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Bugger The Demo, Sod Pre-Ordering, Read In Order To Let Seanachai Know You Hate Him

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Originally posted by BARBELLA:

My thoughts exactly, so I'm not the only one to be smitten by the Bard !!

I don't suppose you have any more pics of him Persephone ?

Hmm maybe another search is in order :D

We had our private moments. It was a wild fling of unbridled yearning that was fanned into a mad, lusty rush around the paddock.

Of course it was all doomed from the start. He gripped me knee too tightly, I didn't *honk* properly.

*sniff* one has forget those base, corporeal pleasures to attain the higher virtues of song and word. I, meself, am very partial to a bit of Mahler with a crisp, succulent carrot. And if the Bard were to behave himself and not resort to some depraved act of wanton pleasure-seeking embrace would gladly share a Lieder or Julie Andrews song.

Not that Mahler did Julie Andrews. Well, not in public.

Yes, yes, BFC should allow the little fella to order first. The paddock demands it.


[ September 02, 2002, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BARBELLA:

My thoughts exactly, so I'm not the only one to be smitten by the Bard !!

I don't suppose you have any more pics of him Persephone ?

Hmm maybe another search is in order :D

We had our private moments. It was a wild fling of unbridled yearning that was fanned into a mad, lusty rush around the paddock.

Of course it was all doomed from the start. He gripped me knee too tightly, I didn't *honk* properly.


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Originally posted by BARBELLA:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BARBELLA:

My thoughts exactly, so I'm not the only one to be smitten by the Bard !!

I don't suppose you have any more pics of him Persephone ?

Hmm maybe another search is in order :D

We had our private moments. It was a wild fling of unbridled yearning that was fanned into a mad, lusty rush around the paddock.

Of course it was all doomed from the start. He gripped me knee too tightly, I didn't *honk* properly.


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Originally posted by BARBELLA:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BARBELLA:

My thoughts exactly, so I'm not the only one to be smitten by the Bard !!

I don't suppose you have any more pics of him Persephone ?

Hmm maybe another search is in order :D

We had our private moments. It was a wild fling of unbridled yearning that was fanned into a mad, lusty rush around the paddock.

Of course it was all doomed from the start. He gripped me knee too tightly, I didn't *honk* properly.


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Scene: A raised platform overlooking the scenic gorge of Okimanko. A grey-haired figure contemplates the changing colors that herald the new season. He sips from a ceremonial cup of saké, pulls back his sleeve, picks up a writing brush and dips it into a waiting reservoir of ink. Taking a roll of paper, in one smooth motion he inscribes the following poem:

Falling Autumn leaves.

Who shall see them first if not

The olde, drunken Gnome?

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

No no no, it was undoubtably a *squerf* and a might slippery one to be sure.

No, she meant *squimp* as this will undoubtedly prove...

Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[And as another day ends and the rain tries to fall in useful ways strange noises can be heard from the paddock... strange pumping noises...]

*squimp* *squimp* *squimp *squimp*



*squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp*

Comon yer little begger I want yer big 'n' firm

*squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp*

.... ahhhh... *squimp*.... and one more for Mondays... *squimp*

Lets have a look at yer *squeak* *squeak* *squeak*

Hmmmm, chest hair... *squeak* *squeak*... posture *squeak*... needs a little *squeak* *squeak*... *squeak* *squeak*....

ooohhhh, *honk* ohhhhh, bwabwabwabwabwabwabwa *honk* *honk* eeeyoooooore....

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

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I have never been so proud to be a member of this forum than this, er, 'well off-the-wall' demand that BFC sell me the game first.

I have seen postings by so many of you, each in your own rush to let the world know that I'm an idjit, that I've grown quite maudlin.

I would rather post on the Combat Mission Forum, than post with the best people in all the world!

Because you are, of course. The best people in all the world, that is; but a more aimless and half-witted bunch of bastards I simply cannot imagine.

I feel my right to buy the game before all other motals who are not complete sodding idjits growing by leaps and bounds.

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I thought you just wanted the game first because you are old and therefore in danger of 'dropping off the twig' before the general release.

Of course the downside is that, should you actually get the first release, you will no doubt get overwhelmingly drunk and climb back into that Antelope's enclosure for another go at getting gored to death.

Damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Sounds perfect eh Berli?

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Steve Grammont: Hey Matt, how long you gonna let that Cesspool overflow thread continue? You know, the "I want the game first" thread started by that senile git, Seanachai.

Madmatt: Yeah, yeah, I'm watching it. If they're not gonna let it sink then I'll have to lock it up. It's just that Seanachai is soooo old. It might break his heart if I lock his silly thread. It's bad enough that we're shipping his copy of CMBB dead last.

Moon: Now Matt, you know we have to ship to the old guys last. We don't want them plastering the forum with bogus bug reports while they're sloooowly ascending the learning curve.

Madmatt: Yeah, I know. How 'bout this? Why don't we send Seanachai a brand new copy of CMBO right now, and tell him it's CMBB. He'll never know the difference!

Steve Grammont: He's not THAT senile! Just send him a copy of Close Combat. You know, the Russian front one. That'll fake him out real good, and make him happy. Oh, and charge him an extra $30 for the early shipment.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Of course the downside is that, should you actually get the first release, you will no doubt get overwhelmingly drunk and climb back into that Antelope's enclosure for another go at getting gored to death.

Well I'm buggered. Not only is this thread not yet locked, but it had only sunk to page 7 before I dragged myself back in here (shameful, simply shameful, how the rights of the accused are ignored in this country. Sod my phone call to an attorney, where's my internet access to let my opponents and the Peng Challege Thread know where I am?).

Although the High Ones of BFC have mocked and poked me with a sharp stick, they have not categorically stated that I will not have first crack at purchasing the game, nor have they sent me emails stating such. Nor have they aked me to 'cease and desist', behave myself, remove their names from my ever-growing email list of people who should consider the justice of allowing me to buy the game first, nor changed their 'unlisted' home numbers recently, which makes my acquisition of them timely, even if my phone calls might not be. After all, it's well known that I never sleep. Perhaps dose, a bit.

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*Blaring warning horn sounds*



*As the Battlefront Emergency teams near the site of the leakage, Dan asks Matt what he thinks it is*

Dan: So Matt, whaddaya think?

Matt: Dan I got a bad feeling about this one, it feels like a Seanachai.

Dan: Oh God no....

What does their fate hold? How will Dan and Matt handle the Seanachai? FInd out soon, same BFC time, same BFC channel!

(On a side note, Pengers get groupies? Darn I might have to start participating again. Hmmm being Ronin is fun but might have to contact Sir Meeks again. Or was it Lorak? Darn.)

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Originally posted by argie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lawyer:

Seanachai's new bumper sticker:

I may be broke, but I'm ahead of Argentina

Didn't you save some of President Bush's tax rebate last year to pay for CMBB?


I knew that his fixation with myself was not related with true love...</font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by argie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lawyer:

Seanachai's new bumper sticker:

I may be broke, but I'm ahead of Argentina

Didn't you save some of President Bush's tax rebate last year to pay for CMBB?


I knew that his fixation with myself was not related with true love...</font>

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OK, I've changed my vote. This pathetic posturing, this Dickinsian, "Sir, may I have some gruel?" whining and pleading has got to stop. Let the Gnomus Uber Alles have the first copy. As a matter of fact, I'd like to see it permanently mounted on a commemorative plaque, suitable for framing.

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