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The Lord of the Peng: The Two Challenges

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Okay, WindowsXP has burped at home, so no turns out until the Maalox takes effect -- around Monday or Tuesday.

Joe, I saw the Lord of the Rings last night -- watched all those goblins charge into the room, outnumbering our fair heroes 40-1, and yet getting slaughtered through poor command, stupid tactics, and, let's face it, poor personal hygeine.

Reminded me of you, it did.


You SLACKER! Any REAL CessPudlian would have already seen LOR at least twice on the big screen, bought the original DVD and viewed it thrice and then rushed out and purchased the extended version DVD (with the extra thirty minutes mind you) and viewed it four times whilst placing the one free admission certificate in place of honor in their wallet in anticipation of The Two Towers premier on the 18th!

You make me sick Sir ... so nothing's really changed has it then.


[ December 14, 2002, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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It's time for Gamey, Gamey Updates!

All right kiddies, gather around whilst Tante Boo tells you tales filled with wonderment, excitement, brave heroes and cowardly bastiches!

Aussie Jeff: I think the dingos got him, because he hasn't sent a move in several days in our brand new battle. I will win, of course.

Papa Kahn, who used to be so good about returning moves, has suddenly slacked off since he moved into his new swinging singles batchelor pad a-go-go. Perhaps the viagra has finally kicked in. Or perhaps it's because I'm winning, of course.

OGSF is a very gamey player who has somehow cracked the code which allows his assault guns to shoot through solid objects like hills and stuff. It makes no nevermind as I will of course win.

Nidan, my squire, has purchased the magical tactics guide in the hopes that it will help him defend against my murderous, pounding assault. Not going to happen as of course (sing it with me), I will win.

Panzer Leader, is showing his ultra, supercharged gaminess in a scenario where he has humongously humongous clanketty things. I fear not, as my heart is pure and I will of course win.

Seanachai can't singsong his way out of this one. While my HMG's and Panzergrenadiers kill him left, right and left again, he has taken to shelling a patch of woods far behind his lines. Why? Is it some devilish new tactic? No, it's the sterno talking. It's a given that I'm winning.

Leeeeeo and I are just about done with Plan 9 from Outer Space, or somefink and it looks like I will win about 50% of it and he will lose about 50% of it. But it's just numbers.

Hiram is beside himself with worry at seeing that I have EVERY TANK IN THE WORLD! I will win against both of him.

R_Leete hasn't returned a move in a week. Bad R_Leete! Bad! Bad! He fears my ultra-winningness.

SpeedBump was soundly trounced in our "Battle of Minors", but he feels that he hasn't lost enough so he wants me to send him another game where I will of course, win.

If I've left anyone out, rest assured that it was done on purpose and that you are less than the dust beneath my chariot wheels.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Okay, WindowsXP has burped at home, so no turns out until the Maalox takes effect -- around Monday or Tuesday.

Joe, I saw the Lord of the Rings last night -- watched all those goblins charge into the room, outnumbering our fair heroes 40-1, and yet getting slaughtered through poor command, stupid tactics, and, let's face it, poor personal hygeine.

Reminded me of you, it did.


You SLACKER! Any REAL CessPudlian would have already seen LOR at least twice on the big screen, bought the original DVD and viewed it thrice and then rushed out and purchased the extended version DVD (with the extra thirty minutes mind you) and viewed it four times whilst placing the one free admission certificate in place of honor in their wallet in anticipation of The Two Towers premier on the 18th!

You make me sick Sir ... so nothing's really changed has it then.


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Originally posted by Moriarty:

... {snipped} ... Stop yer nattering and send me a turn.

FOR THE RECORD ... I now show all turns replied to including the above nincompoop ... and I DO mean poop ... with the exception of dalem from whom I've just received a turn and can't be bothered to respond at this precise moment in time.

If other turns are owed ... it's up to YOU to let me know as I can't be bothered with dashing hither and yon through my files to find a file from the likes of you.


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Did any of you sods happen to catch the piece on MSNBC today about National Guard and Reserve units being called to active duty?

It showed some tape of various US miltary units performing packing up chores and mounting out of equipment, while the narration talked about how the reservists could take care of their personal family matters while on active service. The tape then clearly showed British soldiers dry firing their weapons and moving equipment around.

With all the so-called "experts" that these networks hire to explain every detail of every possible human occurence, you would think that someone would know the difference between American and British uniforms.

One of the reasons why I never believe anything I see reported on TV. I get all my news from the MBT.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Bleetings snipped

...showed some tape of various US miltary units performing packing up chores and mounting of equipment...

