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Small Scenario Suggestions, please!

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Actually I just posted this on a different slightly different thread with a similar theme. The one I'm recommending is a bit bigger than the limit you've mentioned (it's about 2100 pts each) but still very manageable in terms of size and length. It's very good (and actually quite replayable) vs. the AI.

My post:

What's your favorite small scenario?

Small scenarios are cool, in my book, because you can fit them more easily into your life and maybe afford the time to replay them, get PBEM results quicker, etc.

My own current favorite is "Bavarian Breakout," available from the Scenario Depot. It has a interesting, attractive and complex map and a really intriguing balance of forces, with some heavy, late war armor to play with on both sides. The first time I played it vs. the AI, the game went down to the last turn. I think it slightly favors the Germans, but can be won from either side.

I like the map so much I've been playing around with different force balances in recent days.

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Actually I just posted this on a different slightly different thread with a similar theme. The one I'm recommending is a bit bigger than the limit you've mentioned (it's about 2100 pts each) but still very manageable in terms of size and length. It's very good (and actually quite replayable) vs. the AI.

My post:

What's your favorite small scenario?

Small scenarios are cool, in my book, because you can fit them more easily into your life and maybe afford the time to replay them, get PBEM results quicker, etc.

My own current favorite is "Bavarian Breakout," available from the Scenario Depot. It has a interesting, attractive and complex map and a really intriguing balance of forces, with some heavy, late war armor to play with on both sides. The first time I played it vs. the AI, the game went down to the last turn. I think it slightly favors the Germans, but can be won from either side.

I like the map so much I've been playing around with different force balances in recent days.

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Hey Fred!

Just played battle 1 from "Against all Odds!"

Nice! smile.gif

Great atomsphere. Makes me feel like roleplaying the units. You know? Getting to know the platoon leaders/squad leaders, since they are going to be around for the next battle. Trying to look out for them, as if I really was the company commander.




















Nice map. the two hills near the back of the map are my objectives, and I've got a company of Panzergrenadiers (including heavy weapons plt), and some attached units, to accomplish the task. (Two Stugs, two French coffins, and two mortar halftracks.)

Intel tells me it's going to be a meeting engagement. Enemy movement about a klick north of us, so we've got a bit of a head start.

I decide to attack the western most hill objective first. It is also the closest. I'll use my two platoons of dismounted infantry for the assualt force with the french tanks in support. My other platoon of Veteran Pzgrndrs will stay mounted in their Vet. 251/1's. They will be my "extraordinary force." As I intend to use them on the assualt of the second hill, hopefully from the East. (There is plenty of cover available to race mechanized forces around on this map.) Bocage, woods and terrain undulations make approach to objectives relatively safe.

My two Stugs I place in overwatch positions near my map edge. They have LOS to both hill top objectives. I have no intention of adding them to the attack. Also back, and hiding behind woods, are my two mortar carriers. I have a feeling these will be very important assets for my attack.

Weather is clear. I have no AA assets. I'll just have to hope for the best, in regards to enemy Jabos.

My plan is to move the heavy weapons platoon, with the two french tanks to my extreme left flank, with an eye to covering the left most hill. While they are setting up, I run and walk my two assault platoons North, finding much cover along the way. My veteran platoon waits for further orders, hidden behind a copse of woods.

After 6 minutes, my heavy weapons platoon is in position (along with the two french tanks, or "franks"), and my assualt plt's are within a short sprint of the 1st hill. My overwatch stugs have detected no enemy movement on either hill.

I had used two of my weapons platoons 251/1's as recon vehicles after they dropped off their loads. These two tracks now have gotten to within 40m of objective one. There appears to be no one home.

One of my French tanks spots a Brit White scout car at the far Northern edge of the map. This one piece of intel tells me the first objective is mine for the taking. As the enemy has just arrived on map.

I charge the hill with one platoon and take it uncontested. Remaining reverse slope I can see enemy activity on the other hill to the North East. Looks like the fight is about to start.

Since the first hill is now taken, I decide to bring up my heavy weapons platoon (to that same hill). My second platoon I leave in reserve behind the 1st objective. (In case artillery starts falling on the hill I've just taken.)

I also order my Vet. infantry to start winding their way to the centre of the map, just north of the small village in some low ground. This will be in preparation for the assault move on the North East hill.

Meanwhile my stugs begin lobbing shells at Infantry? on the North East hill (2nd objective).

Suddenly, out of the northern woods, a Veteran platoon of Brit infantry starts charging the 1st objective. They mostly charge across open ground, and my boys on the hill, plus an HMG and a squad from 2nd plt, pretty much take care of them. One of their squads makes it all the way to the hill, and manages to nearly wipe out one of my squads. They too are repulsed eventually.

One of the supporting White Scout Cars is taken out by one of my "Franks," and my lone Panzershreck on the hill top takes out the other. The Brit attack on the first hill is repulsed, with minimal casualties to my 1st platoon. (They are down to 75% strength.)

The next objective becomes a beehive of activity. I wish I had an FO. smile.gif That hill is crawling with Brits. I can spot infantry, carriers, armored cars, tanks . . . TANKS!!!???

My veteran stug sights up a cromwell, and they take each other out with one shot apiece. Sigh.

