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RoW II: The Boots & Tracks Brawl (Part IV)

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Originally posted by YK2:

Couldn't Treeburst have had Roxy post that, or is she off shopping again?

Roxy does not shop. She shoplifts....and she certainly wouldn't do any favors for Treeburst. smile.gif


Hi guys! I've escaped from the POW camp by posing as a French kleptomaniac super-model. Mr Spkr, also having escaped, was last seen headed for the Peng Challenge. I will give him a swift boot in the posterior to get him going.

Mikeydz is apparently MIA. I'm not too worried yet since his performance thus far has been great. As I understand it, his games are very near completion. However, I WILL send a patrol forward to look for him.

Thank you, Kingfish, for holding down the fort. BTW guys, Kingfish is currently working on an RoW page on the Boots & Tracks site. Wild Bill's Rumblings Of War results will be posted there, among other things. Thank you Kingfish and Boots & Tracks!

Fight On!!

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I’ve finished Head for the Hills with Jarmo.

Three down two to go.

MrSpkr and I have just exchanged a few turns so we’re back on track.

Welcome back TB!

Things just weren’t the same without ya. smile.gif

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Yet another insane turn, featuring even more casualties. Bertram finally carried X, but paid dearly for the pleasure. I have his Y under fire,

my Q continues to hold out, and I'm giving his B a hot reception. He has Zed my Q and is getting ready to C it. Would love to know what sort of shape his troops are in. Mine are bloodied but unbowed.

Three turns left. His move!


John Kettler

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To save it from page 2.

Just send an other turn to Kettler for Head to the Hills. Very good scenario. His men are making a famous last stand (I hope, real soon now).

Mathias in that french thing goes slow. It was among the first started, but will be the last finished.


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So far (fingers crossed) we have seen about a 13% dropout rate for RoW II. Luckily, many of these occurred early on, so replacements were easy to find.

The real problem occurs when someone drops out near the end. In these instances, I'm thinking I should finish the games myself. Using a timer, I would limit myself to 5 minutes per turn for giving orders. This would perhaps make up for any knowledge of the scenario I may have picked up from finishing other games for dropouts.

Believe it or not, I would actually be quite blind the first time I had to finish a game. Right now, I'm playing Another Day with SuperTed and I'm blind as a bat.

It is not necessary for me to study the scenarios in order to secure them for the tourneys. I get a glimpse of the setup zones, and that's it. I try to stay as blind as possible when doing the securing so I don't blow the scenarios for myself. I like to play blind. With a short time limit, I think we could arrive at a final score that is fair to the player stranded by the dropout. Feedback?

Treeburst155 out.

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Hi all,

I´m through with my last game with Thorben " Head for the Hills" . Three wins, one draw, one lost ( thanks Combined Arms :eek: ) ...

Is there anyplace where I can check the standings ?

Very good scenarios. Great tourney.

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Lol, you guys picking on moi!!!

If I beat them do I get to be called a Tit an...


KF your just jealous cause you failed to get to play in this last tourney.

I don't want you pulling the same excuse for the next one...


Anyway I just had fun with that Cpl on Friday morning showing him how hard the game really was.

He has been demoted from Sgt Lucky Bstrd back to Cpl Redtop as he failed to make the grade.


It will be interesting to see the scores on that wonderful game as I have some views on it.


Catch ya all later and hurry up the other players in our group.

P.s. I have written the AAR's and sent them to my opponents and just have to tart them up before sending them in for your pleasure. I should have them out next weekend, DIY allowing.



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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

I'm playing Another Day with SuperTed and I'm blind as a bat.

With a short time limit, I think we could arrive at a final score that is fair to the player stranded by the dropout. Feedback?

I'd finish Head for the Hills with you TB. How bout a 3 min timer, and we do it in tcp/ip? I only had like seven turns left on that one. :cool:

Remind SupTed that he owes me a rematch for the slaughter he handed me on our first and only match once CMBB releases! ;)

[ August 26, 2002, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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Originally posted by Scheer:

Hi all,

I´m through with my last game with Thorben " Head for the Hills" . Three wins, one draw, one lost ( thanks Combined Arms :eek: ) ...

