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CMBB Reviewed In The Banbury Citizen UK Free Paper

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You can win a free copy of the game if you can answer the following question?

From which war are the battles and skirmishes featured in Combat Mission Two?

I am a bit stuck, and I really want a free copy. Can anyone help?

On a more serious note they are giving away ten copies and it is in a small local paper.

This means that the user base is going to explode as word gets out...

They also comment in the review that "Combat Mission's immense online community is catered for admirably"


We are IMMENSE...


Well done BTS.


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Let me get this straight. You are saying a small free "newspaper" with a CLAIMED circulation of less than 50,000 (46,184 if you want to be exact) is trying to give away TEN copies of CMBB?

The Banbury Citizen doesn't even run to its own web site! It doesn't even have a published email address!

What on earth is going on that a 'paper like this is giving away three hundred quids worth of top notch, yet very specialised (well its not everyone's cup of tea, lets face it) gaming software?

I think I detect a strong odour of rodent.

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Originally posted by Londoner:

Oh and Hakko if you are going to belittle the great and historic town of Banbury you can leave this thread right now! :D

I have nothing but respect for the historic town of Banbury and its delicious cakes. I would gladly ride a cockhorse to Banbury cross, but my cockhorse doesn't cross the ocean very well.
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Originally posted by YECoyote:

post the link, pretty please w/ sugar on top.

I would post a link if they had a web site.

The paper (a free jobby posted through the door of every home in the area) dropped through my letter box this morning.

I will write more of the review on Sunday when I do not have as much alchol in my stream as I do now.

It is truly amazing and as none of you lot have told me the answer I shall have to work it out myself..


Just thought it would be nice feed back to Steve and the boys.

Big In Banbury....



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Originally posted by Holien:

It is truly amazing and as none of you lot have told me the answer I shall have to work it out myself..

The continuation war it involves Finns and I think russians, it's probably called something like the western front in russia (or second finnish war, something like that).
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Pfft, CMBB takes place in the Boer war where Germany invades South Africa only to discover to their horror that the communist Zulus have high velocity spears and sloping hide shields. Eventually the Germans are driven all the way back to Berlin by the Zulu hordes.

The only nation that ever seemed to resist the Zulus were the tenatious Finns. They replied with tremendous guts at the hostile invasion of the Zulus, ambushing their war parties countless times, outnumbered, and out gunned, they fought with whatever was at hand (often arming their men with captured Zulu spears) and used features of the terrain to beat them back.

Or, if your paper wants the title of the war in the Zulu tounge, it would be:

"Hicuna-tuna-muckula-*click click SNAP*-Hfala"

Translation, "the Great Patriotic Foraging Party."

(apologies to anyone who speaks Afrikaans...I know its not one of those "clicking languages.)

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I think I can explain the happenings in Banbury:

Cub Reporter (and closet CMBB fan): "Hey Chief, I've got a ripping idea for a promotion!"

Editor: "What's that kid?"

CR: "Why don't we give away some computer games? Everybody likes games!"

E: "Hmmm, you might be on to something there kid. What kind of computer games?"

CR: "Oh, does it matter? We're giving them away, after all...".

E: "Yah, I guess you're right. Well, you handle it kid, I've got to cut 500 words on this hot-crossed bun piece before deadline."

CR: "Sure thing Chief." (Tries not to rub hands together and laugh maniacially as he contemplates how one of those CMBB disks will end up "mysteriously" disappearing before it can be given away to the general public).

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