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Hey..has anybody actually PLAYED CMBB? Or....

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Has anybody actually played CMBB, or are we just going to see an endless litany of

a) posts by people <font color=tan><small>like Scipio</small> </FONT>who simply flip through all the features looking for stuff to complain about

B) long winded posts about how you just Can't "identify with" Russians/Germans/Your Favourite Eastern European Here because they don't speak English or you aren't related to them - (HINT - if you can or can't identify with one set of pixels more than the other - it's because you have no imagination. There is no known cure).

c) even more annoying declarations of when the vagaries of the postal service have conspired to drop that little blue envelope into your corner of the globe

d) test scenarios designed to uncover the mathematical (YAWWNN) underpinnings of the game

e) dumbass questions by people two or three days from getting the game themselves, asking if features that were never promised for inclusion (full movie replay, ie) made it in through some miracle

Can we PLEASE see some AARs? Or something even remotely interesting? I'd settle for a good JasonC debate about how long it takes to abandon a burning tank, but how about something regarding THE GAME itself and the GAMEPLAY, and leave the postal service play-by-play and nitpicking over stuff that wasn't included out of it? I'd love to hear some exciting war stories from people actually playing the game and enjoying it....or did I miss the memo stating that CMBB was being sold only so people could fool around in the scenario editor and produce lists of why CMBB is better than CMBO, or why CMBB isn't as good as promised....?

<font color="yellow"><large>CONTEST ALERT</LARGE></FONT>

Bruno will give his lawnmower away free to the first person to post a decent AAR for us - and that includes detailed screenshots, guys, not endless paragraphs of murky descriptions.

[ September 24, 2002, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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I'm not much for writing AARs, but I have played 3 scenarios and started an operation against the computer AI, and am starting a PBEM game with Parrabellum.

The envelope Michael was White, not blue. ;)

I am now at the office and trying to get through some work, after being late playing, so cannot post a long narrative. In brief; the demo does not do the release version justice.... now back to the rock pile for me.


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I played it non-stop yesterday once the postman graced my porch with the red/white/blue envelope of mana.

Played two scenarios and a quick battle. First battle I played was called "A Battle of Minors" (I think that was the title). I'll not give any spoilers except to say it was fun commanding Hungarians against Romanians. Damn tough battle as well, ending in a draw, which is unusual for me against the AI. The AI was attacking and I was happy to see there were no HQ rushes or any such tomfoolery. All-in-all, the AI coordinated a fine attack.

The other scenario (death ride of the 424, or something like that) was a tussle of heavy tanks. A bit anti-climactic as the AI didn't do as fine a job on the attack this time. Cities and tanks appear to still give the AI a hard time, then again that combo can give me fits as well.

Fired up a quick battle because I wanted to try out the rarity system and I wanted to play around with the Elefant. Well, the rarity system definitely seems to work as apparently the Elefant was too rare to actually arrive on schedule (at least in this battle). I bought two Panthers, a Nashorn, an Elefant, and a PAK40. I only got a Panther, a Nashorn, and the gun. The gun paid for itself with a KO of a T34/85 at 1K. The Panther got popped through the front turret at ~800M, just after it sent a round through the front turret of a T34/85. The Nashorn then picked off the offending T34/85 with one shot from ~900M. Tally: Three T34/85 and an armoured car and a smattering of infantry. I lost the Panther and the gun was reduced to one crewman. The Nashorn was deadly accurate, hitting vehicular targets at ranges of 900-1100 with 2 out of 3 shots.

[ September 24, 2002, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: jgdpzr ]

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Originally posted by jgdpzr:

Fired up a quick battle because I wanted to try out the rarity system and I wanted to play around with the Elefant. Well, the rarity system definitely seems to work as apparently the Elefant was too rare to actually arrive on schedule (at least in this battle). I bought two Panthers, a Nashorn, an Elefant, and a PAK40. I only got a Panther, a Nashorn, and the gun.

What you see here is not the rarity system, but the pre-battle losses system. You might have noticed that you copuld purchase for much more than the battle size. It is one parameter on the top of the Quickbattle screen.
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Originally posted by redwolf:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jgdpzr:

Fired up a quick battle because I wanted to try out the rarity system and I wanted to play around with the Elefant. Well, the rarity system definitely seems to work as apparently the Elefant was too rare to actually arrive on schedule (at least in this battle). I bought two Panthers, a Nashorn, an Elefant, and a PAK40. I only got a Panther, a Nashorn, and the gun.

What you see here is not the rarity system, but the pre-battle losses system. You might have noticed that you copuld purchase for much more than the battle size. It is one parameter on the top of the Quickbattle screen.</font>
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Played 2 QBs, tried few scenarios and built two Mr. Boom scenarios (Sturmtiger). But mainly just testing the new features. Currently no time for proper AARs, may be in a week or so... I am getting tired of "WOOT I got"-threads also.

