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Paratroopers casualties on own ground ?

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i had my Paratroopers flying from Italy to North Africa, "landing" in Italian Tripolis and they took 40% causalties??? I would suggest a fix here, because there were no Allied Fighters on Malta and i dont think that Paratroopers are jumping out of their planes when they could easily land on the tripolis airport. And even if they would jump out, why do they get 40% loses, are the Germans that bad in jumping out of planes and landing in the desert?


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I thirdly concur!!!. I have seen this happen...!.

This wrongful condition need's to be rectified!.


Another 'Quirk' i don't like is when, for example you decide to access an Air Unit...and see that it need's some upgrade's...but 1st need to see what else need's your precious MPP's.

Now, after evaluating your need's you go back to that 1st Air Unit that you initially accessed...and find out now 'that you cannot make the upgrade now???'...it's just like you have just moved your unit!...you no longer can access it to do an improvement?.

Until the Air Unit has been 'Moved' or 'Upgraded',... you should alway's be able to access it again & again until some action is actually taken!.

[ May 10, 2006, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Guest Mike

If you "prepare" then move themm then they are jumping out of planes - and into a city - a very bad move!!

If you want to get them there "normally" then transport them like everything else.

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Guest Mike

Just reading the manual - it quite clearly states that there's a chance of additional casualties for landing in non-clear areas EVEN FRIENDLY ONES!

And the chances of having landing casualties are 100-(unit supply -1)*10 - so check your initial supply before flying!

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Ok so you really think it is right that a whole army of paratroopers loses 40% !!! of its men when they jump over friendly ground??

Why is there no rule that we could have 40% casualties when unloading an army into a friendly harbour? I mean its basically the same thing.

When we say that paratroopers are too clumsy to make a simple jump on firendly territory, than every other soldier must at least be so clumsy that there is a high risk that they fall into the water !

I mean i could maybeee understand 10% because some planes crashed or some equipment wasn`t working right but 40% ? Real casualties only occured when they jump on enemy ground and there is a reason for it.....because there are enemies who shoot at them!

And just because this is now the rule does not mean that it is a good rule.


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Than we are on the same side here. I know that jumping out of a plane is a bit more risky but we are talking about men who were trained to do that and as far as i know history there were never cacualties more than 10% for paratroopers (besides combat losses). I mean we are talking about more than a division of paratroopers and than 10% would already mean that 1500 to 2000 men died by excident.


[Meister 2006 !!!] ;)

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Good Fire, fight for you 100% correct point regarding Paratroopers. You’ve to get used to some tiresome ppl in this forum that ALWAYS defend the game (even then Hubert don’t) and comes with one explanation worse then the other. Tip, just ignore them!

Retributar, pls post your observation in the tech support forum. It’s an important one. I’ve seen it myself. Is it only air fleets that have that problem?

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er, according to your post, you stuck them into a city.

Don't know if this really should be changed. It would make Paratroops too powerful if they could just fly all over the map. Who'd ever op move them?

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Originally posted by John DiFool the 2nd:

What if you consider an air move into an already-

friendly hex as not a drop, but the paras being

transported in their transport planes and landing

at the destination like most normal people do?

As I pointed out, it would be the same as a free op move and would unbalance the game.

Let's all say it together now, "It's an abstraction!!!"

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"What if you consider an air move into an already-

friendly hex as not a drop, but the paras being

transported in their transport planes and landing

at the destination like most normal people do? "

Well that is bascially what i meant by my post. No paratrooper unit would jump out of their planes if they fly to a freidnly hex.

And Lars, where is the abstraction, i dont see it?


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Prepare Para, drop, repeat. You're across the map in a couple of turns, but may take a few hits.

Or Op move and arrive full strength in one.

See it now? A game balance issue. Not the way it works in real life, but needed in the game.

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Guest Mike
Originally posted by Kuniworth:

so this mean jumping into the friendly desert tiles could make you lose 40%?

Man thats weird. Guess the sand is hard.

Which game is that in? It's not in SC2.

The rule is that you can take casualties if you jump into any NON_CLEAR tile - even if it is friendly.

It's a real easy thing for people to choose not to do and use the mechanism that is designed for long range transport instead.

Paratroopers did not jump into firendly areas at all, so anyone doign this is basically being cheesy....at best!

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Paratroopers have been used for reinforcing areas. And I don't believe that if dropped into a friendly area you should lose 40% of your troops. If that was the case no person with any intelligenace would have been a trooper. And just because you are landing in a city square. If under your control areas could have been cleared for them. I don't believe our d-day landings suffered 40% loses. And that was in hostle landings. I would think this should be reconsidered. As far as a mobile unit, there are enough restriction to keep it limited. Lord knows they can't jump into US from France.

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Guest Mike

40% loss in SC2 does not represent 40% casualties - it also represents loss of heavy equipment which is generally much more vulnerable than the troopers themselves, scattering of units, etc.

Again - if you want to move paratroopers a long way to friendly territory then use the proper means!

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