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Review of some scenarios from the s. depot (at combathq)

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This is mainly my comments to the authors of some scenarios I've d/led from combathq. I've played all these as the Allies, I generally don't play Axis, so all reviews are of that side of the battle. I'd love to hear what other people thought about them (but forgive my spelling mistakes smile.gif ). Each review contains spoiler info about that scen, I'll try to keep it minimal, but there is officially a:

***********SPOILER WARNING**************

Combat - Hills are for Heros

(Wild Bill Wilder)

This was definately a cool concept, a very faithful adaptation of the TV show. The problem was the lack of tactical options. It would have been nice to have a larger set up area (with some cover) or some more time. Another option would have been to make to platoons, one with two squads and the LT and another with one squad lead by the SGT (the main character, forgot his name). This would have kept basically the same force size while allowing some manuver.

Schijndel Road: CC Based

(Doug Teachworth)

An excellent scenario! The terrain was very interesting, mostly flat, but with subtle contours that are missing from computer gen maps. The Axis force mix was quite intimidating, but still the scenario was quite ballanced. This is definately one of the best scenarios I've played.

Elsdorf-Giants Clash!

(Wild Bill Wilder)

A great scenario, good intro to the Perishing. The map was quite interesting, offering many avenues of advance and forcing you to use most of them (as the 4 VLs are spread across your line of advance). The combined infantry and tank fighting in the little city of Elsdorf was very exciting and the surprises thrown into the German tank OOB were cool. Good use of pillboxes and mines as well.

Foggy Morning in the Garden

(Matt Hernbold)

A solid scenario, but not an outstanding one. My problems with it were that the terrain was relitively uninteresting and that the Axis was a bit underpowered (IMO). With the allies overwhelming tank superiority it was easy to chase the germans from the village. Scouting with infantry discovered all the gun emplacements before they could affect me. The tank attack at the end was well executed, enough tanks and infantry to through the Aillies off balance, but the overwhelming numerical tank superiority of the Allies won the day. I would sugest reducing the number of allied tanks by 1 or 2.

Dam Busting

(Samuel Onervas)

A really cool map, but an uninteresting scenario. The real problem is the lack of tactical options... you can go across the bridge, or you can go across the bridge. Not sure how to solve this problem, possibly by giving the allies a small flanking force on the Germans far right. Great map though!

Tiger Corner

(Harry Broaddus)

Very reminicent of Esldorf (above). If I had to choose just one, it would be Esldorf, but I enjoyed this as well. There need to be more VLs, possibly one in German terretory to encourage counter attack and defaintely one on the Allied right.

Veghel Town

(Kris Handshin)

A great scenario with a few minor terrain glitches. I love the way this one develops, starting with just two infantry platoons you advance and gradually are given more reenforcements. First two more platoons and then a reenforced company and tanks! This is a very long map as well, so your forces get spread out and you have to balance maintaining the advance with attacking with your full force. The way I played it, the company didn't even really come into play, but had I been even a turn slower I would have needed it to break through a reenforced german line. The terrain is great except for one gripe. The river has a bit of a hill in it. The water is also level 7, and the map gets down to level 5. Except under exceptional circumstances, water should generally be the lowest thing on the map. All in all though, a great scenario!

Well, that's about it. If people enjoy this sort of thing (to help them decide what to play (I've seen some questions)) I can keep it up. Hope the authors take this in the spirit it is ment, constructive criticism. Thanks for your hard work in making 'em!


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Thanks also for the feedback. I will be posting a revised 'Veghel Town' soon that fixes the terrain problems (including that lovely, totally out of the blue ditch in the middle!)

Kris Handshin


I'm always in the ****, it's only the depth that varies.

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Great reviews, we need more of this kind of stuff from CM players.

See, I didn't know Schijndel road was that great of a scenario. Now I'm gonna go play it. smile.gif


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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A comment on designing rivers: They should at least run down hill and not wash up the embankments or have hills in them. That is to look good.

Roads have the same problems with elevations but are a little more tolerant visually. Where they definitely suck is when elevation changes that result in slopes on the road. That interferes with traffic.

I have not investigated whether assualt boats can negoiate slopes on rivers or even whether that feature even applies to rivers. It might be for all I know that an assault boat might be able to ascend a verticle waterfall.

I really don't personally have any problem with the gentle slopes that appear in rivers when they decend one elevation level. It just creates a small rapid and is visually acceptable to me. This is probably unrealistic for rivers in large reigons of Europe, but in terrain with a lot of relief, perhaps not so unrealistic.

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Good point on maps. Initially they seem very easy, but getting all that terrain lined up according to proper height requires both patience and practice.

Often one is so into the scenario itself that it is easy to overlook details on the map. But most gamers will notice and it takes something away from the battle itself.

Good point...WB


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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I really don't personally have any problem with the gentle slopes that appear in rivers when they decend one elevation level. It just creates a small rapid and is visually acceptable to me.


I generally don't like any elevation change in a river, just because while 2.5m might be reasonable for a km of river, it is not reasonable for 20m (the distance the change is actually occuring on). I do like the idea of a slope as rapids. Putting a ford tile or two on the area where the elev change is occuring would add to the "rapids" affect.

Wild Bill -- its Maastrictian, two "a"s. It is the name of the final period of time that the dinosaurs were alive in (a subdivision of the Cretaceous). Dinosaurs are my first love, after mil history.

All -- Check out my "Recon" scenario, now on the CombatHQ depot. I'd love to see a review of it! (I think its pretty good, but these things always need work)


[This message has been edited by Maastrictian (edited 08-14-2000).]

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