QB comments: First I wanted to test tanks vs. infantry on relatively flat terrain to get hang of cover arcs, tank movement and suppression. Bought 5 Panthers, 1 Wirbelwind, 1 120mm mortar FO, 1 20mm Flak and 2 MG-42 LMGs. I bought the troops for AI: 4 Marine infantry companies, 3 T-34s, 2 M-17s and 1 jeep. (No, it wasn't even supposed to be balanced). Basically I destroyed all the enemy forces with minimal losses. One of the Panthers got 135 infantry casualties, 1 T-34s and 1 M-17. Really liked the effect of MGs on infantry. Also the full kill info at the end helps to estimate effectiveness of artillery.

Here is a picture of one of the Panthers after the battle:


QB2 - testing the fortifications and continued tests of MG suppression against an infantry attack: Trenches and barbed wire, 2 x 3 MG piil-boxes, need I say more? Mines are now cheaper, daisy-chain only 4 points! Gamey AI bastard bought air-support, which destroyed both my bunkers. But in response single platoon in a trench killed 166 Russians. Supporting MGs from the behind/flank got another 40 or so. It seems to me that defending will be much easier, attacking will require heavy artillery/HE fire.

After the battle in trench

Tried also the Finnish scenarios, but after casualties I deemed them unrealistic. :D It seems that you can't hide with skis? I didn't like the default night sounds with crickets. August night in Finland doesn't sound like that at all... I liked the Finnish voices, especially "Äiti!" cries (it was so late I might have imagined that).

[Edited: added links and fixed two typos etc. Edit2: made them real images, sorry about the size..., Edit 3: back to links, 1600 x 1200 messes up the layout]

[ September 24, 2002, 01:16 PM: Message edited by: bitnir ]

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I'm planning on posting an AAR sometime soon, possibly tonight if I get the time. It should have plenty of screens. If possible, I'll get my girlfriend to play her Finnish ski troops (she's 1/4 Finnish and proud of it), and go head to head against her in a QB. So, how about it? Would you like to read about how my girlfriend kicks my arse? Or would a regular QB or scenario suffice?

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

[QB]Has anybody actually played CMBB, or are we just going to see an endless litany of

B) long winded posts about how you just Can't "identify with" Russians/Germans/Your Favourite Eastern European Here because they don't speak English or you aren't related to them - (HINT - if you can or can't identify with one set of pixels more than the other - it's because you have no imagination. There is no known cure).

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Originally posted by tiborhead:

I'm planning on posting an AAR sometime soon, possibly tonight if I get the time. It should have plenty of screens. If possible, I'll get my girlfriend to play her Finnish ski troops (she's 1/4 Finnish and proud of it), and go head to head against her in a QB. So, how about it? Would you like to read about how my girlfriend kicks my arse? Or would a regular QB or scenario suffice?

Now THAT would be very generous of you and much appreciated, looking forward to it. Photos of the gf are optional....
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Thanks Mike for getting the natives going. I've been following the board since the game started going out to get a feel for how good it was and have frankly been a little underwhelmed compared to what it was like 2 years ago. This thread is more like it though!

The question I want answered:

Has anyone played a Stalingrad campaign yet. Any good? Anything about Stalingrad gives me the warm fuzzies so please share any battle stories!

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Ok. In one scenario I started last night. There is a dug in AT gun. I can plainly see it. However my my tank commanders seem to be blind. They fire MGs at the thing and can't even make them break. You'd think with seven AFV firing that might make them break.

If I wasn't at work I could post a picture of seven knocked out and at least 3 burning AFVs.

Of course if I had switched to HE it might have helped me knock out the gun.

Come over the rise and tanks from way far away are just decimating my troops.

Try and send in soldiers to dislodge the gun and get cut to pieces by MGs.

Going to restart that scenario and see if I can knock out that gun without losing so many vehicles. This early war armor sure is thin.

Was just playing it a bit to get the hang of it and using no tactics other than rush everything forward. That led to losing over half my force.

Didn't include scenario name so as to not ruin the surprise for those of you that will play that scenario (everyone).

Fun stuff!


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I ran into an unexpected problem after installing (without a hitch on my PC that hasn't been updated since CMBO came out, BTW ;) ) - I couldn't decide what to try first. It's very cool that just about every QB parameter can be set to random, or I'd still be sitting there! I thought I'd try defending with early-war Soviets, so I set a June '41 Axis attack at mid-day, and let the game pick just about everything else. I did use Human Purchase for the Soviets, though with random force type, so I ended up buying from the Soviet paratroop list (is it still gamey if the game made me do it?).

With 700 points and no idea what the Axis were coming with, I bought (mostly regular and some green) 2xMG bunkers, 2x45mm AT, 2xparatroop platoons, an SMG platoon, 2xtank hunter teams, a Maxim, a DP LMG, a sharpshooter, and a 120mm mortar FO with 4xTRPs. The map turned out to be a small village with what looks like moderate tree cover.

