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Originally posted by cardmaster:

When this constantly delayed thing is going out? I am starting to worry about it.

Constantly delayed? I can't remember a release date being mentioned by BTS. As far as I understood, the release date was always "when it's done", and it still is.


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So, cardmaster, welcome to the Combat Mission Forum. While we are all waiting patiently for CMBB, why don't you tell us a little about yourself, so we can all get to know you a little better.

For example, it would be fun to know where you live, what interests you have and how long you have been playing Combat Mission:Beyond Overlord. And anything else you would feel comfortable sharing with the Forum.

And how did you choose your Forum name? Are you, perhaps, a magician?

Just curious,


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Cardmaster, hi,

To answer your question directly, the latest estimate from BTS, given in an interview, translated to June. I forget the exact phase used by BTS, but it came down to June.

I am optimistic that it will be June. There has clearly been something of a redoing of some features, but I recon they will be down to the fine tuning by now.

All the best,


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CM:BB or Barbarossa to Berlin is a new game, though based on the engine from CM:BO with a few modifications IIRC.

As for the release, BTS have proved with CM:BO that they would rather relase a complete product than a flurry of patches (the TCP/IP thingie excluded of course). I for one like it that way and am happy beating up the yanks in the meantime.


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I think June is way too optimistic judging by the lack of bones and screenies of late. After seeing that very nice SIG-33B picture recently, BTS advised that the vast majority of the many vehicles in the game hadn't been done yet. 4 months minimum is my guess FWIW.

Still, I bought HeroesIV 2 weeks ago and then returned it to the store. It was a classic example of a game being rushed out before it was finished (the AI was totally broke), and ruined a good series. I'd hate for the CM series to go the same way, so like most posters I'm happy to wait.

In the meantime I have Uncommon Valour (Grigsby's sucessor to the legendary Pacific War) to look forward to, due for release within a week or so :cool:

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One thing that can take a lot of time is scenario design and testing. You need a lot of OOB data, map data, and then need to playtest extensively for play balance. Also, it's the last thing done in most development, so who's to say how much longer CMBB has to go?

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Actually, I think the "lack of bones" is a GOOD sign. Immediately prior to the release of CMBO Beta Demo and full version, BTS went very hush-hush, whereas in the 4 or 5 months before there was something new available at CMHQ (remember when it was JUST MadMatt running that site by himself, and he still managed to update almost daily?) at least every other day.


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Best of my knowledge, it'll be sold direct to end-users only (ie no retail ops) except a few cases in the UK.

Full disccusion of the reasons would occupy an entire website, but suffice to say that getting a video game onto retail shelves requires effort, contacts and compromise that are so expensive and time-consuming that any gain in market reach is negated.


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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

Full disccusion of the reasons would occupy an entire website, but suffice to say that getting a video game onto retail shelves requires effort, contacts and compromise that are so expensive and time-consuming that any gain in market reach is negated.


Read the Manifesto.
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I do think they should at least put out an estimate date the game will ship, revise it every 90 days or so if necessary. It would be more 'professional' and keep us informed.

The screen shots and interviews have been too little, too far apart. They have done a very Sh*tty job of keeping us informed.

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Steve (IIRC) has said that time spent in their efforts to provide frequent updates and responses to the board in the months leading up to CMBO delayed the game itself by several weeks. I think most people here would rather get CMBB sooner than be subjected to a stream of teasers and wait until '03 for the game.

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On the one hand uncertainty is one of the most effective forms of mental torture known to man.

On the other hand I am inclined to consider it "professional" behavior in this respect to never ever say anything that anyone can pin on you. It doesn't matter how many caveats BTS sets up, someone will hold their word as a promise, and raise hell for it being broken.

Word will get around and the rumor mill will grind. Game sites will post the "promises" and then later label the company in question as unreliable. And all along the fans will whine and bitch like there is tomorrow.


Now, what BTS did with CM was the right thing, in my opinion, they kept the forum pretty well informed but gave no promises. So if you followed the discussions on the forum you could draw pretty accurate conclusions. But I guess that was in the olden days, CM:BB being a "different" game.

Besides it's understandable considering the amount of time BTS spent on the forum.


And added..

I for one would rather wait a few weeks while being updated regularly. I am, after all, interested in the game and it's development.

But that is naturally from a purely egoistic perspective, I wouldn't dream of actually demanding that BTS put in those several weeks of work only to satisfy my curiosity.



[ April 22, 2002, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: Mattias ]

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Originally posted by Incoming:

The screen shots and interviews have been too little, too far apart. They have done a very Sh*tty job of keeping us informed.

Yeah! Bad, bad BTS, go and sit in a corner! :rolleyes:

Why does 'spoilt child' come to mind reading posts like yours, Incoming?

BTS are still a very small company, and they all have their hands full. I am sure Steve tosses in the presumably few hours of sleep he can grab about your unhappyness with their information policy... I mean, really, maybe you should try and get a grip.

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From Incoming:

posted April 22, 2002 03:20 PM


I do think they should at least put out an estimate date the game will ship, revise it every 90 days or so if necessary. It would be more 'professional' and keep us informed.

The screen shots and interviews have been too little, too far apart. They have done a very Sh*tty job of keeping us informed

Incoming, it seems to me that they HAVE been estimating and revising dates--apparently you have missed the various board posts and/or magazine article quotes where they have publicy made an estimation and/or changed the estimation.

For example, in August they were saying December, then they changed it to the end of the first quarter, and then they changed it to (it appears)June.

You are, or course, entitled to your opinion, but I think that such negative statements don't do anything to help matters and certainly won't push BTS into releasing the game any sooner than they will--which is when they are finished with it.

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