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Distributing the Peng Challenge In Europe: No Rest for the Wicked

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Originally posted by dalem:

Shack Shavian isn't fit to serve as the outhouse for House Persiflage.


n : light teasing

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

Oh yes, the Shavian House is in awe of the House of Light Teasing ... MY GAWD man how can you live with yourself? This is the CessPool, the very epitome of manly taunting and jeering and you name your house after ... light teasing?

Oh I say chaps, let's drop in on the CessPool tonight. They're ever so much fun there. But I must caution you, they do tease lightly there you know.

I'll hear no more from YOU dalem!


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Originally posted by Tomb:

all societys have a secret one and let me tell you HOUSE MADNESS is so secret that some of its members dont realise they belong to it,

clearly though some members are doing thier best to give themselves away

"wadda mean wheres my turn, YOU owe me a turn"

HOUSE MADNESS the true underwater underhand gang

Right then lads, this one isn't looking promising AT ALL!

Not only do we have the drivel posted above, but it's been a member since August of 1999 and has posted a grand total of 19 times! And of course we have an SSN with delusions of grandeur chosing a House for itself!

Odds on its lasting lads?


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Send it to Coventry!

Harsh but fair I feel.

We Seniour Seniour Seniour Kinniggetts have got to stick together right Joe?

BTW, if you could shuffle my way some more of that 3D porn of yours it would be appreciated.

(PS, edit out the ugly ones if you would be so kind)

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Gee, your fascination with Oz seems to no know bounds, does it? Is there a post of yours that <U>DOESN'T</U> contain at least 53.2 hard core references to our super-cleaned, swift-shorned, ultra-sunnied, azure-skied, crystal-watered, solid-economied, fantastic-surfed, warm-personalitied, best-cricketered, champion-footballered, best-actored, best-movied, best-directored, great-leadered and above all - <BIG><BIG>HUMBLE-PEOPLED</BIG></BIG> nation??

What's that? You AGREE TOTALLY with this healthy prognosis of your affliction? Perhaps you DO have at least 1 wise cell floating around in that vacuum you call a brain. Then again......

Still and in all, you are on the rite track and I'm sure your Pakistani Government wallahs won't mind if you hitch a ride on an Oz bound reffers boat. You will be assured of a warm reception and be <STRIKE>hospitalised</STRIKE> hospitably accomodated at one of our AAA Rated Holiday <STRIKE>Kampfs</STRIKE> Camps.



Actually, I remember one post where I made only 53.1 hard core references to your be(sotted)loved homeland.

I may not have been feeling well that day.


[ July 11, 2002, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Send it to Coventry!

Harsh but fair I feel.

We Seniour Seniour Seniour Kinniggetts have got to stick together right Joe?

BTW, if you could shuffle my way some more of that 3D porn of yours it would be appreciated.

(PS, edit out the ugly ones if you would be so kind)

Porn? What Porn? If you are referring to the artistic renderings in three dimensions of certain lovely ladies I would point out that artists throughout the ages have found the human form to be the highest expression of art. Of course they weren't working with YOU thank Gawd ... or anyone else in the CessPool that I can think of (NOTE: No offense intended to the Ladies of the Pool as I exclude them because that might cause offense ... ah to hell with it.)

Let's not be too hasty about Coventry lads, rather like using a howitzer to kill a mosquito you know ... perhaps it will simply ... LEAVE!


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Originally posted by Goanna:

I can neither confirm nor deny that I second that request, Joe.

Stuka's that is, as I think Poophead Kant should also be sent to Coventry.

Goanna. What the h*ll sort of name is Goanna anyway? Were you trying to cheer your sister on in a footrace? (And given the likes of AJ, Noba, Mace, and the rest of your inbred lot, lord knows the poor girl would have good reason to RUN FOR HER LIFE.)

Oh bother. I suppose I should just let you off with a warning this time, Go-NaNa. But mind your manners, lest I be forced to exercise my superior tactical awareness and unleash the fury of Panzer Armee Khann upon you and your unfortunate mistaken-for-a-rest-stop-by-the-skipper-of-the-prison-ship continent.


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That's bold talk from a one-eyed fat man.

I have stiffer chunks in my scat than Pusswad Armee is likely to demonstrate in its resolve to do anything other than become this month's poster child for serial posting SSN.

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Been awhile since I let the monkeys out...

But I have returned to say simply and squarely..


That is right, I have found JEBUS and He has told me to embrace all of you..the weak, weary and greasy..as brothers (and in the case of Persephone and Kitty, sisters, complete with brotherly ass-grab)

Thats right!! I have found the Spirit in the Sky and He has spoken unto me!!