This should have been the first clue it was British troops. Forget the sodding pictures.

Murkin troops are well aware of the proper things to mount, and we don't call it equipment.

We call it: She who must be obeyed.

Pay attention.

Don't even bother to sod, just off.

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Originally posted by Egbert:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Bleetings snipped

...showed some tape of various US miltary units performing packing up chores and mounting of equipment...

This should have been the first clue it was British troops. Forget the sodding pictures.

Murkin troops are well aware of the proper things to mount, and we don't call it equipment.

We call it: She who must be obeyed.

Pay attention.

Don't even bother to sod, just off.</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Seanachai can't singsong his way out of this one. While my HMG's and Panzergrenadiers kill him left, right and left again, he has taken to shelling a patch of woods far behind his lines. Why? Is it some devilish new tactic? No, it's the sterno talking. It's a given that I'm winning.

Er...Boo, dear lad. You are aware that in our game you are playing the Russians?
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

One of the reasons why I never believe anything I see reported on TV. I get all my news from the MBT.

As well you should. So you will be amongst the first to know that Tony Blair, in an unprecedented bout of Limey sycophancy, cut a secret deal with George W.'s Keepers, Britain quietly became a US Protectorate, and all British troops are now considered American troops. So MSNBC got it right, albeit not because they did get it right, so much as they inadvertantly acted like pillocks at a propitious moment and lucked into doing the right thing.
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Oh, and Nidan, I know your profile says something about 'New York', but are you a secret Englishman? Sometimes, when I'm reading your posts, I get this pong of lime juice.

I'm not having with any of this 'secret Englishman', or 'Australian mole' thing. It was bad enough that Pondscum and OGSF played at it so long.

I think we need some open avowal of 'country of origin' on your case.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Egbert:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Bleetings snipped

...showed some tape of various US miltary units performing packing up chores and mounting of equipment...

This should have been the first clue it was British troops. Forget the sodding pictures.

Murkin troops are well aware of the proper things to mount, and we don't call it equipment.

We call it: She who must be obeyed.

Pay attention.

Don't even bother to sod, just off.</font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Seanachai can't singsong his way out of this one. While my HMG's and Panzergrenadiers kill him left, right and left again, he has taken to shelling a patch of woods far behind his lines. Why? Is it some devilish new tactic? No, it's the sterno talking. It's a given that I'm winning.

Er...Boo, dear lad. You are aware that in our game you are playing the Russians?</font>
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Originally posted by Dogbert:

A public school heathen as well, eh? Should 'a' known as you're too busy lookin' at the pictures.
I repeat.... who is this twit? is there anyone here who can vouch for this catbreathed couch sniffer?

Seanachai As to your inquiry into my heritage. I am a red blooded American son, born and raised in the state of high taxes and bumper to bumper traffic. Have lived with the likes of Nelson Rockefeller and Mario Cuomo and watched my hard earned pay disappear down the toilet known as "social entitlements" Served my country in its most unpopular war, and now I spend my free time posting nonsense on the internet and playing a computer wargame (nothing wrong with that I suppose). I could add you to my dance card if you like, I'm losing to everyone else, getting spanked by you wouldn't cause me any additional embarrassment.

[ December 15, 2002, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Served my country in its most unpopular war...

Wow! You fought for the Confederacy?!

How bloody old are you?

I guess that doesn't matter, though, really. I guess what matters is: How could you fight for the right of Southern States to be...Southern?

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Everyone owes me turns -- but especially Iskander and Sneezy.

Once again, please SOD OFF!


I don't owe you a turn, I sent you the file that had your MAJOR DEFEAT. That is what you get for making me attack as Italians. You're 0 for 2 counting only CMBB, as any games we had, especially my losses, in CMBO were just warm-ups and obviously don't matter. Care to make it 0 for 3?
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

No silly, he wrested Texas away from those nasty Mexicans. Or maybe he fought Spain? The Canadians, er Indians... er French? Whatever!

There's that famous Panzer Leader sense of humour that we're all too likely to find all over our best pair of shoes!

Let's run, and run, and run, through the rainbow-illuminated park of the Peng Challenge Thread until we all fall down and throw-up!

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Where would we be without Southern genteelness, you know, the Stars n Bars flying proudly from the back of a 1975 Chevy pick-up, Walt Garrison's famous Skoal commercials ......" Jest put a peench b'tween yur cheek an' gum, and jest let it set thar " The world reknowned Mint Julip, America's team, the Dallas Cowboys, (thank God they suck now). If the South had won the war, they'd be too damn stuck up to provide us with all this great entertainment.

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