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Sherriff Joe was right. I'll admit it, as much as it pains me to do so.

Please, my Heroes, keep the poolboy away from me. He's a loose cannon, and he scares me.


You're my only hope. Kill the poolboy for me, would you please? I will pay you handsomely if you take MasterCard.

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Originally posted by Jo Xia:

Piffle, piffle, poot.

Jo, girls are different, even in the workers' paradise of your Red Chinese masters. Surely this is something you learned in kindergarten, probably behind the school dumpster. Of course, in your dotage it is something that might have slipped your ever more slippery memory.

I say let Roxy have her 'Pool-boy, so long as we have the option to kill him should he present us with a fruit kabob. Furthermore, I think all the Senior Kaniggets and Olde Ones should do a quick whip 'round to buy young Roxy a riding crop, the better to keep Mike-you-idiot in line. A little discipline does a young boy good.

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

young?? I get to be young again if I'm a Pool Boy - oh, well in that case - yes please, may I - oh do excuse me if it's asking a bit much!!

I've got a few extra wrinkles I can lose without any angst, and this looks like a cheaper method than Botox!!

[ August 19, 2002, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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No, NO, my brave Hakko!! I don't want a poolboy or a even a pillockboy. In an uncontrolled state they are much too dangerous. Think what might happen if a Lady were to find herself alone with one of the wretched beasts not on strong leash.

Death to the concept, I say! It was merely a tool for helping persistent SSNs. If not supported from the Mountain then there can be no poolboy. We have only a vicious SSN of the lowest order in close proximity to The Ladies. Death to the concept, I say! (not that what I say means anything)

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Originally posted by Roxy:

We have only a vicious SSN of the lowest order in close proximity to The Ladies.

You got that the wrong way around - it's us SSN's, so necessary to the proper running of the Pool who are endangered by the vicious pandetrings of the power-puff set!!

Occupational Safety & Health are investigating The Ladies for endangering SSN's and Pool Boys with their unhygenic practices and unsafe work environments.

where would the Pool without the constant reflux of SSN's to be derided, booted and generally set upon at every available opportunity? Where would Berli get his exercise if there was no skicking to be done? Who would Pancho's Leader lead? Who would there be to donfirm that Dalem feels all funny like??

all these essential services are provided by SSN's - rewarded, as is only proper, with heapings and lashings of scorn and derision.

SSN's have been about since time immemorial.

The MBT could not survive without us.

Ladies in Waiting however, are mere new comers to this wonderful world. You exist because your apeparance has caused such an outbreak of acne among the Olde Ones (See Dalem's post above!!) that there has been no time to do anything about you. And because no-one really cares anyway.

You, m'lady, are an ornament, an unnecesary distraction, a pretty face, an inconsequential bauble.

And we all thank you for being each and every one of those things - it's nice to have you here.

(not that what I say means anything)
If only - however it does seem as if the Olde Ones are actually pubescent schoolboys in whom a person of the female persuasion causes a rush of hormonal irrationality at every possible occasion.

[ August 19, 2002, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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OK guys, the gig's up. In the best interests of The Ladies of The Pool and The MBT itself, it is time to reveal my identity. Roxy is only the Fionn-flamer, Treeburst155. (Yes, Panzer Leader, you were right.)

It's been a great deal of fun for me. I hope some of you enjoyed having Roxy around as much as I enjoyed portraying her.

I will now abide by the wishes of our host, Battlefront.com, and cease posting to the forum. I have lots of tourney work to do anyway. I've been neglecting it for this Mutha Beautiful Thread.

Again, it's been a great deal of fun, and I thank you all for it. Rejoice now, in The One True Thread. It is truly a thing of beauty.

Sincerely, Treeburst155 (Mike Meinecke)

[ August 19, 2002, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Originally posted by PRoxy:

OK guys, the gig's up. In the best interests of The Ladies of The Pool and The MBT itself, it is time to reveal my identity. Roxy is only the Fionn-flamer, Treeburst155. (Yes, Panzer Leader, you were right.)

It's been a great deal of fun for me. I hope some of you enjoyed having Roxy around as much as I enjoyed portraying her.

