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T-26 grogs?

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I'm doing a Mod of the T-26 series. I've seen at least four kinds of wheels in the pics I've found so far on the 'net, not to mention things like Rivets & 'No, no, that's the m42!!B!! shovel handle!!!". Does anybody know of a good Book, perhaps? I found a review of one from Armada (in Russian), but haven't been able to find where to get even that one. Any sources would be appreciated.



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The russian battlefield has an article on the T-26 that should answer most of your questions: The T-26 Light Tank.

Mind you the russians had a habit of just slapping new features on tanks as they become available (often at different times in different factories).

The Armada series of books is very good (but I can't vouch for the T-26 book as I haven't seen it) but their russian publications are ..well in russian. They generaly have a half page english summary and the captions are translated, and that's all the info you get :( .

[ October 20, 2002, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Foxbat ]

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Thanks. The closer I look at the pics I have the more I think you're right in the 'slapped on' dept. Probably got Tanks out the door but makes it hard to sort out one model from another w/ a small sample. Does anyone know where I can find Armada books? Seems to be the only 'All T-26 All the Time' kinda book available. I'll just have to learn Russian.


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Ahh a man after my own heart, starting with ancient history...

Milsom J & Zaloga S, Russian Tanks Of World War 2 (Airfix magazine guide 22) 1977

Grandsen J & Zaloga S, Operation Barbarossa (Tanks Illustrated no 16)1985

Grandsen J and Zaloga S, The Eastern Front (Arnour camouflage and Markings 1941 to 1945)1983

Grandsen J and Zaloga S,Soviet Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War Two 1984 There are many more, these just happened to be to hand whilst I was looking up some data on the T-26.

If you have any special requests let me know and I will see what I can scan/send.

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Thanks for the help. I'm tracking down the armada book now. Wol, if I may hang on to your e-mail I might take you up on that when I get enough sorted out to know what I'm really missing (!Send Everything! doesn't seem quite fair). Are any of the Zaloga books particularly good for illustrating differences between Models?

Also, if any of you are fairly familiar w/ this line perhaps you could do 'technical beta' for me as I get these done. This will not be in the next couple of minutes.

Thanks again


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Can any T-26 grogs advise me on the T-26E 'Ekranirovanniy' variant? I've been using some in an early war QB and quite like the little devils.

What really intrigues me is all that extra front armour. I'm curious as to how it was fitted and how it looked. The original T-26 armour is 15mm but the extra 'bonus' armour is 35mm, a relatively massive improvement.

I checked the above site and they have no note of an 'E' variant (I guess E is for Experimental?). Any info appreciated.

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Ekranirovanniy roughly means "uparmored", because these dinky little tanks were found to be penetrable by all current ATGuns..


The late model T-26. Note new gunmask, plates on the turret sides (clearly visible on the right), and sloping front hull armour.

The E version would have even more addon armour on the hull and turret sides.

[ October 24, 2002, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: Foxbat ]

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Great, thanks Foxbat. I assume that the E version just had extra plates laid flat on top of the originals. I don't suppose you have any idea how many were built?

BTW they are doing very well in my game, but the Hungarians are using lot's of Toldi's with a 20mm gun which has no chance against the uber-T-26Es smile.gif

{Edit] I just realised that the T-26Es in my game look nothing like your picture above so I guess that this is another model type to be completed by BFC at a later date]

[ October 24, 2002, 04:10 PM: Message edited by: Rex_Bellator ]

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Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

Great, thanks Foxbat. I assume that the E version just had extra plates laid flat on top of the originals. I don't suppose you have any idea how many were built?

I have no clue how many E's there were. As I understand it they were indeed late model T-26 with the addon armor just added on top of the existing armor (a la KV-1E) so they may very well have produced them at depot level.

BTW they are doing very well in my game, but the Hungarians are using lot's of Toldi's with a 20mm gun which has no chance against the uber-T-26Es smile.gif
And they say these light tanks are useless ;)

{Edit] I just realised that the T-26Es in my game look nothing like your picture above so I guess that this is another model type to be completed by BFC at a later date]
IIRC the T-26E isn't seperatly modeled, but the pic may also be a bit misleading because it was taken from such an odd angle.
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I note that the T-26E has extra plates added to both turret and front hull and sides. I note also that There is a pic of an OT 134 with extra armour on front and sides of turret (at least, although this photo is poor, might have no extra hull armour). Another of an OT-133 clearly shows identical mounting bolts (and again, armour all round), as T-26E although different styles of applique on mantlet and 3 piece as opposed to one piece upper hull applique. Sources seem to disagree on T-26 m 37 & m39 hull & turret front base thickness, but all seem to agree that it was brought up to 50 mm

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Foxbat, That T-26s is an m37 with new conical turret but slab sided upper hull (as opposed to T-26s m39 - depending on whose nomenclature you use)which has the sloped hull armour as well. In any case it is not a T-26E. As far as I can tell , no T-26 m37s were equipped with applique, only the T-26s m39. The applique plates were fitted on massive bolts, fitted to the armour with round heads, about 14 on the upper hull plates alone. What you might being seeing are the vertical join lines in the welded turret construction (an inch or so wide) which make it look superficially as if the LH armour is protruding. Your vehicle also has the earlier welded turret mantlet, the later version was drop forged and was quite noticeably rounded along the edge, although I do think that some T-26 m39 had the earlier mantlet too (but the only evidence of this is on finnish vehicles, and they may just have swapped turrets). In the T-26E the mantlet was covered by applique again, mounted on large bolts. I will send some pics when I can get back to my scanner, but in the meantime here are some T-26m39 with early and late mantlets at Parola http://www.pp.htv.fi/jveijala/tankit/tank3.html


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Originally posted by Wol:

Foxbat, That T-26s is an m37 with new conical turret but slab sided upper hull (as opposed to T-26s m39 - depending on whose nomenclature you use)which has the sloped hull armour as well.

[macks forehead in frustration] It is, bloody annoying all this why couldn't they just settle for a few version, one with two turrets, one with a gun, one with extra armor :mad:

What you might being seeing are the vertical join lines in the welded turret construction (an inch or so wide) which make it look superficially as if the LH armour is protruding.
I thought this was a thin layer of armour on top of the actual turret bringing it up to ~20mm...

Your vehicle also has the earlier welded turret mantlet, the later version was drop forged and was quite noticeably rounded along the edge, although I do think that some T-26 m39 had the earlier mantlet too (but the only evidence of this is on finnish vehicles, and they may just have swapped turrets).
I'm sure that they just put whatever turrets they had on the chassis at hand, and mixing and matching of new and old features always seems common on soviet tanks so I don't doubt for a minute that such hybrids existed.

I will send some pics when I can get back to my scanner,
That would be great, I haven't been able to locate any good pics of the actual T-26E.
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I just got an e-mail from Intrntnl Books saying 'Sorry, it turns out we don't actually have that Book', or something along those lines. So I'm still trying to find something for reference. I'm also bumping this thread up because it's helping a lot.

Thanks strt

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Originally posted by mchlstrt:

I just got an e-mail from Intrntnl Books saying 'Sorry, it turns out we don't actually have that Book', or something along those lines. So I'm still trying to find something for reference. I'm also bumping this thread up because it's helping a lot.

Thanks strt

That might be a blessing in disguise, Armada has been slowly re-issueing it's titels in english while letting stocks of russian version run dry.

So possibly this means that the T-26 book will soon be available in english..

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