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CMBB Unit Database Final version now Updated Dec 24, 2002

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Been working on my charts for CMBB for over a week now, and have mostly finished the unit stats listing. They can be D/Led from my site:

Chris' CM Database

They come in Excel format. If you don't have Excel, you can download the free Excel viewer for Windows from Microsoft.

I haven't done the gun penetration or infantry firepower charts yet. They're next (but don't hold your breath; it might be a while). I don't think I'll bother with the arty ETA stuff this time. It was a PITA doing it for CMBO, and I'd rather not repeat the experience. smile.gif If someone wants to do those, knock yourself out. ;)

There are probably still some typos in the charts. If you see any, please let me know. And I hope I got all the units, but it's very possible I missed a couple. I only listed the beginning availability date, but thankfully Marcus Bloess did an excellent job with his own Unit Availability charts. Check them out over at:

New Unit Availability Charts.


- Chris

[ December 24, 2002, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]

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Excellent source of information, thanks very much for this enormous work you have done. Your CMBO charts have been the best information source for the troop selections!

One question, do the prices for various units change during the time period? If not it would be very handy to have some price figures for regular units at same charts?


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Originally posted by TeddyB:

One question, do the prices for various units change during the time period? If not it would be very handy to have some price figures for regular units at same charts?

They did in CMBO with the presence of Tungsten and HE rounds, so I imagine it will change with all the ammo type changes in CMBB (e.g. 3 different Hollow charge rounds just for the German 75mm guns alone) and would be really difficult for someone to do. Especially if you tried to list both the base cost and with fixed rarity. That's a nightmare I have no intention of tackling. smile.gif

- Chris

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Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

I knew that as soon as I started to do the same thing, someone else would beat me to it! Very good job.

Thanks! And it's good to know I'm not the only one crazy enough to consider doing this stuff. ;)

- Chris

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Originally posted by Wolfe:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

I knew that as soon as I started to do the same thing, someone else would beat me to it! Very good job.

Thanks! And it's good to know I'm not the only one crazy enough to consider doing this stuff. ;)

- Chris</font>

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Originally posted by Zarquon:

Thanks, Wolfe !

I've seen a curious effect : when viewing this file (w/ Excel 2000) I saw no text until I realized the text color was all white.

Yeah, it's a known but annoying bug. Thankfully it's easily worked around.

- Chris

[ October 12, 2002, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]

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The second installment has now arrived!!!

I've added the gun penetration tables to the charts and fixed a number of errors (mostly typos).


* Added gun penetration tables including blast values for all guns and availability dates for special rounds (tungsten, hollow charge).

* Added rate of fire for all weapons.

* Fixed tungsten, hollow charge, and AP availability for a handful of vehicles.

* Added Romanian Pz38t. Ooops. redface.gif

* Added/corrected anti-aircraft listing for all AA-capable (and incapable) units.

* Added better identification for some guns in both charts.

* Fixed numerous typos too -erm-, well, numerous to mention. ;)

Get 'em while they're hot!

- Chris

[ October 12, 2002, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]

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One of the most usefuls info in your table is the tank RoF. Now, you list the Panzer IIIM late skirt with a RoF of 10, but the Panzer IIIM with only 9.

Is this due to testing (must be a lot of work) or are there differences only some Übergrog might know? Same with other vehicles....

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Originally posted by Zarquon:

One of the most usefuls info in your table is the tank RoF. Now, you list the Panzer IIIM late skirt with a RoF of 10, but the Panzer IIIM with only 9.

Is this due to testing (must be a lot of work) or are there differences only some Übergrog might know? Same with other vehicles....

Just normal variance. Reg 75/L48 guns get 6 or 7 rounds per minute except in special cases (like the Hetzer). The German 50mm will get 9 or 10 rounds/minute. But some numbers are very solid. The 105mm German guns always seem to get 4 rounds/min (barring retargeting or supression).

- Chris

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  • 1 month later...

Now updated for CMBB 1.01!!!

This is the finished version (hopefully; until the next patch comes out tongue.gif ) that now includes infantry firepower charts for all 10,000 different units (or thereabouts). Also includes TO&E for every battalion/company/platoon in the game. It weighs in at a svelte 88 printed pages. :D

Changes in Tanks and Penetration charts:

* Finnish PzIVH is now available Aug44.

* Finnish StuG now early-mid (was mid) and is available Jun44.

* Finnish PaK40 AT gun now available in Jul43.

* Added 76mm, 81mm, 105mm, 120mm, 122mm, 152mm Finnish radio FOs.

* Added BT-5A and BT-7A Soviet tanks.

* Corrected BT-5 M1934 listing (was listed as 1944).

* Changed Valentine IX gun to 75e/L50.

* Changed penetration numbers for Axis 37t/L40, 37/L45, 37/L57, and 37t/L48 guns. And changed AP shot to AP (lg) on the L/45 and L/57.

* Changed APC penetration on Axis 50/L42 and 50/L60 guns.

* Updated hollow charge Dec42 availability for Axis 75/L10, 75/L11, 75/L24, 75/L26, 75f/L36, 105/L18, and 105/L28.

* Changed APC penetration numbers for Soviet 50g/L60.

* Changed APCBC penetration numbers for Soviet 57e/L50 gun (formerly 57e/L43).

* Changed HE penetration numbers for Soviet 122/L48 gun.


- Chris

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Thanks, guys! Glad you like 'em. They were a lot of hard work, but well worth it! smile.gif

Originally posted by Agua:

Thanks Chris. BTW, have any idea how many folks have dl'd you CMBO charts over the years?

Unfortunately I don't. My ISP doesn't keep track of free homepage DL's anymore and I never bothered with one of those download counters. Would be interesting, but I just don't know.

- Chris

[ November 28, 2002, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update for Dec 13, 2002:

Fixed avalability dates of APBC for Russian 76/L17 gun and tungsten for German 75/L48 in the Guns chart.

Fixed the number of MGs on the StuG IIIG early-mid, mid, late-mid, and late as well as Stug IV late in the Tanks chart.

- Chris

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