I will now abide by the wishes of our host, Battlefront.com, and cease posting to the forum. I have lots of tourney work to do anyway. I've been neglecting it for this Mutha Beautiful Thread.

Again, it's been a great deal of fun, and I thank you all for it. Rejoice now, in The One True Thread. It is truly a thing of beauty.

Sincerely, Treeburst155 (Mike Meinecke)


Sir AJ

Humble HobKnOb

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Originally posted by Mike:

Where would Berli get his exercise if there was no skicking to be done.


Berli does not "skick". I have never seen Berli "skick". Berli has no need to "skick".

When the occasion demands, though, I have seen Berli beat, boff, bash, cudgel, harm, hit, hurt, harrass, injure, immolate, inconvenience, jerk-around, lambaste, mash, pummel, pound, rassle, smash, slap, terrorize, waste, wrestle and zap a person unmercifully.

With any kind of luck, you'll be next.

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Originally posted by Mike:

I'm sorry, but the correct form of address is Mike-you-idiot, as you yourself repeated ad nauseum a thread or 2 ago, and I refuse to comply with pre-emptory meaningless screams issuing forth from forgetful Olde fools.

I have never used Mike-you-idiot in any of my posts. Had I, it would indicate that I had some small measure of regard for you at all. As it stands, I give you as much notice as any other gnat.

[ August 19, 2002, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Am I the ONLY one around here who's capable of sniffing out conspiracies? Am I the only one who has the best interests of the CessPool at heart?

Some Rent-a-car you are. Why you were busy sleeping at your post, I nipped this treachery in the bud. Exactly what are we paying you for anyway? There was a time when you would come swooping down at the first imagined hearesy, but now, when a real threat emerges, where were you Jo, where were you?
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Wow! I always thought I might be a genius, I guess this proves it...

Hah hah, all you pillocks were flirting with Treeburst! Oh ho ho ho! That's rich.

BTW, Treeburst [serious] I am positively sure there is no reason for you to be banned. It was self-imposed, and He-Who-Must-Shave-Head NEVER actually said you were banned. It was just a bit of frustration that boiled over. **** happens man, no one is upset with you.

Anyhow, I'd like to see you come back to the One True Thread (I liked that) as a BOY and with no guilty concience.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

mike the gnat seems excellent candidate

That's better.

See - you can teach an old dog new tricks.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Wow! I always thought I might be a genius, I guess this proves it...

Hah hah, all you pillocks were flirting with Treeburst! Oh ho ho ho! That's rich.

BTW, Treeburst [serious] I am positively sure there is no reason for you to be banned. It was self-imposed, and He-Who-Must-Shave-Head NEVER actually said you were banned. It was just a bit of frustration that boiled over. **** happens man, no one is upset with you.

Anyhow, I'd like to see you come back to the One True Thread (I liked that) as a BOY and with no guilty concience.

I was the only one smart enough to flirt with Treeburst before she was Roxy, though....
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It was all elementary: Actress, check, he was putting on an act. Deception, check, he was deceiving Madmatt (who has had the bloodhounds on his trail for WEEKS). Treachery, check, he was breaking the solemn oath to Steve Grammont that we were all forced to swear when BTS became BFC and Steve went from simple "president" to "Gamesfuhrer Supremo"

Then there were the little clues. He obviously 'had a past'. He came on the scene within a few days of what I call the "The Great Tourney Schizm of 2001" or "When Past-Masters become Ass-Masters: A study in Whinging." He knew WAY too much, and what's more he had that same smilin' innocence and good-time fun-pickin' that no Roxy could ever touch.

But the true icing on the cake is that YES! Treeburst really does like men (eeewwwww.)

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Mike-the-gnat, I like it, not quite as emasculating as mouse but then, I was a special case, not your run of the mill gnat.

true - the rest of us gnats don't deserve neutering.
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Panzer Leader wrote:

"...he had that same smilin' innocence and good-time fun-pickin' that no Roxy could ever touch."

This is why Treeburst would never make it in The MBT as a man.

He further wrote:

"But the true icing on the cake is that YES! Treeburst really does like men (eeewwwww.)"

How did you know I was a woman?! I've never told ANYONE that!!(except Dorosh)

[ August 19, 2002, 09:42 PM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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