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It appears, from the screenshots page, that this game is very tqactically strategic (i.e. check the arnhem1 pic on the first screenshot page)...enabling you to zoom out and see the lay of the land, etc, making tactical decisions. Is this the case?

The problem I had with GG:WaW was the way the countries were, well, the war zone...there was no zoming in and out to view local tactical possibilities and, from what I saw of screenshots of SC1, it was the same.

So does the zooming in and out allow for the player to view strategic and tactical level etc?


PS On my sisters 56Kbs laptop...I will download the demo when I get home to my 2Bbs connection!

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Well the maps seem to be showing different "levels" of countryside?! The Arnhem1 screenshot clearly shows units as country icons with some level of tactical strategy involved, and yet there are other screenshots which show several countries in the same screenshot. So what gives?

Look at NorthAfrca1 and NorthAfrica2 on page 6 of the screenshots

[ April 11, 2006, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: Billy Riley ]

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Yes and no.

You see Hubert's map is only using 1/6th of the total area available in the editor.

So you can make a map of the current one 6 times bigger, which will mean about 6 times more of everything. The game would become more tactical than strategical or maybe a half and half, will only know once someone creates it.

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Scale is not Zoom like Civilization, this is a Strategic game purely. And you don't need a duel Pentium 5 and 5 gigs of ram to run it either ;) and you can IP this game, you don't need a 12 Gig a Minute Upload/Download Rate smile.gif

The tactical levels you see are a Scenarios specially designed for Fun. The Big Puppy is a Strategic Wargame not Tactical, but the Scenarios show they changed that for those who like Tactical, Which I do not BORING, who wants to invade Normandy I want to Invade Sicily, Normandy, Italy, Yugoslavia all in one Package smile.gif

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Originally posted by Liam:

Scale is not Zoom like Civilization, this is a Strategic game purely. And you don't need a duel Pentium 5 and 5 gigs of ram to run it either ;) and you can IP this game, you don't need a 12 Gig a Minute Upload/Download Rate smile.gif

The tactical levels you see are a Scenarios specially designed for Fun. The Big Puppy is a Strategic Wargame not Tactical, but the Scenarios show they changed that for those who like Tactical, Which I do not BORING, who wants to invade Normandy I want to Invade Sicily, Normandy, Italy, Yugoslavia all in one Package smile.gif

Now we are talking
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"Don't you just love Hubert?"

Well Blashy I don't know him that well, but he does seem to possess many admirable characteristics.

And I must admit I do hold his creation close to my heart........wiping the CD on my shirt to clean off the dust. :D

Love?.....Love! Hmmmm Kuni....you better check this Blashy guy out for gayness=happiness inclinations, unless of course Blashy=Toni Cater. ;)

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Love?.....Love! Hmmmm Kuni....you better check this Blashy guy out for gayness=happiness inclinations, unless of course Blashy=Toni Cater. ;)

I think its pretty obvious that Blashy is infact Hubert's brother Tony.Look at the credits, in sc1 a special thanks was given to Tony Cater. But at SC2 no Tony but instead Blashy.
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Well, I will download the demo and give it a try, but it sounds a bit too much like GG:WaW...which I did not get on with. I didn't like the scale or the time per turn (1 month turns in that case).

I guess I'm more of a tactical geezer...although I am really enjoying HOI2 - that said, HOI2 is a "bit" more tactical in that countries are split into many provinces...which gives you several "routes" of attack on a country. So I guess I like HoI2 because it gives me the Strategic level and, to an extent, the tactical level...with good turn time!

Oh well....I'll get the demo and give it a go...there are plenty of posts on the SC1 and 2 forums meaning lots of support.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Bill O'Reilly --- Aren't you busy with your T.V. daily show? The O'Reilly Factor used to be a good show, now it stinks.

Never heard of it, mate...but if I was said person, I would be wayyyy too busy with all this gaming malarky on the PC...which probably explains why my show is crap!!
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