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The Scenario Depot has gone ?? OK I'VE FOUND IT

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I mean, the big one at http://www.dragonlair.net/combatmission/ ...

Timeout ! :(

I didn't check it for some time now, has it moved or worst, closed ? Or just unavailable temporarily I hope !

Edited : stoopid google goove me wroong ooddress... Found the new host while browsing posts here ! smile.gif

[ September 27, 2002, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Pascal DI FOLCO ]

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Genuine apologies for the snail's-pace changes at The Scenario Depot lately. Work had been brutal in the number of hours they are demanding, as well as I have had a close relative pass away.

Guys...same host, just newer servers, a lot more storage space (2Gb), more transfer (20Gb/month), and waaaay newer versions of MySQl and PHP. I'm still working out some details, so I haven't had Network Solutions update my DNS entries yet. The original URL has a redirector which shoots you over to the new site. Once the DNS entries have been made and the servers update themselves (usually between 24 and 72 hours) everything should be back to normal. In the mean time, I've necessarily disabled a couple of features (like the Authors' pages) which rely upon domain names to locate some data. I'll keep everyone posted via The Scenario Depot's News page.

I'm also adding newer submission pages for CMBB to cover all of the new parameters, as well as modifying the CMBB Battle Synopsis and CMBB Operation Synopsis pages to take the new fields into account. The CMBB Search pages will also be modified for more detailed searching.

I've also got a couple of other skunkworks projects being developed for the CM community, but they are on a "time permitting" basis.

By the by, has anyone noticed that The Lists are now using a Top 10 Over 3 calculation? I'm considering changing it to Top 20 Over 3...any thoughts?

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It is normal for battles an doperations to not be available for download 1 to 2 days after the author submits it. If it is still unavailable after that, that usually indicates that the author has not yet sent it to me. I often send emails to the authors prompting them to send the associated file, but occassionally even I receive no response. Why someone would post a scenario for review, and then send no file, is somewhat perplexing.

Scenario authors...If you submit a battle or operation, please email the unzipped .cmb, .cmc, .cme, or .cmf to me immediately afterwards.

Players...if you do not see a battle or operation posted, email the author and prompt them to forward the file to me. The entire CM community would be appreciative.

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Top 20 over 3 would be great. I also noticed that Cintheaux isn't in the top 10 due to a number of "0" scores for PBEM. I'm pretty sure that just means the rater played vs. the a.i. The "0"'s should be zeroed if you know what I mean.

Cintheaux is the best example because apart from a couple "0"'s it's got a fistful of "10" PBEM ratings.

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Thanks, both to you and to everyone who has emailed kind words of encouragement over the past year. I genuinely appreciate the appreciation. I thoroughly enjoy supporting Combat Mission and hope that The Scenario Depot is one of the reasons that prompts anyone considering the purchase of CM to go ahead and buy it. When I'm not brewing up a batch of Scotch Ale or Russian Imperial Stout, I can usually be found tinkering with the site...keeps me off the streets and out of mischief.

xerxes, I believe 0's are already counting as nothing and do not contribute towards the final score, but I'll double check that. If such is the case, I'll code that in once I have finished with the CMBB Operations Synopsis and Search pages.

Anyone else enthusiastic about Top 20 Over 3?

And how about CMBB Reviews? Looks like we have several hundred downloads and no reviews yet...Come on, guys.

CMBB Scenario Authors - Does anyone have any issue with the posting of the CMBB Battle and CMBB Operation parameters (not the actual files) for review purposes?

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I just posted new CMBB Battle Submission pages which now list Soviets, Partisans, Romanians, and Polish as Allies, and Germans, Hungarians, Italians, Romanians, and Finnish as Axis. Next to the nationality drop-down list is a "Formation" drop-down list which will then dynamically list the forces available only to that nationality, e.g., Infantry, Security, Ski, Guards, etc. I may re-work the formation Javascript and make it a single long drop-down, depending on how much trouble it gives people.

I'm working on the CMBB Battles Index page to list the little bitmaps which correspond to the different nationalities and formations.

Note that the CMBB Battles Search engine now allows you to search on these various new parameters.

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I tried to post a CMBB scenario review last night and got an error message. (Can't remember what the message was, it may have been a 404 error.) Are you sure it's working as it should?

Also, will you eventually have the scenarios that came on the CMBB CD available for review as well? Not sure what the ability would be of you to post them for download since they're copyrighted, though I know you have the original CMBO scenarios on the site.

