I would need all those boats to fend off D-Day, but D-Day really is a joke, blah. Hopefully some patch in the future will make D-Day better.

Next time, I think I'll speed it up a bit by

a) using my German fleet to help with Sealion, I don't need the Germans to help with D-Day anyway.

B) Not take Syria, Greece, Tunesia and Vichy France, I didn't need the MPPs (I ended with about 3000 unspend Germans MPPs). That should save about 5 or 6 turns to speed up the Russian collapse.




Hi, me again !

Here is the description of my latest game against the Allied AI, all difficulty setting maxed and this time no soft building limits.

- Turn 2 : Took Denmark and Benelux, as usual.

- Turn 4 : Poland.

- Winter 1939 : Took Iceland.

- Spring 1940 : France surrendered, operated everything except four France garrisons to the Russian border.

- Summer 1940 : DOW on Russia. This time I went in Russia through the northern border.

- By this time I had Advanced Infantry 3, I invested all spare points in it.

- Somewhere in 1940 Bulgarie and Hungary joined, their troops made EXCELLENT garrisons !

- Took Moscow in spring 1941, garrisoned it with 3 German level 3 corpses.

- Stalingrad fell in December 1941, garrisoned it with 3 German level 3 corpses.

- By this time I had Heavy Tanks 5, I invested all spare points in it.

- Operated all 5 planes to bomb London.

- Amfibied 3 German armies and 1 German corpse from Brussels to London. And a bunch of Italian troops from Brest and the port in North-West Germany as decoy. London fell as usual in the first turn of the landing.

- Operated 2 German armies, 2 corpses and my two level 5 tanks to Italie and transport them to North Africa.

- Caïro fell in the summer of 1942 => major victory.

I had 1000 spare German MPPs at the end.

I got to say that Russia took me longer then I expected, those Siberian reinforces are a PAIN !

[ June 13, 2006, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: TaoJah ]

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Originally posted by TaoJah:

- All the rest of my troops invaded the UK, I took the mainland in the fall of 1940. I totally ignored the UK navy, so that my Germans navy came out unharmed.

This proves that the amphibious system is still inadequate. Nerf the range further to 3 or 4 tiles for the level 0 boats or implement Rolend's suggestion.

D-Day really is a joke, blah. Hopefully some patch in the future will make D-Day better.
What did you expect after taking UK? It should be a lot harder for Germany to take UK in the first place, but if they succeed, it should be a pretty guaranteed win on the Western front - US would have a real hard time invading Europe alone.
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D-Day really is a joke, blah. Hopefully some patch in the future will make D-Day better.
What did you expect after taking UK? It should be a lot harder for Germany to take UK in the first place, but if they succeed, it should be a pretty guaranteed win on the Western front - US would have a real hard time invading Europe alone. [/QB]
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Here is the biggest mistake:

I kept buying German corps evertime I could.

That's because you have softbuild limits and it does not reflect history, the lack of manpower from Germany.

Play without softbuilds and you'll end up with manpower issues. Much more realistic.

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FYI I also took Ireland, I forgot to mention that in the original post.

Originally posted by Exel:

What did you expect after taking UK? It should be a lot harder for Germany to take UK in the first place, but if they succeed, it should be a pretty guaranteed win on the Western front - US would have a real hard time invading Europe alone.

No, I disagree : the AI should put ALL it's US troops on boats and send it to the UK. Together with it's battleships. Now it sent three waves of 3-5 troops, with the other 30 troops staying in the US. And the battleships never left their ports ! There is no way I can kill one big wave of 45 amfibious troops coming my way, but it's easy to kill little waves of 5.

Originally posted by Blashy:

Here is the biggest mistake:

I kept buying German corps evertime I could.

That's because you have softbuild limits and it does not reflect history, the lack of manpower from Germany.

First of all, stop calling things that are possible by the game "a mistake", lol.

Second : I never reached the limits of German corpses (or any other German troop for that matter).

It's true that I did buy 3 Italian corpses too much (at 130, 160 and 190) to garrison Egypt and Greece against partisans. But be honest, that doesn't affect gameplay that much, does it ?!

