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RoW II Boots and Tracks Brawl part tres....

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Originally posted by Holien:

Ha European Revengie (Well Nearly)...


Teach you you liberated swine doggie...


Let the European masters teach you the error of your ways for seeking liberation!!



P.s For those with a lack of sense of humour (especially some of our cousins across the seas) that was a joke!!!

(Edited to correct European notation in case any one gets picky as to where Finland is located.)

So....this is turning into a cross-pond rivalry eh? Good. Go get them Ted!(I would, but well I suck at this game and all of my opponents know it :D )

BTW you Euro-types are okay but ya'll do speak funny.... tongue.gif

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Redwolf, I've been trying to send you a "Head for the Hills" turn, and I keep getting "undeliverable mail" messages. I notice you mentioned ISP problems earlier in this thread - maybe it's more than just the connection between your e-mail and your home machine? Do you have another e-mail address?

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Originally posted by Frunze:

Redwolf, I've been trying to send you a "Head for the Hills" turn, and I keep getting "undeliverable mail" messages. I notice you mentioned ISP problems earlier in this thread - maybe it's more than just the connection between your e-mail and your home machine? Do you have another e-mail address?

Please include more of the error message in reports like this. I can guess that it was undeliverable when it failed smile.gif

What I need to know is something like "host not found" (which you probably got today), "host not known", "user unknown" and stuff like that.

Just got your turn, working on the turn and the nameserver problems. Verisign bastards...

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John Jelinek,

I have sent you an e-mail with no attachment and one with a zipped file attached. I hope this works. If it doesn't, maybe you can ask someone you are getting mail from to be our go between. Fingers are crossed.

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Soddball was kind enough to let me issue orders to my men, which I did before attending Old Ft. MacArthur Days (www.ftmac.org) in San Pedro, California. Open 9-5 Sunday, July 6, admission $5 U.S., free parking. Reenactors covering Imperial Rome (had a ball hanging out with them), Middle Ages, War of the Roses, Renaissance,

Pike & Musket era, English Civil War, American Civil War, Spanish-American War, World Wars I & II.

Got to see a scratchbuilt .50 cal. MG blank-firing Puppchen, Chinese BMW bike and sidecar back converted to proper German configuration, an immaculately restored White scout car with Ma Deuce

in front and . 30 cal. watercooled MG in back on skate rail. Counted seats for six, four regular plus two jump seats. Jeeps and weapon carriers were there, plus many trucks; saw no tanks, but might have missed them. Spread CM gospel to the heathens. U.S. infantry was plentiful, but of particular interest was the Russian infantry, male and female, sporting Mosin Nagants. There's much to see and do, and really great people. If you can get out there, go. Phenomenal experience which includes the opportunity at no extra cost to crawl through the best preserved WW II era seacoast fortification in the country, many of whose rooms are full of war memorabilia, models, etc.

Okay, my body's now out of the lobsterlike armor, my head no longer bears the helmet, nor my arms the shield and pilum (threw a dozen). Please send me some turns, for my blood's up and I'm not in the state to write AARs.


John Kettler

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Definitely was! A friend who dropped by the event said I shed at least fifteen years (am 47), and I'd say that was conservative. Wearing Roman armor earlier and hurling pila at target practice later were the realization of childhood dreams, let alone all the other cool things I saw and did there. Even better, I'm going to be involved building replica full scale working torsion weapons of some sort (catapult, ballista or onager).

Question: is it okay to share my password with my foe in completed games? Some here seem to be doing so already, but having had my rear singed once for saying too much, I want to make the same mistake twice.


John Kettler

[ July 07, 2002, 03:11 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Things are slowing down. Three games complete, game with UberGeneral ongoing but haven't got any turn for two days, game with Strider will soon start again when he gets back from vacation. Both games scheduled to end well before the deadline.

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I have shared my password with my opponent. I can see no harm in it if you can trust them not to pass it on to anyone still playing in the other groups.

Both of my opponents fall into this category of totally trustworthy (if not on the field of battle) and I know it is not what I would do.

If TB thinks otherwise then I will not continue this.

Sounds like a great show and I shall have to check out the fort the next time I am over that way.



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Soddball sent me a most unpleasant turn. Ugbash remains AWOL (did he go on vacation?) for the second day running. I'd really like to finish the game. We're quite close to the end.

Holien, my understanding is that it is the biggest U.S. West Coast event of its type. The diversity of uniforms and weaponry was mindwarping. Where else could you find a Gatling gun and Hotchkiss 37mm revolving cannon from the Spanish-American War just downslope from a Vietnam era LRRP encampment festooned with M-60s and LAW launchers? One plateau down from them were the War of the Roses, Romans, Polish Hussars (mit chevaux) and British infantry from 1812, to name but a few. Sage words on passwords.


John Kettler

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I would be very careful with password sharing. That is the only real weakness in my security system. It is far too much work to assign different passwords to each of the 60 games in each of three tournaments.

Suppose you trust player A, and give him your password. He tells player B that you were kind enough to do so for game review purposes. Player B then asks you for your password upon completion of his game with you, but you don't really trust player B. Now you're in an awkward position. :D

When you share a password, you are sharing the password of 35 other players! :eek:

Fight On!!

Treeburst155 out.

[ July 07, 2002, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Let's keep in mind that fine South African Wine is at stake here.

If the double blind system was compromised, Treeburst may be forced to disqualify an entire section to maintain a fair point system for the other 66 players.

Keep that in mind as you bend the rules. ;)

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My sentiments with Treeburst on this password sharing idea - NOT good. It's akin to me sending to the eventual winners the wine prize with the wine bottles uncorked. ALL THE SECRETS OF THAT WINE GONE FOREVER to the would-be-imbiber! smile.gif

In the words of TB, fight on!


Charl Theron



"If we lose this war, I'll start another in my wife's name!"

-- Moshe Dayan (1915 - 1981), Israeli general.

[ July 08, 2002, 03:33 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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So what is the ruling here on Passwords.

I am happy either way just lay it out clearly what you want to happen?

I have no fear that White4 or Redwolf will pass them onto anyone else.

I also doubt that it would help anyone as it would be against your interest to pass it on as you would be helping someone who you are effectively competing against.

Anyway TB / Winecape please make a clear ruling so I can abide by it. We shared passwords in the last tourney and I do not think it affected the outcome.



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Originally posted by White4:

BAH, if you're really good, you'll win even if the opponent knows all your moves. Which is what TERO is doing to me now!

I'm winning ???!? I mean - I'm winning !!! :D

I'm not sure which I am supposed to be doing to you - knowing all your moves or winning. :cool:

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Password sharing is bad as a principle, but I can't see the big harm in sharing it. Everyone already know 50% of all passwords, if anyone wants to cheat there's already a major risk that they've taken advantage of this.

At this point I've got two turns that were not meant for me. So, if we can send turns to the wrong opponents by mistake, who says we won't send mail with the password to the wrong opponents?

My vote is against sharing. First, it's the principle. Secondly, TB has taken many steps to keep FoW at a high level. If he had the time I'm sure he would have 360 different passwords for the 180 battles. I think that should be respected, we should not take advantage of (as he called it) the weakness in his system. Third is the statement from WineCape, our sponsor. He was rather specific regarding his point of view.

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Originally posted by Scheer:

Hi all,

has anyone heard from Pixelmaster lately ?

Two games finished, two games running fine, one game lagging ...

Pixelmaster is my lagger, also. I now have three games finished (Thanks, Scheer, for the latest of these!), and one more well along but my one with Pixelmaster is going pretty slow--a turn every three or four days. Hope we can pick up the pace. I'd like to see how it turns out.
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