I am to be the Peng spiritual guide. Not unlike Jesse Jackson to Wild Willie Clinton in his time of sorrow and fellatio-erotic embarrasment.

I am to stand in front of you all as a repentant sinner. A Lost Soul who has come to the light like a moth to the flame.

I am here to guide you..not unlike a seasoned whore..away from high prices and premature ejaculation.

Toward virginity and self-denial. Low skirts and spankings..just like normal people.

Needless to say I love and accept you all for your faults and sins...except for Joe who lives in Outer Darkness and will feel the hot poker of Bum Burning for one thousand years..may God have mercy on his colon.

I am here to show you the way...

No join hands and come with me on a journey of self discovery.

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

some snippage

I am to stand in front of you all as a repentant sinner. A Lost Soul who has come to the light like a moth to the flame.

Excellent. I'll stand right behind you.

Now if you'll just step a bit closer to the flames....


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Originally posted by Goanna:

That's bold talk from a one-eyed fat man.

I have stiffer chunks in my scat than Pusswad Armee is likely to demonstrate in its resolve to do anything other than become this month's poster child for serial posting SSN.

Gee, Bonana, thanks loads (no pun intended) for the scatology. I realize that for one of your limited intelligence, it must be fascinating to probe the inner depths of your anatomy and examine what you find there. However, on behalf of the Pool, I'd like to take this opportunity to BEG YOU FOR THE LOVE OF GOD to spare us having to listen to you prattle on about it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to drop in at the local clinic and inquire as to the possibility of having the last few hours of my memory wiped. I want to be able to sleep tonight.



And don't knock one-eyed fat men. Some of the great figures of history have been one-eyed fat men. And from what I hear this Berli fellow isn't ALL bad either.

[ July 12, 2002, 12:00 AM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Oh Papa...

I know you hold your macho persona in front of you like a shield.

Let it drop and show the world your tender loins o' Papa.

Let all see what makes you tick and tock inside.

C'mon share with us all...

Capt, I say this with complete and total honestly, from the bottom of my heart (wherever

it is), without ill intention or malice, in complete harmony with myself and the universe...

You scare me.


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Originally posted by Pippu Can:

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to drop in at the local clinic and inquire as to the possibility of having the last few hours of my memory wiped. I want to be able to sleep tonight.


How about asking for the "Whole Lifetime of Memories Erasure" option. Go on. Be Brave. I'm sure it would take NO TIME AT ALL.

Then, may I suggest a permanent recuperative holiday in Coventry to top it orf. Ta ta.....


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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Joe... I HAVE trained 4 squires

Two of them have trained squires

Aren’t they cute when they are all puffed up and playing the “my squires are better than your squires” game.</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Shack Shavian isn't fit to serve as the outhouse for House Persiflage.


n : light teasing

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

Oh yes, the Shavian House is in awe of the House of Light Teasing ... MY GAWD man how can you live with yourself? This is the CessPool, the very epitome of manly taunting and jeering and you name your house after ... light teasing?

Oh I say chaps, let's drop in on the CessPool tonight. They're ever so much fun there. But I must caution you, they do tease lightly there you know.

I'll hear no more from YOU dalem!


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Originally posted by Moriarty:

Looks to me like long-absent, or is that long on absinthe, House Geier is setting up a wee bit of internecine warfare.

With what goal?

Firstly, there is no House Geier. We never found anyone we liked enough to sponsor. Except maybe The Scunthorpian Donkey.

Secondly, the goal is the same as always.

Thirdly, we have a lunch appointment with the crazed Dr Alimantado today so I'll have to run along and do some actual work before that.

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All this talk of sending people to Coventry is disturbing. Have you actually asked the people of that fine City if they want to indulge your cast offs? And Geer what is your obsession with Scunthorpe? Twice I have seen this in your posts, and it offends me, please refrain from mentioning that scummy town again, or else I'll be forced to inflict horrendous taunts to your personage and possibly challenge you to handbags at 20 paces. Or failing that, powder puffs at 10 paces.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Originally posted by Seanachai:

(snip) In fact, we get requests from him weekly, begging us to sell the complete rights to the Peng Challenge Thread for immense sums of money, not to mention huge tracts of land.

And I still say we should have taken the money!

That is, until I found out that the money was indeed part of a package deal with the "huge tracts of land". This of course can only mean one thing. Gates is trying to unload Canada and Australia.[/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Tomb:

(snip 'cus no one wants to read his post twice)

Member number 608 and only 19 posts?! What, the wife only allows you to use the modem once a year?</font>
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