Thanks for all your efforts; your work is of huge benefit to the CM community.


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Originally posted by GWDWD:I tried to post a CMBB scenario review last night and got an error message. (Can't remember what the message was, it may have been a 404 error.) Are you sure it's working as it should?
Yikes! My bad...I was conducting some tests earlier yesterday and I guess I neglected to switch a parameter back. I made the correction and posted a Battle entitled "Admin Test". Sorry!

Also, will you eventually have the scenarios that came on the CMBB CD available for review as well? Not sure what the ability would be of you to post them for download since they're copyrighted, though I know you have the original CMBO scenarios on the site.
It is my intention to have as many of the CMBB CD scenarios posted as possible. I need to get authorial permission first. The actual files will never be made available for download.
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Thanks, Admiral. Fortunately I saved my review as a Word document, so I'll try again when I get home from work. Wouldn't want the world to miss out on all my incisive comments... :rolleyes:

And I'm also looking forward to the day that the original CMBB CD scenarios are posted cuz I've been taking notes on those, too. ;)

Thanks again,


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Here is what I got trying to access one of the scenarios -

Warning: Access denied for user: 'admketh@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /home/virtual/site41/fst/var/www/html/combatmission/maps_CMBB03.php on line 27

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Access denied for user: 'admketh@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /home/virtual/site41/fst/var/www/html/combatmission/maps_CMBB03.php on line 27

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/virtual/site41/fst/var/www/html/combatmission/maps_CMBB03.php on line 41

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/virtual/site41/fst/var/www/html/combatmission/maps_CMBB03.php on line 50

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/virtual/site41/fst/var/www/html/combatmission/maps_CMBB03.php on line 83

Sorry, no reviews for this map were found!

Reviewer Rating Averages

Design Quality

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/virtual/site41/fst/var/www/html/combatmission/maps_CMBB03.php on line 254


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Great! When will you get the submitted scenarios up and running (or inform authors if you are not planning to so do)?


Apologies for the delay in getting scenarios posted.

It's always been my policy to get files uploaded and linked within 2 to 3 days of receipt of the file, providing the author enters their own parameters. If I have to enter the scenario particulars, it could take until the next weekend.

I am still waiting for files from the following authors who have posted scenarios:

Hill 621 (Mike Wholaver)

[ October 04, 2002, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: Admiral Keth ]

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Scenario Authors!

Some of you have had a little trouble posting scenarios. This was due primarily to the Javascript which determined which formations (infantry, mechanized, cavalry) were available to which nationalities. I have removed the Javascript and hardcoded in the values into the drop-down list. Now, although you can select such interesting combinations such as Hungarian SS Cavalry, or Polish Guards Mechanized, there is error-checking in place which should prevent you from posting non-historical combinations.

For those of you who had trouble posting, please give it another try. If it fails for you again, simply email the parameters to me, along with the file.

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Hi Admiral Keth. I noticed that the "preview" linked to my Berlin Mitte map was not the map I submitted. Also-do I need to send along anything else to get it linked? I sent it over about a week ago.

I have the same problem with my Berlin map for CMBO-not linked. I sent the file over several times, but I can send it again. No worries, I know how busy things get.

Thanks for all your great new work on the site. Looks good.

I noticed these errors on the map page:

"Warning: Access denied for user: 'admketh@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /home/virtual/site41/fst/var/www/html/combatmission/maps_CMBB03.php on line 27

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Access denied for user: 'admketh@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /home/virtual/site41/fst/var/www/html/combatmission/maps_CMBB03.php on line 27

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/virtual/site41/fst/var/www/html/combatmission/maps_CMBB03.php on line 41

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/virtual/site41/fst/var/www/html/combatmission/maps_CMBB03.php on line 50

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/virtual/site41/fst/var/www/html/combatmission/maps_CMBB03.php on line 83

Sorry, no reviews for this map were found!"


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Admiral Keith;

Just a quick word of thanks for all the work you are/have putting/put into the Scenario Depot. The Depot has always been my preferred scenario download resource for CMBO, and once you have the bugs worked out, CMBB as well. Once I get home I can get cracking on some reviews for you.


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It still won't let me post a review for CMBB scenarios. I get the same error message as before. :confused: :(

Admiral Keth, you don't really need to go to work every day, do you?? ;)

And though I really appreciate all the work everyone does to maintain their CM websites, I think having a place like the Depot where a (nearly) comprehensive list of scenarios is available is a great benefit rather than having them just scattered all over kingdom come.


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