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Stories of bravery....

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ok, so we've had funniest moments and favourite looking AFVs, now its time to celebrate the heroes.

Its early days in CMBB land but there must be stories of heroism already.

I have a CMBO tale to tell but no CMBB yet.

After two turns of a 30 turn QB a Panther of mine was immobilised behind a house, seriously limiting its field of fire. But sure enough the entire enemy armoured column advanced and ended up losing a priest, 2 Jumbos and 3 half tracks.

A Hellcat managed to sneak round the back of my Panther only to be taken out by a Panzerschreck that I advanced to cover just such an event.

Then a whole platoon entered the house and one after the other squad after squad assaulted it to no avail, the Panther kept pumping rounds into the building until it collapsed!

By the end of the game there were 45 infantry casualties lying around caused by this one tank!

The Panther lived to fight another day and I won the battle.

Heroes I salute you! smile.gif

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I have one... played an allied probe as germans against a friend of mine... i get 2 pz III and one pz IV... the panzer IV gets knocked by an aircraft and the other pz III gets hammered by a t-26... The third gets immobilised in a grain field. My opponent does everything he can to kill it since it has complete line of sight to all avenues of approach... He assaults it with pioneers and t-26/bt-7 tanks. In the end the pzIII survives with 88 infantry kills and 10 tank kills. My personal hero. :D

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In one scenario, the center of my defensive front was a small, light building occupied by an American half-squad and his platoon HQ. Areas around the house were basically firelanes for support units.

By the time the German infantry swarm ceased to matter, the half-squad and HQ had accounted for an entire platoon (that's /confirmed/ kills), without breaking or even budging. Youch.

Oh, and in the Bocage Maze scenario, I managed to charge the KT with a Stuart, which managed to immobilize the former before getting knocked out.


Defending "A Morning at the Zoo", ISTR that my troops in and near the Primate House held up rather well -- numerous kills, and they held the position despite pretty heavy opposition.

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I'm just putting together an AAR from a battle I played this afternoon against the AI, using a conscript pioneer company to attack dug-in Russian forces in a large town. Final result - 96/4 in my favour, but it will show how it's possible to attack well-equipped enemy forces with conscript troops.

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The M-8 gun howitzer from hell

Once upon a time in CMBO. I had a infantry company and assorted infantry support and 1 Gun motor carriage with a 75mm howitzer.

It proceeded to demolish an attacking force, final score 11 enemy tanks* and AG and 12 infantry.

1. Never missed a shot, all shots were kills and 10 were explosive. Yep ever time this boy seemed to shoot an AFV brewed up...staggering.

I won and oddly didn't suffer a single casualty, a very strange battle

*Pz IVs and mighty Stugs

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I played a game a cople days ago where a German Tank Destruction team found itself the only salvation for its badly pressed company in a tough city fight. This pair of brave soles ran into the street to take on three different T-70s in three different circumstances.

They managed to take out two of the three (which a squad took out later) and eliminated the crews with SMG fire. All the while they were peppered by various small arms fire and even some heavy fire. But they hardly missed a beat.

OK, so this doesn't even come close to the PzIII story above (FANTASTIC ONE!), but these two guys kept my right flank quite safe for most of the battle. And when you only have a company to take a small city with... this means a lot!


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