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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jwxspoon:

I try to play all of the nationalities in the game. I particularly like to play axis and use a mixture of 1/2 Fallschirmjaeger and 1/2 Gebirgsjaeger (sp?) for my infantry, supplemented by a few additional shrecks and HMG's. I have had one platoon of G-jaegers stand off an entire US company in the woods before, after which my opponent got mad and said I was cheating...

[ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: jwxspoon ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just a suggestion, but you should iron out the details with your opponent before the game begins. Some folks consider mixing German paras and mountain troops as an order of battle that is neither historic nor realistic. Others don't care what you pick and the majority are probably somewhere in between.

Many people new to the game have created unrealistic OOBs (mixing troop types, nationalities, etc., which while plausible likely will be frowned upon by a player who prefers to stick to history) because they don't know better. Others do it intentionally and risk being called gamey.

My personal preference is to view the game in its most historic context: I'm facing an opposing force (however it may be composed) and I've got to do the best I can with what I've got available.

The short version of what I'm suggesting is that, as a courtesy, work out parameters (limitations on troop, armor, arty, etc.) of the game with your opponent before you choose your troops.

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You are right about that Moriarty - I thought we had done that but we had not discussed specifics as far as types of squads.

My favorite kind of game is to pick a date, nationality and game type and then let the computer pick the forces, but I find few takers with those kinds of games.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jwxspoon:

You are right about that Moriarty - I thought we had done that but we had not discussed specifics as far as types of squads.

My favorite kind of game is to pick a date, nationality and game type and then let the computer pick the forces, but I find few takers with those kinds of games.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Last time I played with computer pick, I got my butt handed to me on a platter. Computer gave me three Stuarts, a 4 US rifle platoons, no MGs, no bazookas, a 60mm mortar, an 81mm FO and 2 HTs.

I went up against 4 PzGren squads, 2 HMGs, 3 schrecks, a Panther, a StuG III and an 81mm FO.

It was a great battle, though. Let me know if you want to go in a computer pick 'em. That doesn't bother me at all.

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I've learned some things about artillery that may be helpful. Evidently the only things that speed up the arrival of an arty mision are FO experience, and LOS. I used to think that command abilities of a PL or CO affected the drop time but it does not.

I have seen a table from another player in which he listed the differences in time with and without los and by experience level.

As a result of this I now make a much greater effort to obtain los for my FO's. Combined with larger artillery and 4-5 round fire missions I have become much more effective in my artillery usage.

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: jwxspoon ]

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Can anyone confirm that HQ's with command bonus do not speed up the delivery or accuracy of the spotters?

I was always under the belief that they did.

If I have time this weekend I will run some tests.


[ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]

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