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Hello! I have been reading the posts in this forum for quite sometime now and enjoying all your coments, there is some good talent for words here and a varied community.

I am aware of the upcoming of cm2 and how tiresome is been for you all who have been waiting. Since what made me come back to the forum, at first, was the "coming soon" add for the game and the excitement of what it will be like when the game is out. But "soon" means "very soon" now as you all know. In the mean time this restlessness got to me by reading all about it in many of your posts. Well, maybe there may still be

a "very" reasonable short waiting to do and I'm not Nostradamus to assure you of this.

So I'd decided to register and post a list of readings you may procure in your library or browser?, while you wait.

I will start from what I have under my desk, all library materials. Well, well, what do I got...

Leon Tolstoi's "Sebastopol". A book about the siege of 1854-55! Ann Arbor Paperback.University of Michigan Press.1961.

Manstein's "Lost Victories". Henry Regnery Co.Chicago, 1958. That title I found in a post in this forum and I am reading it, after picking it up from library.

David M.Glantz. Zhukov's Greatest Defeat. University Press of Kansas, 1999.

Stalin and his Generals. Edited by Seweryn Bialer. Pegasus, New York, 1969.

This titles I have at hand 'cause I'm a library pigeon. But I have some titles I recall from memory.

Constantin Simonov's "the living and the dead" or with another translation title "Victims and Heroes".

Theodor Pleivier's "Moscow", "Stalingrad", "Berlin".

Alexander Bek's "Volokomask Highway".

Vassily Grossman's "Fredoom and Fate".

Ilya Ehrenburg's "The storm".

Note; all this are very old editions you may have to request out of storage. Good time at the library. Myself am going there to look for more titles.

ps:This games are fine jewels, nothing fancy, only raw diamonds. Keep up the good word!

"Warfare is the father of all good things. It is also the father of good prose!" Friederik Nietzsche. Joyfull Wisdom.

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Long Wings,

I can't wait to find some or all of these books to read - I lack the time to do serious research on quality novels. Any suggestion on which of these novels you think would be best to read first? My past experience is with maintstream books (ie. Stephen Ambrose "D-Day", "Citizen Soldier") so I have not read nor heard of many of these titles.


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Hi, I am adding to the list once more, but first a little clarification. Glanz's book above is about operation Mars on the Rzhev salient. Conspiracy, you may find Plievier the easiest to find, or Simonov. Another of Simonov's titles is "Days and Nights", a Stalingrad novel. Plievier's "Stalingrad is a must.

Two books I misplaced and am reading at the moment.

Leon Degrelle. "La Campagne de Russie". Collection Action. Art eHistorie d'Europe.

This collection is edited by Jean Mabire. Jean Mabire seems to be a leading authoryt in the history of Wermatch. Another author to see in the same vein is Eric Lefevre. This two authors would keep anyone bussy who is interested in special SS formations. I have seen only one English translation of their work.Their work is in French.

The next title is in Spanish for those fluent in the language who would be interested.

"Orillas del Voljov" By Fernando Vadillo. I place this title because it reads like an epic, it is a dense book, many names, but entretaining and is only the first book of three! It's follow ups are "Arrabales de Leningrado" and "Lucharon en Krasnibor". Books that pictures the Spanish Blue Division in the Eastern Front. The last two books I haven't read but as the author mentions there were Spaniards fighting all the way to outside the Reichtag!

Here I go back to a list from memory of even more titles of books read and yet to be read.

Marshal G. Chuikov's "Battle for Stalingrad" and "Battle of Berlin". A must.

Victor Nekrasov. "Stalingrad".

This last titles as I say are from memory and books I have read, very interesting accounts.

It was a clear sunny flying day yesterday and didn't make it to library. Many good sightings below!

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Hi Long Wings, I wonder if you know more good books about WWII in spanish (of any type from pure OOBs to narrative types), I know a few but I wonder if I´m missing some good books.

It´s very hard to find works about WWII in spanish (a part of Blue Division) and as spanish it´s a bit hard to read very large books in english, the language with more books about the subject along with german (which I should learn too).

However, where are you from? You know quite a few languages (english, french and spanish, german too?)


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I have been reading a book entitled "German Battle Tactics on the Russian Front 1941-1945" edited by Steven Newton, 1994. It is basically translated AARs with some of the worst maps I have ever seen in print, ugh. Good read though....but is it balanced? Anybody read it?

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Ah, you forgot some very good books written by a German Heer field reporter, Franz Kurowski:

"Infantry Aces" and "Panzer Aces" - true accounts of German soldier heroism and sacrifice on the battlefield. Both excellent books and finally available in paperback in the US, published by Ballentine.

Also, Ballentine will be releasing "Panzer Aces II" and "Luftwaffe Aces" soon.

I mention these books in this thread because most of the stories are centered on the Eastern Front.

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Thanks for the response. I want to let you know that I will be making some changes to my list and post it as new topic.

Knac, there will be a book in English in the new list that had a good bibliography. Take it from there.

NCrawler, Thanks for those titles, I will check them.

Sabotai, it's a book, it's has lots of words, no matter how you take it, you have to micro-manage. good luck. I will look for this title myself.

Of course, NCrawler, I would like to know Herr Kurowski. "Panzer Aces" is the book everyone talks about it in the forum, and I'm flying right now to get it.

Note; I have to redo my list because my memory failed me, never mind, and some mispellings too.

Here is the interesting part, to lock this post and do a new topic, or list. Thanks again.

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