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I'm curious. Has anyone yet played all the scenarios that came with the game? What about operations?

And are you visiting the support sites to get the scenarios being offered outside the game?

If so, how have you found these to be in terms of playability?


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Hiya Bill!

all the scenarios? Hell no. Not even half. I did play 2/3 of the ops (including a few I downloaded). Some twice, some even more.

I am visiting the supporting sites, but don't feel the need to download many, cos there's so many canned ones still unplayed.

did try a few of the Amphibious landing things, just to see if it's really that unplayable as Steve or Charles stated long ago. They were absolutely right. No tactics, no fun, just death. Tried Ramelle, SPR, liked that one. Ryan even made it out on his own feet. Lucky bastard. Not many of the others did, though... frown.gif

As for playability: I feel some of the canned scenarios are - for historical reasons perhaps?- way too unbalanced to play PBEM, but otherwise they're all fun.

Operations are the greatest thing about CM. I feel some things need tweaking, like the way the new fronline is calculated between battles, or, that in some operations it's not really clear what I should do.

It's really a pity there are only very few operations available for download. I'm working on one myself (Allied advance along a stretch of Autobahn) but, damn, it's difficult balancing and testing these things.

anyway, enough already. Gotta play some more! smile.gif


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Operations are the hardest thing you'll tackle in the creation department, in almost any game. Multiple scenarios, most contingent on what went on before and you don't know how well the player will do in battle one in order to set up battle two.

They have some very frustrating moments, for sure.

But they are a heck of a lot of fun to play when they are done right!...


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder:

Operations are the hardest thing you'll tackle in the creation department, in almost any game. Multiple scenarios, most contingent on what went on before and you don't know how well the player will do in battle one in order to set up battle two.


I noticed that. Battle nr.1 'does' about exactly what I expect of it for both sides. I was very satisfied. After that, it went downhill rapidly...

The magic word is "Balance," Right?

I'll get it right eventually, you'll see. smile.gif

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I havent played any of the scenarios that came with the game all the way through( I dont think).

Although I have played one user made scen that was posted here becuase it was nice and small (the one replicating a CC scenario).

My problem is the quick battles are just such good fun! 8) I can set the game to fit my style (very small forces) and play away.

Most of the scenarios that come with the game are fairly large. This isnt a bad thing at all, I am just saving them for when I have more time 8)


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I've had the game for maybe 2 weeks.

I've played 4 operations - I'd give one of them 2 stars, one 3, and the other two 5 stars.

I've played 2 of the scenarios. One of them is excellent and the other one is interesting to say the least.

Quick battles are well implemented and a lot of fun.

Nowhere near exhausting everything that came with the game. There's a lot of gameplay on that little CD - probably more than in the truckloads of ASL stuff I have in my closet.


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I'm afraid I haven't tried any of the operations yet - so can't comment on them specifically. I can say that it would really be great to have a cleaner crossover between operation maps and battle maps.

As I understand it, once created as a battle map, it can't be used for operations and vice versa. It would be nice to have a conversion routine between the two, or be able to create a large operation map and then select out sections of it to save as battle maps.

I tend to go crazy with the terrain editor and create some fairly large maps, but I don't care for having to sacrifice the battle or operation aspect of using those maps because of how they were created - and I'm not going to duplicate them by hand again for the other format! biggrin.gif

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I downloaded Saving Private Ryan scenario and the "Combat" one.


I actually thought SPR was way too easy. When it was all over I had my Company CO intact, 2 30 cals, one bazooka, and a full airborne squad. I killed every vehicle and most of the infantry and kept all the flags.

I still liked it though. I'm not sure who made it but there's a few things need to be fixed. 1st-German troops were SS in the movie. 2nd-There was a Stug in the battle I believe.

I liked the Combat one. I saw the episode. When I played, my platoon commander Hanley was being a wuss and wouldn't rush the pillbox with his men. When he finally went up to do it, he got shot by my Sherman punk. I was very happy when that hidden PzrSchreck killed him. I hope in 1.03 the at teams get pistols or something because they are so vulnerable to vehicle crews.

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