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MODs & MODers' Pic of the Week:

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Anyone noticed Tiger is back and revisited his Axis Field Guns?


Of course, now if you field all variants of those deadly 88s, you won't be guilty of gameyness, but of merely testing those in game...

Considering he is also doing a King Tiger, I can tell there will be a tremor in the Force.

Please join me in thanking Tiger for the work he did and the one he is doing for our collective enjoyment.

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houlala bon je me lance .....

Thank you tiger and pawbroon my guns little will be finally to touch their goal .In any case the production of the factories is of quality thank you has all for your work.

A plus les gars ;) j'ai triche j'ai utilisé un traduction en ligne :D

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houlala bon je me lance .....

Thank you tiger and pawbroon my guns little will be finally to touch their goal .In any case the production of the factories is of quality thank you has all for your work.

A plus les gars ;) j'ai triche j'ai utilisé un traduction en ligne :D

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Originally posted by Saturnin:

J'ai triche j'ai utilisé un traduction en ligne.


I mean, you sure you used Babelfish or somefink?

Ok, my turn:

The appreciation of yours manifesting double posting doing by is good looking.

Aren't you one of those French batracians or affiliated?


Err, whatever it was you wanted to say, thanks.

I think.

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Originally posted by Philippe:

Mais c'est quoi, exactement, la traduction de "Houba, houba, hop"? Et ou est mon sound mod Marsupilami?

Philippe, I don't think I entirely got that, but, say, just for the sake of argument, I did: Marsipulami sound mod? Tell me it's not true! :D

Tiger: Damn good to have you back!

Pawbroon: Thanks, and keep up the good work!

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

Let me take an educated guess.

You would be doing a Marder III.

Thus had to MOD its gun.

And ended up MODing AT Guns for fear of discrepancies.

Am I roight?

Besides, MODs & MODers being about what MODers are working on, this pic can only be a gross fake and you working on such MODs, an Urban Legend.

Or you would have send those to me...



Man, PawBroon, you saw right through my flimsy facade. I admit it: there is no real PaK 40, and certainly no Marder III. It's all an elaborate hoax.

I even went so far--nefarious bastard that I am--to produce an utterly fake Marder III screenshot.


It's not even convincing, is it?

That said, check your e-mail for additional fakery to post on your nifty Web site.


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I've got to admit it. That's a pretty damn good fake you've got going there. I'd better call Oliver Stone, I'm sure he'll want to make a movie about the conspiracy.

Can we negotiate for the rights so that I can do a "hasty" camo version of it? smile.gif


[ February 17, 2002, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: Gordon ]

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Originally posted by Gordon:

Can we negotiate for the rights so that I can do a "hasty" camo version of it? smile.gif



You are hereby authorized and given an exclusive, non-transferable license to hasty-ize all and any of my mods. smile.gif

I am working on a bicolor green/dark yellow version, but I think that it will be sufficiently different from the hasty version to merit your attentions.


Hey, how the heck did this get here :confused:

All three screenies are actually pretty early builds. I'll send newer and cooler previews to PawBroon later this week.

[ February 17, 2002, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]

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Originally posted by AndrewTF:

I admit it: there is no real PaK 40, and certainly no Marder III. It's all an elaborate hoax.

I even went so far--nefarious bastard that I am--to produce an utterly fake Marder III screenshot.

It's not even convincing, is it?


There!! See that? He's doing it again!

I tell you he's doing it on purpose, just to annoy us! ;)

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Let's straightjacket the guy and give him some Prozac.

You should ba ashamed all of you.

Just like Tom who is running an Impressionist Filter over real pics of the Ardennes to let us think there is such a thing as Green Winter.

Why not Purple Haze while we're at it?!

In case you are wondering if Andrew's MODs are to outdo Tiger's showcased higher up, then NO.

Tiger's Guns are Inf' ones with 88.

They were not PAKs.

I guess we should be happy then...

[ February 18, 2002, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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