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CMBB Demo Crashing on Citadel Scenario


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Oooppsss... a little slow to post. Well, I'm not sure if Madmatt wants these or not, but I assume he can use the info.

If you're having game crashes and it isn't from clicking on a bailed German crew, then I suggest emailing your saved games to Madmatt. I suggest titling your email "CMBB Demo Bug:..." and give a quick, few word description of the crash. Also mention if it happens in a particular scenario.

In the email detail what you did (or the closest you can recall) to cause the crash. Also mentioned what happens, do you crash to the desktop, but the computer still runs; do you get an error message or does your computer completely lockup; does the audio keep playing after the screen freezes, etc. You may also want to list your system specs like so:

Windows XP

Pentium 3 800

GeForce 2 GTS

v. 30.82 video drivers

FSAA: OFF (if you have such a feature)

DirectX 8.1

Sound Blaster Live

Tyan Trinity 400 motherboard (or chipset: VIA 694X)

Some of you may not know these details, but provide whatever you can find out. Madmatt hasn't asked for these himself as of yet, so don't bombard him with multiple emails over the exact same problem (unless something different occurs or you have more information).

[ September 04, 2002, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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hmmm.. I´m experiencing game freezes every 10 min. The first thing I did was get all the latest drivers (now I know what motherboard I have). But still, I get a complete gamefreeze, with no possibilty to get to desktop. Since I use Windows XP, going to desktop would have allowed some analysis. I´ve actually given up on playing the demo.

My specs are:

Win XP

Athlon +1800

Nvidia Geforce4 ti4200

Detonator XP driver

SB Live!

Packard Bell Explorer motherboard

512 mb ram

directx 8.1

should I send an email or is it my hardware/software compatibilty?

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Originally posted by Schatzi:

hmmm.. I´m experiencing game freezes every 10 min. The first thing I did was get all the latest drivers (now I know what motherboard I have). But still, I get a complete gamefreeze, with no possibilty to get to desktop. Since I use Windows XP, going to desktop would have allowed some analysis. I´ve actually given up on playing the demo.

Have you tried downloading a new copy of the demo? Your first d/l might have been corrupted.
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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

I think I saw some discussion, probably in the tech support forum, that concluded that CM just isn't happy under XP.


Well that simply is not true at all. I have been running CMBB on XP since before XP was even released to the public and have never encountered any issues that were not the fault of drivers or a misconfiguration at some level.


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Ok first thx to your replies.

I downloaded the game again (eliminating possibility of corrupted game) and yet the game crashed again. This time it chashed only after 30 min. and rebooted, allowing for an internal analysis. Windows identified it as a Nvidia drivers problem.

The thing is however, I had already downloaded their latest 30.82 driver version before and got those crash probs. I then proceeded to download the detonator drivers (no idea if they replace the nvidia drivers or just assist - I am a computer newbie) and had the crashes.

So now I´m back to downloading the 30.82 driver version of nvidia and will replace(?) the detonator drivers. Well we´ll see. I´ll give it another shot.

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For the record, I never made any such comment about XP myself in regards to CMBB.

Shatzi - you may want to uninstall your NVidia drivers before applying any newer ones. I'm not familiar with the Packard Bell Explorer motherboard, do you know what chipset it is based on ? Have you installed any chipset drivers (these sometimes help with AGP issues).

Since it is taking 30 minutes before you crash, your problem may actually be heat related rather than driver related. The crashing NVidia driver may just be the software side of a hardware crash. Do you know if your video card is getting adequate ventilation (too many cables surrounding it or a PCI card too close) ? It's possible that it may be warming up just a little too much and within 30 minutes it crashes (though you would often expect to see graphic corruption with an overheating video card). You may want to try running with your case off and check the temperature of the card's heatsink from time to time and see if you can tell if it is getting too hot (which is probably hard to judge anyway since the heatsink is definitely going to be very warm to the touch).

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Thx for your concern Schrullenhaft.

Well so far I have had no crashes with the reinstalled nvidia drivers (they could have been corrupted since I did have virusprotector and firewall running while downloading/installing).

I don´t think it is heat related, since although it is a small casing crammed with cards and chips, I have run graphics-heavy games such as Morrowind at high resolution without a glitch. Also there is no gradual graphics corruption - just a sudden freeze without warning.

As fot the chipset, I had a look at the packardbell homepage: explorer motherboard: MS-6511 VIA chipset.

Anyhow I hope the crashes are a thing of the past. But I will heed your advice and keep the casing open. (I just hope my 2 and 5 year olds don´t think all those cables and cards are highly interesting and need a spontaneous stress test).

regards ralf

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Well, if you don't expect that it is overheating, I'd leave the case cover on. Your children or some other accident is more likely to do damage than leaving the cover on.

If you're running another graphics heavy 3D game without problem than I wouldn't suspect your video card of heat-related failure either.

I definitely recommend in the future that you uninstall your current video driver before applying a newer one (even if it is only a newer Detonator). Leaving the antivirus off during installs is a good idea too since it's possible that they may interfere at some point during the install.

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