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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×



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Okay, okay, the concept is cool.

No, I haven't played the demo yet.

Yes, I can understand that in game-play terms the panzerwurfer can actually represent different types of close assault weapons. Okay, great.

Brass tacks: the panzerwurfer was basically a hand-thrown anti-tank mine using a HEAT warhead. They were a bad idea.

Here's what you do: get a water-balloon and tie a 3 foot streamer to it. Make sure it weighs a few kilo's. Alright, that's your ersatz panzerwurfer.

Now, get some buddies together. They're gonna be the bad guys. Give 'em all BB guns. Tell them to try to shoot you. Now, hide in some bushes while your buddies hunt you. Use a passing car to simulate a tank.

This is getting good! Okay, throught that panzerwurfer (underhand so the stabilizer will deploy properly) and hope for the car. OW!! OW!! Those BB's hurt! Crap. The water balloon landed 30' away. And I started 10 feet from the moving car.

That's how to play panzerwurfer toss.

It's a piece of merde.


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Yeah, I agree.

As for working well in CMBB, I'll have to buy my copy to find out.

Anything better? Well, yeah. The Germans used many prepared, semi-improvised and improvised close-in anti-tank weapons. Panzerfausts and ATMM come to mind. Grenade bundles. Teller mines. Satchel charges. Etc. (Two smoke grenades tied together with a short length of twine. Looped over the cannon provides an instant and sustained smokescreen for guy number 2 to place a charge and run.)

In short, all sources I've ever seen (and I've read 80% of all books written on WWII ( smile.gif remember that one?? smile.gif )), show that the panzerwurfer was a failed design.


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Sure it was a failed design...it worked, but using it, as you said, was so hazardus that something better was needed.

As you said, they made numerous other explosive toys, made an 88mm bazooka copy, and eventually made their excellent panzerfaust.

But lots of those toys just didn't exist in the early war. As a German infantryman, I'd want any weapon I could get my hands on that would stand a chance of damaging a tank.

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