Then a sherman (later identified as a cromwell) pops up, and my second stug puts one through it's turret. Now I feel like I can move up my 81mm mortar halftracks and get a good LOS on the hill. Each of these babies carries over 50 HE rounds for lobbin'. Guess I've got my FO after all. smile.gif

Now, on my left flank, my troops and HMG's take up some long range firefights with the enemy on the second objective. Some light mortar fire starts falling on my 1st platoon.

I start moving my 2nd platoon forward with an eye towards an eventual assault from the West, on the 2nd objective (as the 1st objective is now secure). Maybe 2nd and 3rd plt's can make a British sandwich between them?

My 3rd, mounted platoon (all Veterans) have now been sitting in the village for about 3 minutes. I decide to move them FAST, farther to the East, past some BOCAGE/fields and then head North in a flanking move to the East of the 2nd objective.

It turns out my decision to move my 3rd platoon was a good one. For the very next turn, 4.2 inch (or larger) artillery starts slamming into the ground north of the village just 15 seconds after they had left. All's I can say is Shwew! But I also realize that this mounted platoon of mine is in the sights of some F.O., and will be for a while. I decide to keep them on the move, FAST, for a while. Still heading East on a WIDE flanking move. Hopefully they'll draw out all the enemy artillery, while remaining ahead of it. (Not too worried about the A.I.'s anitcipation of my movement.)

the next 4 turns really are costly for the Brits. on the second objective. I'm raining down 81mm mortar shells with impunity. Also, my remaining stug is firing at targets of oportunity. I have the feeling that i'm going to win this one.

A Stuart V makes an appearance on my left flank. Guess he was late for the attack on the first objective. Still, he does well for himself, knocking out one of my "Franks," and one of my scouting 251/1's. I move my second platoon up through the woods north of the 1st objective, hoping maybe to take him out in a faust ambush.

Soon, the Stuart get's buttoned up as he passes some of my 2nd platoon fellows, but they are out of range for a faust shot.

The Stuart moves forward to an unexpected (and good) position between the two hills. Right along my planned assault route for 1st and 2nd platoons. Hmmm. Gonna have to take that bugger out.

I move my remaining "Frank" up around the left flank while I continue to scout north with 2nd platoon. They find no more enemy resistance North of the first objective. I move 1st platoon off the East hill objective and into the woods, towards the Stuart. I leave the heavy weapons plt on the hill.

A near disaster happens when the company commander's 251/1 (that's me!) wanders dangerously into the gunsights of the Stuart. My 251/1 is KO'd immediately, resulting in 2 casualties to the HQ unit, one casualty to the HMG team, and one casualty to the crew. We all scamper into a nearby heavy building (small). I had thought, that the 30m to cover would have been easy. But the command track moved slower than I thought. And the Stuart, even while buttoned up, seemed to react very fast.

The next turn, my Pzgndrs from 1st platoon start lobbing grenades at the stuart from the tree line. They immobilize it. Why they aren't using their fausts, I'm not sure. They are within 20m. Then, "KLONG!" My remaining "frank" has rounded a corner and shot the Stuart in the ass. Killing it. The crew is massacred seconds later when they emerge from the tank. Not a pretty picture.

Meanwhile, my 3rd platoon is ripping around the country side heading East and North. Artillery is following them in a large cloud. I loose a couple of MG gunners from my 251/1's as I forgot to order them buttoned up! But they are still all intact. And I'm eager for the assault with this platoon, as their leader has a +2 combat bonus.

It seems the Brits don't want to leave their hilltop location, so I keep pouring on the mortar fire.

1st platoon now runs to the woods about 100m South of the 2nd objective.

2nd platoon is now directly West of the 2nd objective, and turning East. They've found a good approach with trees, bocage and rough terrain offering cover. They've also got my "Frank" in support along with a 251/1.

I load my Company HQ and their HMG team friends back into a reserve 251/1, and race them towards 1st platoon.

3rd platoon is now heading West to join in on the assualt. Artillery cloud close behind.

Turns out, 1st platoon sees an opportunity to assualt up the South face of the 2nd objective, and I order them to do so. With HMG support and direct HE from my Stug (plus the last few shells from my mortar tracks), they claw their way half way up to a good spot.

2nd platoon I order to hold fast, as they are covering the retreat of british from the hill. It looks like a general rout is now on. With broken and leaderless squads heading for the coast. Many men are cutdown here, running for their lives. It's difficult to listen to the shouts of pain.

3rd platoon finally dismounts and moves through some scat. trees, adding firepower to the mix.

Suddenly, a flamethrower pours burning hellfire onto my lead squad from 1st platoon. Yikes! The squad breaks and runs South. By the end of the turn, the flame team is dead. Targetted by no fewer than 6 squads/teams. I'd hate to be a flamethrower man. Luckily for my striken squad, it's just soiled underwear. No casualties.

My Frank moves forward and takes out another scout car. Then two carriers. He's done well for himself. I order my stug up, but I'm sure I won't need him. For the next couple of turns, it's general mopping up.

Total victory for the Axis. Only 8 KIA. The brits lost 38 KIA. Plus most of their vehicles.

The best units for my side (other than 1st platoon, which did all the heaviest fighting), were the 251/2 mortar carriers. First time I've ever gotten them to do any good.

Great battle. On to the next one! smile.gif


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by wwb_99:

Got to www.derkessel.de .

Download the byte battles, there are several which are designed to be single player.

Then give the eternal souls of at least 3 of your children to Germanboy so he can make more.


I prefer the souls of any of the young nubile actresses in Buffy, I must say. Thanks :D

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