Is there anyplace where I can check the standings ?

Very good scenarios. Great tourney.

My pleasure, Scheer! Always happy to oblige. Meanwhile, welcome to the growing club of the tourney finishers.


TB has informed us, somewhere above, that he'll email us the standings as soon as he has 75% of the games completed. I think he was at about 60% completed a few days ago.

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I have hit the summer dolldrums. 2 done early (St Mere and Another Day) and three moving at a snails pace. Ozzie and the I Man are sending files sporatically and have taken my time with Fire on the Mountain. I think we will finish by the deadline but not much earlier.


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Section 3-2 here.

Jeb and I finished Head For The Hills. Many dead on both sides...the horror...the horror....

Only my first completed game, but all the others are proceding at a good pace. Thanks again to the tourney organizers; it's been lots of fun so far!

Big X

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Combat fatigue has clearly become a factor, since otherwise I would've been able to keep track of the turn. Nevertheless, the penultimate turn was deadly to both sides, with terrible point blank combat and tons of CMBO color. Sent the movie to Bertram for his viewing consternation and await his final set of orders before replying in kind. Please have lovely nurses and sedatives ready, for this nerve shredder is almost done.

No real idea what shape he's in, but I get the impression he's pretty frazzled, too. I know his casualties are heavy, for I'm seeing lots of squads with two and three men left in them. Of course, these are the ones that have advanced the most. I'm sure later arrivals are in better shape. Fortunately, what they took wasn't critical.


John Kettler

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Below is a list of all players and the number of games they have completed as of August 25th. This list is not a real good indicator of progress because we do not know how far along the unfinished games are. However, it does show where possible problems may be.





Mr Spkr....1







Jack Trap..4


Cpl Carrot.4





The Capt...3

von Lucke..0


Juha A.....4






Big Dog........5

Uber General...5




J. Porta.......4


Combined Arms..4


Tom N..........2

Jefff Wilders..2







John Kettler...4

Spanish Bombs..4


M. Dorosh......4

Sgt. Gold.......3


Jim L...........2




Charles K.......0 (started fresh in late July)

Heavy Drop......3

EASY V..........3




Cpt T...........3


Vader's Jester..3

Jon L...........5


Boris Balaban...5

I Man...........2


Ozzie Osborne...2

Lord Dragon.....5



Thirteen people have finished all their games. Seventeen people have finished four games.

78 days ago the last files were sent out. On September 24th, four weeks from today, all games must be completed. This date will have allowed players 106 days to complete the five games.

In the days following September 24th, I will assess the progress made on any unfinished games and decide how best to handle each game on an individual basis.

I will do this by emailing the players involved.

If I do not hear from at least one of the players within 48 hours, I will assign the median scores to that game. If I do hear from one (or both) of them we will work out how best to finish the game quickly. If this means I must play one side, then I will do it with short time limits, TCP/IP or PBEM, whichever the "active" player wants.

If it weren't for CMBB I would let this tourney slide into mid-October, but since that is not the case we have to move things along. I was really hoping CMBB wouldn't be released until mid-October when I launched this tourney.

Charles Keagle is the one exception to the deadline since he started all five games from scratch on or about July 22nd. He will have two extra weeks to finish his games (October 8th). It will probably take me this long to wrap up any other unfinished games anyway.

All AARs are due by October 8th!!

There will be no more replacements! If you have not heard from an opponent in THREE DAYS, without receiving prior notification of his inability to send turns, I need to know now. I will email your missing opponent. If I do not hear from him in 24 hours I will take over his games. I will be ruthless about this. I will snatch the game right out from under you if an opponent complains about you. smile.gif

This post will be emailed to all tourney participants.

Fight On!

Treeburst155 out.

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