No, the problem is that D-Day is broken : the US keeps a zillion troops on it's mainland.

It would be intresting to see what happens if I would need -say- 10 German corpses to defend Ireland, France and the UK against the US. I think I could win with 10 of my level 3 corpses against the AI's troops, because he can never take any city without bombing it, but at least it would be a challenge.

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Originally posted by Canuck_TAR:

LOL.........If I was the U.S. and England was German why would I have a D- Day??

Perhaps for the same reason as the US found it important to get to Germany at the same time as the Russians : to prevent that the entire European mainland would become Russian ?
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Originally posted by Lars:

Funny, I did it even earlier a completely different way.

And left Sealion for the end.

Please tell me how, I wanne know :)

In my current game, I will go to Russia full force right after I took France. I won't have alot of MPPs, but perhaps, just perhaps I can get to Moscow and Savostopol before the Seberian reserves come in (although I doubt it).

And I'll only research Advanced Infantry, nothing else.

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Well, with all the bitchin about Spain, I tried something else.

Poured money into Sweden first, and early. What the hey, they're already 20% on your side. Then Turkey. Add up all them mpps.

Sweden garrisons Norway after the German invasion, and with a AF to boot, which lets the Kriegsmarine rule the North Sea and releases three teched up German Corps for Russia.

Italy sits on it's butt and builds up to take Yugo and Greece, then finally Egypt.

By the time Turkey comes in, it's all over but the shouting really. But the extra mpps are nice.

You can spread the techs wherever you like. I went Production and Industrial heavily, then one or two in all the rest. AA 2 was nice to cover my rear in France. Bomb all you want Englander! Mwuhahaha….

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When I play Axies I like diplo Spain as soon as I can as not only are the MPP good but it helps a lot with N Africa. Also if you don't take England the Spanish navy can help interecept any D-Day troops and its AF and some of its troops can be used to defend France. If you get Spain early enough it also keeps the US from hitting Vichy Algeria.

The only reason I take England first, I do it about 50% of the time, is that if you leave England for last it is real tedious to take, notice how I did not say hard, just a pain with all those US AF and Bombers and land forces packed into England.

I almost never bother with Norway, Swedan or Greece. Instead I prefer to push up through Iraq and take the Russian oil fields then hang on tell the main push into Russia arrives in the Stalingrad area. I have tried to Diplo Turkey several times but have only managed to bring them in before Russia falls once so I think that is a bit of a wast. Normally I get Russia to fall late 43 early 44 but late 44 if I spend the time to take England first.

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Swedish CA does the same in the north. Absolutely not worth invading Sweden though. Just ticks everybody off.

As for a packed England, experienced troops go through those AF, Bombers and anything else in their way like nothing. When you hit it, you have two German BB, three CA and the Swede CA bombarding anything on the coastline. Plus the Italian, Swede, Turk, Romanian and the three German AF. It's really a piece of cake.

Think I had the Germans pulling in 770 mpp there at the end. :D

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Go into the scripts and double the value of each purchase of Diplo and Tech for the AI. Gives it another advantage while not taking away the randomness of the game. You can also combine this with some event % modifications as well to help the AI even further while still maintaining randomness.

Just save one campaign for Allied AI and one for Axis AI and you should get a much better game from the AI overall.

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I don't want to make fun of anyone's spelling, but "corpses"?, too funny. I'm imagining German artillery launching their corpses over the Russian front lines.

"The Russian northern front collapsed and I took Riga and Minsk with my corpses from that frontline"

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Originally posted by Honch:

I don't want to make fun of anyone's spelling, but "corpses"?

I know, I know, English is only my third language.

So, how do you write it then ? The manual say "Corps", so what is the plural ?

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Originally posted by TaoJah:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Canuck_TAR:

LOL.........If I was the U.S. and England was German why would I have a D- Day??

Perhaps for the same reason as the US found it important to get to Germany at the same time as the Russians : to prevent that the entire European mainland would become Russian ? </font>
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