This is really a "During Action Report" since I saved the game on turn 13 of 20 last night, but here are a few of my initial observations:

1. It's still a bad idea to give Hide orders to bunkers. I placed them both in woods, and one was immediately spotted and KO'd by armored cars firing 20mm from several hundred meters away. They weren't in sight of the other bunker at that point, so I unhid it and the Maxim and was rewarded with the severe disruption over four or five turns of a large body of enemy infantry crossing open/soft ground. Then another AC came over and plinked the bunker. The Maxim keeps jamming, so the enemy spots it when it fires, shoots back a few times, then loses sight of it! (Will the AI try to suppress with some speculative area fire in such a case, or is it hamstrung by extreme FOW?)

2. I "drew" a covered arc (vehicle) for one of my AT guns over an area where two ACs were visible. The gun remained hidden and didn't fire the entire turn - I will have to RTFM tonight. (Yes, the gun had LOS to the ACs.)

3. The Regular 120mm mortar FO had a 6-minute initial firing delay, a 1-minute adjustment delay, and a 1-minute initial delay when firing on a TRP. In the orders phase, the game also very helpfully indicates whether your targeting line is inside the "bonus zone" of the TRP. The AI's infantry herd is coming through some scattered trees where I'd placed a TRP, and it's only because the FO is now out of ammo that I still cannot predict who will win. Some 25-30 of my battery's 40 shells looked like they fell close enough to do damage, including some treebursts. Now the AI has 7 turns to rally and overwhelm my three platoons.

That's it; I'll update my post after the battle's over if this thread stays near the top tonight.

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14 hours at work yesterday and get home to see pretty new package for me. :D I think the envelope is still laying on the floor where I spit out after tearing into it with my teeth.

Tried a couple of QB's with rarity and casualities on random. Very nice feature to randomize force composition. I also liked the fact that you can choose whatever you like but no guarantee that you will get those units. Too bad working another long day or I would be at home getting carpal tunnel from CMBB. :(

More screenshots for those of us stuck at work and dreaming of gaming. smile.gif

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I had a hell of a good time whipping the Finns last night. Ran a QB to test out different Russian tanks in 1941.

Let me just comment on the KV-2 here.

KABOOM! :eek:

Firing anywhere near a house and the whole thing goes up.

It's slow as slow can be, but once it gets there (if it doesnt bog) it's a force to be reckoned with (in 1941)

The Finn T-26's fired & fired to no avail. The only way I can see the Finns driving off the KV-2 is by sustained fire from many directions & HOPING the KV-2 will get a little flustered and drive away. Which did'nt happen.

Coupled the KV-2 with a Flamethrowing tank once all the Finnish gnat/tanks were killed (with the help of my T-34-57) went to work on the forests.

Deadly combination. Started bombing the forest with the KV-2 to keep thier heads down (or off) and drove the T-26 flamethrower right up there. Can throw fire 75 meters! Yow.

With no panzerfausts/shrecks it's a bit more possible to get away with leading with armor & the troops following up. Molotovs can only be thrown so far..

I love it, different tactics for different years/phases of the war. I never even got past 1941 yet, I'm having too much fun re-discovering the game.. This variety will give the game a way longer lifespan than CMBO! And CMBO's never ran out! Now thats scary..

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I also did a bunch of cool tests with the KV-2 and various early war German tanks. The KV-2 is almost invulnerable - I have never knocked one out, immobilized one, or caused one to get gun damage. This included a 38(t) firing from 3 meters away. The KV actually rammed the 38(t), not harming it (BTS, please fix or somefink:)), but pushing it to the side of the road.

In an experiment with some conscript crews, however, I did cause the crew to abandon the vehicle after hitting it about 10 times in one turn with otherwise ineffective 37mm shells.

The KV's 152mm gun is awesome; there's no other word for it. I fired at a Pz IVE, missed, and still knocked out the tank! The same thing happened with a near miss on a Pz II.

In another experiment, I had a 4 tank platoon of 38(t)s firing on a KV-2 from close range. The KV fired at one of the 38(t)s, destroying it. This explosion *also* shocked the other three tanks in the platoon, killing the TC of one of the tanks, and sending the tank hunter group riding on the back of another tank routing into the woods.

Incidentally, I was playing in "damp" ground (the first QB I set up chose this randomly, and I kept it in future tests for consistency). After having my KV bog - but then free itself - using a move to contact, I only gave the KV move orders. This exacerbates the slowness of the KV even more, but is a not uncommon terrain type for the North location.

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QB - November 1943, Meetting engagement.

Computer assigns me 5 ValentineII, 2 T-70, BA-47 and a Sherman.

I am enraged! Whats with this selection - I am playing Soviet not UK!

How am I suppose to take out PzIV, Panter or Tiger with these.

The battlefield is open. I am behind small hill, just 3 buildings and small number of scatered trees. Nothing really to hide behind.

I kept my armour behing the hill and sent recon forward. I could not believe what I saw...

AI got 6 Hs-39, 2 Puma, 3 R-35s and a Stug.

I sent all my tanks (HUNT) to the top of the hill. I timed it so they show up simultaniously.

I sent infantry ahead to atract attension.

AI fires at Infantry and my tanks show up all at once in hull down on top of the hill.

3 turns later it is all over. I lost 2 T-70s...

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