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usless shermans

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ok i checked out old posts and they all say the same thing mass rush hide run ect. so what the hell do i do with my tracked coffins?

i had three sherms and one tiger killed them all in two rounds. all i got were cannon balls bouncing off the merimack type of thing.

should i run and hide and wait to mass them with my reinforcements?

should i just send the sherms out to see what shoots at them sinc they will get killed anyway?

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Try Sherman Jumbos smile.gif A lone Sherman (not a Jumbo or Firefly) against a Tiger is like a Stuart against a Panther (well, not exactly, but you take my point). It's just not an even match as far as armor and gun, so you can't expect to engage the Tiger and live without using cunning.

Use Tophat and Lowsky, shoot and scoot, hunt in packs, and if at all possible sneak around the Tiger--they're horribly slow and their turret traverse is equally poor. And remember that a bazooka can take one out from the rear easily--you don't have to rely solely on Shermans to take the Tiger out.


To refrain from imitation is the best revenge. --Marcus Aurelius

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When using Shermans you must keep in mind exactly how weak they are, and plan all of your strategy around that. Never engage a stronger tank in a frontal assault, even if you have superior numbers you will end up with a phyrric victory. Instead, you should try to put the enemy tanks in as disadvantageous of a situation as you can. I would suggest attempting to get fire in from several different angles, which will usually rip anything apart before it can even start to respond.

You could also try to use a fast, cheap vehicle as a red herring to draw enemy fire while you deploy your Shermans, that also seems to work well unitl your opponent catches on.


"War is like a cat, it is easy to let out of the bag, but hard as hell to put back in!"


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The way to use Shermans against heavier German tanks is in teams. Pair off two Shermans, and assign some infantry to work with each of them - a squad each will do, split into pairs of half squads for each tank in the pair.

The team works seperated, not bunched up. One on the right, one on the left. The infantry goes first - use the half-squad without a BAR in it for the probing role (45 squads each has one BAR, so use either). The BAR half squad covers and takes over if the first gets torched.

The infantry job is to *spot* for its tank. Keep the tank in dead ground, low or behind a wood or building, until your infantry gets a gander at what is ahead. When the infantry gets to the front of an obstacle, building or treeline etc - then pull the tank up behind that obstacle. The infantry sees what is ahead again.

When you spot a German tank, what you want to do is have the left or the right tank-team set up to engage it, depending on which way it is facing. If it is facing sort of towards both of them, then you may have to send both at once, one a little after the other. The goal is to get a flank shot on the tank, obviously. It can't face two directions at once, so if your team is properly seperated one or the other should have a flank.

The infantry are going first, because you cannot afford to nose around with your tanks leading. If you do, like as not the first you see of the enemy tank will be its front, and it will torch one of your tanks with your other one not in position to take it out in turn.

How do you ensure that the team can see the same spot, and do not get taken down by two different German tanks? You peek out from behind obstacles, on the interior side. So the left tank in the team peeks out of the right side of its obstacle, and the right tank peeks out of the left side of its obstacle, and their lines of sight converge on some point ahead of the center-line of the team. The direct lines forward from each are masked by the obstacles in front of them.

See the idea? Their lines of sight are an inverted "V", with its apex on some spot of the German line. Each peeking from behind some obstacle. The infantry will have occupied that obstacle first, so there will not be a Panzerfaust waiting when you crawl up to next it, and you will effectively be able to see through it without the enemy being able to see you through it.

Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork. It is all about teamwork.

Infantry probes and spots. You can idle the engines once behind an obstacle to try to listen for enemy tanks, too. One half-squad in the obstacle, the tank behind it, the other half-squad already on its way to the next position if nothing was seen from this one. The whole seperated team of 2 tanks and 4 half-squads crawls forward like stepping legs.

Be patient. Adapt the whole process to the lay of the terrain, but that is the basic idea.

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In urban combat, shermans can take on an even number of Tigers, no problem. Just use the back alleys to get around the tigers, and go for flank shots. Turret speed is the key factor here, and the sherm will beat the tiger hands down.

Still believe Sherms are useless, even after all these excellent tips? See http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/011379.html It's really, really funny.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

[This message has been edited by 109 Gustav (edited 01-11-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Beer_n_Pretzels:

Remember these three things hwen engaging nasty German tanks with your wafer-armoured shermans:

1. Tophat & Lowsky

2. Flank attacks

3. Hull down positions

search for them on this forum and also the CM Combat HQ.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

4. Use smoke

5. Use more smoke

6. Lucky HE may knock off a tread

7. In clear daylight conditions, a fighter bomber will "even" things up.

8. Snipers will button them up.

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