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Peng Challenges the Rodina to a Dance

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Ah've noo doubt ye'll recall wi' teary pride mah Victory o'er tha Army o' Scaliness, Group South, tae tha tune o' 98 - 2. O' course ye di'.

At's noo mah pleasure tae rrreporrt a noo Victory tae Clan OGSF, thus time o'er tha creepin' gerbil fondler, Dalem. Once agin' at's tae tha tune o' 98 -2 , wi' tha handy sum o' 2144 prisoners taken.

Wun T-34 blew tha rivets oot o' haes entire an' ainly platoon o' wee tank thingies. Hae flung haesailf doon an' surrendered forthwith, acknowlaidgin' haes complete an' utter pillockness ain tha process.

Ah'm sae feckin' grreat, Ah am.

[ October 14, 2002, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo, you egregious idiot.

I was refering to Panzer Leader, not yourself. I would have thought the lines about 'neutered', as well as references to PL's unbelievably vile taste in Popular culture would have made that clear to anyone except a narcissitic Ohioan who believes that even every negative comment must be about himself.

Seanachai, you vile cur! Take a look back at your post. It is a reply to MY post, not Pansy Eater's!


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Now, I'm very much out of sorts, as your stupidity has had me sitting here sounding a bit too much like Joe Shaw putting the boot to a point.
I believe I've been insulted! Luckily it was by Seanachai so, like, who cares.

Panzer Leader you are a truly stupid individual, in fact if there were several of you (a thought to frighten anyone) you would STILL be a truly stupid INDIVIDUAL. I sent the scenario (carefully crafted, more or less, by Seanachai and myself) to that finest and most loyal of Squires (not like my most recent Squire, the ungrateful wretch. STILL can't locate my collection of Rubber Suit and Whi ... uh ... my magazine collections but I've my suspicions, OH YES, I HAVE MY SUSPICIONS) Agua Perdido.

If you weren't talking to me ... you're still a truly stupid individual, ask anyone here.


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Lost: One pair yarbles. Bulbous, crimson, tinkling bell sound when shaken. Slightly fragrant, with Oriental Runic characters inscribed on side.

Found: One pair(unmatched) shrunken and pitted yarbles, rather pear-shaped, gray, smell like fish. Inscribed Boo front and back.

Contact Panzer Leader for info.

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For you who scorn poetry, there are turns. Play them. Taste defeat.

For those not currently being defeated, tales of defeat. Schadenfreude for you all:

Panzer Leader's crushing end approaches swiftly. Heavy tanks are unchallenged on his left flank. Armored cars pierce his right, where a lone MG appears to be the only opposition. The infantry attack...well, that was just a distraction. Never mind about that.

Papa Khann is flailing helplessly, despite lofty heights on his side of the map. His foolish, gamey infantry rush for the flag: karmically smashed. His armored car thrusts: helpless against well placed Pz38s.

Boo committed, and lost, his armor piecemeal. Unsupported infs currently being shredded.

Nidan1 failed to send a turn today. His defeat is pending.

Oh, and Berli, I've never used it personally, but I hear the new interface has a "surrender" button, for those keyboards missing the ALT key.

Finally, an excerpt from the tactical musings of Pondscum: "I got an idea, why don't I avoid the dangerous railroad track and skirt the edge of that forest. I'm sure there are no panzergrenadiers, tank hunters, howitzers, flamethrowers, and AT guns hidden there, certainly not backed up more tanks, from two directions, with more AT guns behind. Naw!"

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Ultra-gamey UPDATES!

Leeo is lucky my pilots had too much vodka vefore this mission, else his panzers would have been dead long ago. Oh yeah, the little firebug lit up Pavolv's House, too. He is a git and is losing.

Lars doesn't like my flamethrowers. He especially doesn't like my flamethrowers when they manage to pop off a perfect shot into his halftrack. Poofta, he's losing too.

Joe is STILL in the bocage and losing badly. No surprises there - he sucks equally on all fronts.

Seanachai owes me a turn. He is losing.

Grog Dorosh has wasted 83 rounds of ammunition scaring my SturmKompanie mascot. Also, a moose has his tongue. He is losing.

Boo_Radley thought he was winning, but he is losing. Heck, even if he wins the game, he'll still be losing at life.

dalem owes me a turn and is losing. Of course, he lives in Minnesota, so the losing bit was redundant.

Marlow and I are charging at each other across a landscape that resembles several chests of bathing beauties randomly juxtaposed alongside one another. He is losing, but I feel curiously aroused whenever I see the map.

Hakko Ichui is also losing. As would befit a Carolinian, he leads his troops with the poise and wisdom of Jethro Bodine. He is losing, too.

Wildman is managing to lose badly on BOTH FRONTS AT ONCE. And they put him in charge of American military supplies? Frightening.

Roxy is continuing to take those hormone treatments. Her voice has dropped half an octave, and she only has to shave her back once a week. She is still losing, however.

Everyone owes me turns. Get with the program.


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Several Pengers are currently fighting in the Magenta Onion, but would any others like to give a bizarre anti-Grog campaign a go? We need a few people interested in both tactics and strategy, who like to post drivel in large amounts (Meeks?) and who have a creative bent (not who are bent creatively),

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Originally posted by Wallybob:

Ok, I have to join the fray after...years...of lurking. I challenge all y'all soms o benches.


SmallyBlob, try learning to read. How's about we start with the first post in this thread? And try to stay awake during the part where it spells out how lower order life forms such as yourself should really consider limiting your challenges to someone specific. Trust me, it's for your own protection.

And after you've brushed up on the whole be specific thing, why not try to wrap that limp noodle you call a brain around the sod off part?


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