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Distributing the Peng Challenge In Europe: No Rest for the Wicked

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So just cool your jets, Pool Gunk.

I really really wouldn't take this Mr Boo_Radley. Give them your pinkie and they'll rip off your arm and beat you to a pulp with it. Or so we've heard. Time to show them who's boss if you ask us.


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Originally posted by Geier:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Let's not be forgetting House Croda

My thoughts exactly Sir. How dare he? Who does he think he is? I'll bet he wouldn't be talking so tough if he was to be thrown into a meat grinder. Just an example. Or might I interest you in a bit of arson? Homicidal of course. Or, our Millennia Special, General Beheadings?

We aim to please.</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And Geier you'll not be getting a red cent from the Shavian House

Course not Sir. Right you are Sir. We would never dream of charging you a Red Cent.

So, Five Unspecified-and-yet-to-be-invented-ways-to-make-people-really-sorry was it? Thank you for your order. Do come again.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... You can never have enough mottos, that's our motto ... or at least one of them.


Yes, why not add Where's my feckin' turn? to the list?


The aforemention Joe Shaw continues to stagger through the bocage, blindly groping for my inept defenders. Well, not so much stagger as sit around. I don't really want any more detail on the blind groping, I'm just trying to keep my horde of already-panicky conscript untertruppen well away from it. Now, where's my feckin' turn? I want to see more of your Canuckleheads bleed.

Speaking of which, poor, reduced-initialled jd-formerly-jdmorse has finally run afoul (and possible afowl) of my paltry runeish reinforcements. Pathetic as they are, they still cost him two tanky things, and we're looking for his other tankety-tanks, too. Where's my feckin' turn? I want to see more 'splosions.

And as for stevetherat, where's my feckin' turn? I don't really want to see more of the tragic farce that is our game, but I do enjoy the shouting.

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I would remind the CessPool as a Hole that a current (though recently absent) member of the Shavian House is ... wait for it ... Hanns

Recently absent is he? What a shame. So, you really haven't found his corp... I mean his corset, yet?

Sadly, we know almost nothing about where his remains might ... Where he remains presently.

We'll let you know as soon as we hear anything. Sorry to hear about the loss of such a large and dangerous asset.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Sure, why not? I tried to be gallant and told Joe I'd be his second in the Blood Hamster match, but he shunned me like I was an Amish boy wearing a nipple ring. So, yeah. Let's gag him.

But, Boo-Boo, you ARE a nipple ring laden Amish boy, aren't you?


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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Oh Geier that idea is just <big>spiffy!</big> I'd volunteer as a goofy sidekick if it weren't for the fact that I have issues with both of these rival houses. No it's up to the bell-tower with me to snipe at all and sundry.... now where shall we begin?...

Knowing you, the safe place would be in front of the rifle. Now, sit down and shut the hell up in the presence of your BETTERS
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Guest PondScum

Berli's on a roll. Not a pleasant sight, but pretty soon he'll reach the bottom of the hill. With any luck, he'll then be too dizzy to want to run up to the top and try it all over again.

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The reason for this is that anyone choosing the titles Rittmeister and Freiherr must know the difference between an Albatros DIII and a Pfalz DIII. This scores highly in The Book.
Quite so. They also say that geniuses choose green. But in truth, the guy at the rental shop picked it out for me, and Berli was resonsible for the titles.

And Moriarty, you should know by now that chaos doesn't need to have a sponsor. Just grab your popcorn and a fizzy drink and enjoy the show.

I, for one, wouldn't want to be the member of any house that would accept me.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

snippage of the mumbo jumbo that always gets ladled up to reopen the MBT

Finally, when it gets right down to it, we don't need or want any of you. We can sell this Thread for millions to vicious arseholes like Bill Gates. In fact, we get requests from him weekly, begging us to sell the complete rights to the Peng Challenge Thread for immense sums of money, not to mention huge tracts of land.

And I still say we should have taken the money!

That is, until I found out that the money was indeed part of a package deal with the "huge tracts of land". This of course can only mean one thing. Gates is trying to unload Canada and Australia. I've suspected for years that Microsoft owns and operates both Canada and Australia. And before you laugh that notion off, ask yourself this question:

Who else could take something with so much promise and screw it up so completely?

Have an answer for that one? I thought not.

Microsoft's involvement does explain a few things, not the least of which are:

1) Why no self respecting person would live in either Canada or Australia

2) Why the world is stuck with them both


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Originally posted by Geier:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And Geier you'll not be getting a red cent from the Shavian House

Course not Sir. Right you are Sir. We would never dream of charging you a Red Cent.

So, Five Unspecified-and-yet-to-be-invented-ways-to-make-people-really-sorry was it? Thank you for your order. Do come again.</font>

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Guest PondScum

Dammit, Papa Khann, stop letting our secrets out.

[ July 11, 2002, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I have prepared my Squires for the rigors of the CessPool with education and exercises designed to make them Knights that any Liege would be proud to call his own.


These "exercises". They wouldn't involve tight little spandex outfits and large amounts of sweating, would they?

Or are they even more...involved?</font>

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Dalem as a blouse-wearin' poodle-walker tha didnae saind turrns an' thain balmes has "ISP" - as af hae cud spaill tha anyhoo. Saind at agin, ye top lip licker.

Joe Shaw, ye're a porkulent hoarder o' rubber gloves - where's mah turrrn?

Speedy ye're as coy as a wee choir boy a' Joe Shaw's hoose. Saind tha stankin' turrn an' finish tha abomination o' a festerin' gam!

Tha raist o' yoo knuckle draggin' pillocks, continue tae die a' ye ain pace.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Dear Poopie,

Gee, your fascination with Oz seems to no know bounds, does it? Is there a post of yours that <U>DOESN'T</U> contain at least 53.2 hard core references to our super-cleaned, swift-shorned, ultra-sunnied, azure-skied, crystal-watered, solid-economied, fantastic-surfed, warm-personalitied, best-cricketered, champion-footballered, best-actored, best-movied, best-directored, great-leadered and above all - <BIG><BIG>HUMBLE-PEOPLED</BIG></BIG> nation??

What's that? You AGREE TOTALLY with this healthy prognosis of your affliction? Perhaps you DO have at least 1 wise cell floating around in that vacuum you call a brain. Then again......

Still and in all, you are on the rite track and I'm sure your Pakistani Government wallahs won't mind if you hitch a ride on an Oz bound reffers boat. You will be assured of a warm reception and be <STRIKE>hospitalised</STRIKE> hospitably accomodated at one of our AAA Rated Holiday <STRIKE>Kampfs</STRIKE> Camps.



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all societys have a secret one and let me tell you HOUSE MADNESS is so secret that some of its members dont realise they belong to it,

clearly though some members are doing thier best to give themselves away

"wadda mean wheres my turn, YOU owe me a turn"

HOUSE MADNESS the true underwater underhand gang

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